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George MC

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Everything posted by George MC

  1. Are you selecting smoke when you plot the mission? It's easy to miss the smoke setting when you call it in. I know I've done it a few times myself when I've been in a hurry (playing RT).
  2. I'm going to pinch that idea for the next QB PBEM I play...
  3. Just to clarify - this QB are you launching it from the QB menu in-game or are you playing it as a standalone scenario. Can't mind for sure but in the QB section does it give you the option of choosing an exit battle (If I recall it mentions attack/probe etc etc)? I'm not to clued up on QBs - Mark Ezra is the QB genius - but I'm thinking it might be something to do with how QBs are set-up and the options but TBH I'm speculating at this.
  4. Nice one Mord - I've not played about with the shallow ford to that extent - like the look
  5. Haa... A QB eh? Hmm not sure if that should make a differance. Is the defending unit a human controlled unit?
  6. Purchase the battalion, the delete what you don't want. This method was done to maintain realsitic C2 links between units. I think there are other threads about this on the forum so a wee search might throw up some more detail (the manual has more info as well). Cheers fur noo George
  7. Errmm yup that's what the manual says - but by denying the enemy points by it exiting you win points. Might be ma wee brain ain't picking up the nuances of that So not sure what's incorrect here - exited units do fade away after a few moments and you a/ will deny the enemy points by doing so, so in turn you 'win' points?
  8. Not sure - one of the scenarios in the German campaign uses this conecpt and it works fine. If you want send the file over to me and I'll check it out.
  9. Cheers bud - I'll pick it up this evening when I get home
  10. Oh yeah - still at work Andy so get my turns to you this evening. Bloody bored at work...
  11. One thing worth minding - is how long they take to fade away and at what stage they cannot be targetted (If I recall once they fade away - at any point prior to then they are fair game). In CMX1 units just used to immediately disappear when using exit zones, i like this way as escaping units don't just go 'blip' and are gone, this fading away suggest the vehcile driving off and gradaully fading or disappearing from view (into cover etc).
  12. You get points for units that exit. Paint the zone on the map, make it an exit zone. If you drive a unit up to the map it'll stay put then gradually fade away. You get points for the unit exiting. Worth playing about with it in a wee test scenario to see how the points etc work. A wee design tip is be careful in putting an exit zone close to a set-up zone - it's very easy to have a unit inadvertantly exit the map that way! I speak from experience
  13. You can design and build your in scenarios in the game using the editor. This allows you to build and map and choose what units are in your scenario. Withing the broad constraints of the TOE you can choose what type of vehcile, weapons etc you can use within the selected timescale of your scenario. CMBN covers the main US and German forces facing them June to August. The scenarios in the demo are mostly set around the July/August period. So yeah M4A3 can be in the scenarios. Likewise German MG42s. You can choose how many of these weapons are in each unit by tweaking the options in the editor. It is possible to have a mix of MG42s and MG34s or have all MG34s or have all MG42s - that mix to some extant can be chosen by the scenario designer. Not sure about what you mean with the scout teams having MP40s?
  14. Can you send me the save game please to georgemc at coldclimbs dot com Ta!
  15. Or a bike? To be fair the CMSF manual link, well it is an Aussie who hosts it - blame Australia. <feck, where's the back door...>
  16. Oh crap... I've stumbled into and posted onto a Peng thread. Oh sweet jesus...
  17. Well thnaks mate I must admit I like the contrast between the sneaky pete sort of start, advancing to contact then the close in fighting latter in the scenario. I'm thinking about creating a monster map but with small armoured units both sides on more open terrain. Not historical but I'm keen to play around on Ost Front terrain with this game. The map in Huzzar took a long time. I must admit I never kept note of the time but yeah probably about five days work - 45 hours min. The time is taken up with creating all the fields and bocage network. Maps in CMSF took way less time mainly because the terrain was more open. That's another reason we had fewer standalone scenarios in the release as the maps just took us way longer to create. Still the three campaigns (including Paper Tigers superb one) and all their scenarios more than make up for it.
  18. Yeah overall the demo missions were designed to be 'soft' for new players to CMX2. In saying that if you have never played CMX2 before i.e. no experience of CMSF then you may find the demo scenarios level of challenge a wee bit higher than someone who has experience of CMSF. Playing them H2H may be a very differant experience as I found out with Busting The Bocage and am just starting to experience in Closing The Pocket! Alternatively could well be you are a tactical genius
  19. Snipers are pretty good at picking off TCs. I've lost a fair few in Carbide Carbide for example. Also lost TCs to incoming arty landing close. Generally though they are quick to drop down when in action if they start taking heavy small arms fire.
  20. Aw shucks Always nice to be appreciated! @Wiggum - I did three scenarios in total for CMBN. Huzzar; Carbide Carbide; Busting The Bocage. TBH the quality of all the scenarios in the game is evry high I think. All the guys have really got to grips with creating scenarios both using the editor and creating AI Plans. Whatever you play in CMBN I reckon you'll have a grand time!
  21. Although you cannot cross attach units 'on the fly' you can do in the scenario editor. I did this for the US units in Busting The Bocage. So you purchase a company. You then click on the compnay HQ or a subsidary platoon HQ, then click the formations button and selct say a team. That team when purchase is attached to the selected HQ and benefits from it's C2. So in your eaxample if you were creating a company force for an attack (in the editor) you could attach MG units; armour; artillery etc - all these would then be under the C2 of the selected parent HQ. It's worth scenario designers knowing this as it can help the player 'in battle' if the appropriate C2 links are set-up before action. Just to be clear this can only be doen in the scenario editor by the scenario designer.
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