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Everything posted by Mace

  1. Bored? Your liege shall process a turn for you, then. btw, who puts the Challenge in the Peng? You didn't! By royal decree, fixeth it. Mace [ April 09, 2004, 07:12 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  2. *wanders up the stairs after a 5 day stock take of the royal wine cellar* Our good Nidan1, wiped out much like your forces in your game with Kitty? That must be a wipe out of massive proportions! *concerned* btw I do hopeth that you don't confuse the add 5 inches and keep it up with viagra emails with the emails from the *cough* fine MBTers you are playing. Wouldn't want the spammers getting your PBEM turns now, do we? Mace [ April 08, 2004, 09:03 PM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  3. I LOVE THAT BAND!!! We'll I used to until I discovered you like them too. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: Mace
  4. That, that, that. Where's the challenge? KING (THIS SPACE FOR RENT) MACE
  5. Hmmmm, the 'royal we' might have just the thing. A little piece called blister that Kitty and We have been working on for a couple of month. *entertwines fingers thoughtfully, then leers evily* We think blister is quite an apt name. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!! *wipes some spittle from the corner of his mouth* Oh, but first we need to provide some text. Give me an hour. Forget the largesse however. We don't want to look like dalem in his pimp outfit. Law? Our uber-sheep shock troops have now claimed New Zealand in the name of the MBT!!! Hail the MBT! KING (GIVE ME SHEEP OR GIVE ME DEATH) MACE
  6. See? I knew you were working the other side of the street. </font>
  7. (The Royal) we have noticed that you like doing that quite a lot and thus we are very concerned about your failing eyesight, and hairy palms. Here.... *flips a gold coin that slipped behind the throne* ...go see a pyschyatr.... Sikiarati.... a shrink! MACE THE (THOUGHTFUL, CARING) KING
  8. The King does not walk! He gets carried around in those big chair on sticks thingies by scantily clad stenographers. Now entertain me, your Royal Highness is bored. KING MACE
  9. *YAWN* Oh sorry? You were talking to me? I didn't realize you were talking to me because you failed to use the normal standards of addressing royalty. You know...mere details..calling me by my title like 'my liege', 'Your Royal Highness', 'great one who's muddied boots I'm not worthy to kiss'..but these are mere details that shouldnt worry you. Your most royal highness would only be too happy to arrange 'the wave' for you...by ecstatic peasants...during your beheading. KING MACE
  10. King! You mean the King (ie me) shall be pleased with this awe inspiring display of loyalty. Think of it this way, you can't be having anarchy arising from the power vacuum caused by the missing queen. What will the neighbours think? Now be a good serf and go fetch me slippers, today... like now... like before I decide to feed you to Grue... there's a good stickypigsty. KING MACE [ April 05, 2004, 05:36 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  11. *walks into the thrown room, makes himself confortable on the royal thrown, then leans over to V8bellows* [not so serious]She told me she detests you. Yep. You are a blight on humanity and an annoyance given your incessant brown nosing and seeking of royal favors. You and your ilk are the prime reason why guillotines are a good thing.... *wiggles his bottom to get more comfortable, then pretends to wave at a phantom audience* ...and thats why she no longer appears. It's not a good thing for one of royal personage to projectile vomit - the urge of which she needs to supress everytime you are near! So begone!!! [/not so serious] Hey, since this thing's not in use and pretty comfortable! Thus, as senior Kniiigit, and given the old ones aren't here either - I'll make an exec decision and declare myself King Mace of the MBT! Bow to my greatness, and go feed my flock. KING MACE
  12. FYI. And as for the trolling, given your nickname I guess it'll be OK for me to signup on this forum as Buy a PC? Mace
  13. Well....You provided the link. HEY! How come you keep pictures like that anyhow? :mad: :mad: :mad: Mace
  14. That look worked on me. *I'd insert a winky here but such practises are frowned upon by local management* :mad: :mad: :mad: Mace
  15. Ya! A lady never tells, and a gentleman never asks. Or is that a lady never farts, and a gentleman never asks? I forget. :mad: :mad: :mad: While I'm here - Macey's beer content: To drink my weight, I would have to chug 146 pints of beer!or 236 bottles of beer! How big is your beer belly? Mace
  16. Oh Sorry, I thought you were talking to me. *returns to writing 1st quarter report card* Report Card************* Speedy: I have very high hopes for Speedy, because he chooses to die in large numbers and behaves in the way I would expect from a decent PBEM opponent (ie lose). Mark B+ Noba, however, is a ill-behaved student who brought lots of AFVs while I went infantry, and then had the audacity to destroy my sole 75mm AT with an artil barage! A very disruptive element. He is a prime example of a poor opponent to play, and his skill in this regard has slipped substantially from the previous times I have played him. I expect him to apply himself better by losing next time! Mark D- Kitty: Mark A++++ just for looking good in tight leather. ************************************* There, report done. I'm off to patrol the school grounds - appears to be some crazed Scot riding around on a bike, offering boiled sweeties to the very young. A stick in the spokes should do the trick. Mace
  17. I'm a parent. Was it good for you? *smokes a casual cigarette after the event* COUGH! COUGH!!! *gasp* Just remembered...don't *gasp* smoke!! :mad: :mad: :mad: Mace
  18. Now that you do point it out, Morearty, OGSF does seem more fond of his wee small doggy than one should be. Mace
  19. Wahoooo! Finally, a game about knee, elbow, wrist and ankle surgery. Something we've all be waiting for. Mace
  20. *picks up a thistle, looks at it, then nibbles on it thoughfully* Bugger! And here I was thinking he looks great in a dress. Mace
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