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Everything posted by Mace

  1. Ladies and scum, please let's all depart to the diningroom for Christmas Dinner!. (ie time for a new thread). Mace
  2. Merry Christmas! Let me take your hat and coat. Sit down, make yourself comfortable. I've got a present for you, all nicely giftwrapped. Open it now, please! It's some rules..... *********************************** If you can’t handle insults, Sod off. If you’re just here for a friendly chat, Sod off. If you can’t put a good challenge together, Sod off If you’re here to insult our fine ladies, Sod off. If you’re here to discuss the size of your old fella (and we don’t mean dad) or you just want to display your knowledge of genitalia terms, Sod off. In summary, <font size =8>Sod off</font>! ***************************************8 Oh. I just remembered, I hate you. *swipes back the gift* That's for someone more deserving! Now take your things and varmoose! Loser!! Mace
  3. HeeeeEEEEeeeeey, what happened to your handy hints? Come on, chop chop. Give Nightwatch a handy hint. Mace
  4. You disguise YOUR hatred, we'll bloody well do whatever we want with ours. Blatant hatred and the display of contempt is great whatever the time of year. Why there should be more of it! Bloody foreigners. *shakes head in disbelief* Mace
  5. In response: i) Was Vietnam anymore terrible a war than any of the others of the 20th century? ii) There have already been Vietnam based computer wargames released, some even way back in the 1980s. Including Battlefield Vietnam (electronic Arts) Conflict in Vietnam Microprose 1987 Squad battles: Vietnam (HPS) Squad battles: Tour of Duty (HPS) Nam 1965 – 1975 Metagraphic Software 1994 Platoon (PC) (Strategy First) Vietcong (take w interactive) Vietnam War: Ho Chi Minh Trail Epic Games In addition, there is an extremely large number of boardgames and miniature rules, as is listed at grognard So if battlefront does publish a game that is Vietnam based then it wouldn't be the first to do so. And personally, if a CM Vietnam generates some thought and discussion about what happened...then that's a good thing. Mace [ December 22, 2003, 04:47 PM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  6. And here's to a good outcome for your dad, Steve Mace
  7. Squirels love nuts, right? Well this particular squirel would be ecstatic given the size of his 'hoard'. *marks off today's 'to-do' list - make double entendre* But I digress. Let me tell you, it gave me great, great pleasure to killfile the mentioned email and then delete the email. There is satisfaction in dealing with a nong in that particular way, although I'd rather just lock him in a room with Seanachai and Lawyer for a few hours while they discuss great literary works and methods for costing rendered services. Mace btw Smarmy huh? That rolls off the tongue nicely and I will thus use it wherever possible.
  8. Yeh it was, even if it used 1 tree per 100 sq metres to represent thick jungle. Mace
  9. Welcome aboard Barman1950. Where about down under is your son situated? We can't have enough CM players down here in Oz. Mace
  10. I'd prefer both...and a smattering of CM Korea as well. Nice to dream. Mace
  11. Smooth! Very smooth. I love those winning first-move lines. I would get both a PC AND a Mac. You can never have enough computers IMHO. Mace
  12. Yes, but I do hold the power of the Rubber Stamp! The life-time wait for the unprocessed misfiled application form! The long reach of informal links and favors owed between we government workers. And I'm not afraid to use them!!! be afraid, be very afraid! *stamps rejected* Mace [ December 20, 2003, 06:14 PM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  13. *squeek* *click click* *squeeeeeeek* *honk* Of course.... *click squeek honk* .... I blame CMplayer.... *squeeeeek honk honk* ...for this! *squeek* Mace
  14. Oh. And it's a cultural practice in the MBT. *stares* SaaaaaaaAAAAAay, how did you get to be so sticky? Mace
  15. I think just being you would be loss enough. Why punish yourself further? Mace
  16. Oh only like 50,000 times so far! Mace
  17. Pffft, what a loser. I started my two week vacation yesterday and in my usual fashion, somewhat inebriated. (I love Christmas Office Parties). Mace
  18. Oh yeh, the nerd look goes down well with Kitty. Hey what am I doing here? This is isn't the MBT!!! Crikey! *flees* Mace
  19. Oh yeh, the nerd look goes down well with Kitty. Hey what am I doing here? This is isn't the MBT!!! Crikey! *flees* Mace
  20. More accurately Perth, Western Australia ...which is as far away from us as we can get him. Mace [ December 19, 2003, 04:32 PM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  21. And you pride yourself on research and accurate information sources, and berate others for innacuracy? Mace
  22. And you pride yourself on research and accurate information sources, and berate others for innacuracy? Mace
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