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Everything posted by Mace

  1. Hmmm, good idea Kitty, it's retribution time! I find Mike's signature about me offensive. I demand that he put it back in his signature block so he can remove it. :mad: :mad: :mad: Mace
  2. From the bowels of the original Peng I Take Our Challenge Public, this fine command of the English language: They don't make SSNs like they used to. *sigh* Mace
  3. As a member of the Australian tax-playing public, I demand a copy of the ADF CMAK. Hey, it's worth a try. Mace
  4. Oh? err.... Ok then. Fellow Aussies, keep giving the drongo a bit of stick.* Mace *Translation for Seanachai: Fellow Australians, continue dealing with Seanachai in a consistant manner.
  5. Actually it's today here, yesterday there. Or is it early today there, and late today here? Perhaps it's your tomorrow here, and my yesterday there? Oh WE get so confuddled! KING (GREATLY CONFUSED) MACE
  6. No, always had those. Union rules suggests breaks every now and then *puts crown back on and goes back to sit on throne* KING MACE
  7. Just as well you weren't using them! *concerned* Mace
  8. pfffft....toy scale. Only the criminaly insane like yourselves would model in that scale. 1/48, 1/35 or 1/16 is the way to go. Mace
  9. Actually WE hate it! In fact, it was while WE were doing first year Organic and Physical Chemistry at Uni when WE said to the lecturer "Hey you, lecturer! WE hate it when people use Chemistry terms to impress people. Especially the blond babes! WE also hate it when people try to impress others with their academic ability. Especially those wankers who like to put a few letters after their names" Of course he responded that he didn't know why WE just didn't pay for women like the Biology Chemists did, but WE responded "Yeh, but WE happen to be a student. You know perpetually broke (and drunk)" Chicks are those soft creatures with two pointy bits at the front, just below their shoulders. Thought that would help. King Mace B.SC(Hons) Grad.Dip(App.Sc)
  10. Who else feels an important step has been taken in Axe's rehabilitation? Mace
  11. ...and stop sniffing ketones. KING (ALSO OH&S OFFICER) MACE
  12. Saturday Evening actually. Now go make your king happy and go pester Boo. He has illusions of granduer, dont-cha-know? KING MACE
  13. TRIAL! Hey, if it means stenographers, WE're willing to go with it. KING (*drools*) MACE
  14. Come to think of it....he owes me a turn at well! BASTAGE! YOUR KING COMMANDS YOU TO SEND A TURN!!! (TIS GOOD TO BE THE..) KING MACE
  15. I'm an Aussie too, Blue Streak. Seriously, it's fine to order it on-line, and you should get it in a reasonable time. Mace
  16. Will the aircraft skins/graphics be available for manipulating, and will the the skins be shared between players during a session (as in IL2 for example), or will they only be available locally to each player (as in the CM series)? It'd be nice to add 'kill markings' or 'other messages' to the aircraft, and share those with the other players during a multiplayer session. Hmmmm personalised messages for Harv or Emrys? Muahahahahahahahahahaha! Mace
  17. I didn't! HAPPY <font size = 1>belated</font> BIRTHDAY, ya bloody yank nong. I'll buy you a beer if we ever meet physically. Hell, I might just buy you two. <font size = 1> Oh feck feck FECK! I feel all bloody dirty exchanging pleasantries with you. This is a stain that will never wash away!</font> Mace [ May 11, 2004, 06:56 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  18. Oh bugger, Boo's got the tiddly-winks and the lime cordial all ready to go, in the expectation that a good time will be had by all. Couldn't we just have another trial for some infraction, just so we can ...*drool*... see the stenographers again? KING MACE
  19. I do believe Brian Rock and I did try playing the supersoldier rules, and something about taking out a tank comes to mind. Maybe Brian can recall much better than I can, because this would be circa 1976 or 77? Btw Brian had a copy of SPI's 'patrol' which was an rural version to the Urban based 'sniper', and just as much fun. All this talk about classic boardgames makes me want to drag them out of storage and set them up again. Mace
  20. Matilda IIs alright. And I do believe, an Axe2121 in front of it. Does that make me a waffle grog? Mace
  21. Pfffft. I'm not envious. Let's see. Started the day with Suzi Quatro's Quatro. Moved to Dokken's Beast from the East (live dontcha know) Now listening to Def Leppard....loud. PS In Australia, a Bog(g) is something you accidently step into, then try to remove from your boots in case it stinks out the house. Mace
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