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Everything posted by rune

  1. JasonC, I easily found two accounts of Stukas given credit for stopping a Russian Tank assault. However, it depends if you think General Rauss was a reliable source or not. He also mention that in 1945 the IL2 was quite effective, and specifically mentions losing 8 tanks in Prussia in one attack, but without number, it doesn't mean anything. Oh on the Stuka attacks, they read as an exception rather then the rule. Can give you book name and pages if interested, but my understanding is his credibility is iffy at best. Rune
  2. Joebob Shaw , NGCavscout is a Knight in the House of Rune. You acknowledged it many moons ago...doesn't surprise me you can't remember, 1/2 of the time you don't remember which city you are in. NGCavscout, humour the poor justiciar and send him a photo post haste. No no no, one of you, not a Mormon Wife. Oh, while playing in the Sandbox, do not fear for the Packers, they aren't going to do anything this season anyway. Rune
  3. Jura, Run a search and give me the locations and versions of any core.exe you find. Rune
  4. Jura, Can you try something for me. Go into directx and turn the sound hardware acceration off by moving the cursor all the way to the left. let me know if it changes anything. Rune
  5. Reason I asked is there is a known MS buig between SP2 and DivX 5.2. I will continue to search. The error you show directly points to activemovie, so am approaching it that way. Rune
  6. Jura, Do you have DivX Codec installed, and if you do, what version is it? This is available from add/remove programs. Rune
  7. rune

    We want demo !

    No Alpha demo, beta demo when it is ready. Rune
  8. Jura, Activemovie is part of the operating system, what operating system are you running? Rune
  9. JasonC, Where, ANYWHERE, did i say anything of the sort? I have no idea about the composition of the armour, the BHN, the materials the shells were made out of, the shape of the nose and the materials of the nose of the shell, etc. I am not afraid to admit that is all above me. Soddball, Yes, if the engine could be changed it would be have to be addressed. I would love to see curved armour handled better, as well as variations of tank armour. T34 tank armour varied greatly by factory, by the mold of the casting and its wear, if Natalia sneezed that day, etc. There are even American test reports on the T34 that showed bubles in the armour!!! I would love to see each plate treated differently then a flat plane. I love love to factor in the actual size of the front armour pieces, that a small turret that has 18% of the front surface be treated differently then on that covers 35%. Bottom line: there is a lot I would like to see change, but it won't happen unless there is a new engine. Oh look, there is a new engine being worked on... Rune
  10. Again you read into this...where did I ever say they just took range firings? The foloow-up by Valera saying they had problems with ammo came from tankers experience, not from range firings. You do realize the CMX1 uses a formula, and NOT tables for penetration data. The problems with accounts, is as Jon says, along with the "The Sherman is more then a match for the Tiger tank". How much was wrong, how much was because the result was an outlier, how much was just propaganda? I was just reading an American evaluation of the German opinion of the Grant Tank. "The Germans fear the Grant tank with the 75mm in the turret". Umm ok, show me a grant take like that. How about when veteran accounts differ? Have seen a lot of that. Veteran's memory also can be false, just plain remembering wrong. Look at Loza's recollation that they had the Sherman with the 76mm long gun before it was even built. Basically everything has to be factored in and a best guess made. Rune
  11. Tarball, This was posted in another thread before you posted your last. I will repost it here. Rune Hi guys, just dropping in to say that yes, work on a patch is going on, too, and this freezing issue that some of you have is the top on the list, and what the devs focus on primarily at this point. It just takes a little more time. Keep in mind that the devs are in Russia, that complicates things a little (even as far as getting some hardware etc.) Martin
  12. Bigduke, I know Lorrin and John Waters were in the beta, and both are quite knowledgable [massive understatement] on penetration values and effects. Matter of fact, they used German test firings of Russian weapons AND American test firings of Russian weapons, along with Valera's numbers. Here is an example: "Russian firing tests supposedly indicated the following results for 45mm, 57mm and 76.2mm APCR against Tiger II side armor (80mm at 25 degrees from vertical hull side); "The Russian tactics for combating the Tiger II were found in the following pamphlet written by Lt. Col. J. D. Skrobow and Lt. Col. A. N.Bukirew on ?The German heavy tank "Tiger-B" (Koenigstiger) and How To Combat It?, translated by the 17 .Armee on 4 February 1945: ... All of the anti-tank guns in the Red Army can penetrate every armor plate on the Tiger-B ____with the exception of the front plates____. ... Firing trials have revealed that the side armor on the turret and superstructure of the Koenigstiger can be penetrated at ranges up to: -0 meters by the 45 mm anti-tank gun (sub-caliber and AP) -600 meter by the 57mm anti-tank gun (sub-caliber) -400 meters by the 76 mm ZIS-3 anti-tank gun (sub caliber)" If we apply a 1.23 slope multiplier for 25 degree slope against tungsten core ammo and multiply by the 80mm side hull armor on Tiger II (superstructure side), we obtain 98mm vertical resistance. The 76mm HVAP based penetration estimates for 76.2mm APCR predict 96mm vertical penetration at 400m, which is close to the estimated resistance of the armor. 45mm APCR is predicted to penetrate 120mm at 0m in the DeMarre equation analysis, which looks high. If the 120mm DeMarre penetration estimate at 0m is multiplied by 75mm (Russian figure at 500m) divided by 86mm (DeMarre estimate at 500m), the result is 105mm which looks high unless smaller APCR has higher slope effects. If the 57mm APCR penetration is assumed to take place with a 30 degree side angle, the estimatedarmor resistance is 142mm vertical while the HVAP based penetration estimate is 150mm and the Russian figure is 135mm. The above analysis shows that there are problems with the 76mm HVAP based estimates for 45mm APCR penetration, and the 57mm APCR DeMarre estimates are not consistent with firing tests against Tiger II side armor." What I find funny is there are people arguing the Russian values are too high, and others too low. For something as well tested and known about, I am amazed 60 years later there is still debate. Rune
  13. I now picture roqf77 dancing around the house singing: "if i were an ituitinist Ya ha deedle deedle, bubba bubba deedle deedle dum" Rune
  14. For the demo Dunkirk IS the only campaign you can play. You didn't miss anything. Rune
  15. British Tommy, I did if you scroll up. The other guys are busy with CMX2. Rune
  16. Big Duke, It seems to me... You would be wrong. Valera was on the Beta team from CMBB, and we knew this years ago. "Perhaps I will find the whole text of those report (I don't have it now). However, you must understand there was a big difference between SOviet and german menthods for penetration tests. Very approximately, the difference was 25%: the armor considered to be penetrated if al least 50% of a shell happened to be found behind the armor. The Soviets used 75% value." Also from valera: "Also, it is important to understand that realistic penetration values in 1941-1943 was reduced significantly due to low quality ammo." Rune
  17. This and the fact Berli tried to kiss him, is the reason my Dog Elvis will not go into the front yard. Rune
  18. But rmemember, I have a nice new scenario out.... time for more torture? Rune
  19. Available already in the editors for scenarios. Do you mean for quick battles? Rune
  20. Available already in the editors for scenarios. Do you mean for quick battles? Rune
  21. Download the demo and see how it runs. Rune
  22. Some sort of firewall on that computer? If port 8080 is blocked, you will get that message. Rune
  23. Mister Picky's understudy wishes to point out more then 2: Grant I: M3 with British turret. Had no cupola. Fought in battle of Gazala on May 27, 1942. Grant II: M3A5. Had US turret. Lee I: M3. Lee II: M3A1 Lee III: M3A2. None delivered to Britain. Lee IV: M3A3 with Continental engine. Lee V: M3A3 with diesel engine. Lee VI: M3A4. Grant Command: Some had turret gun replaced with dummy gun. Extra communications equipment was added. Grant Scorpion III: 75mm gun removed. Anti-mine device added. Grant Scorpion IV: Same as Scorpion III but with 2nd Bedford engine added. Grant CDL: Turret replaced by spotlight.1 Some used to illuminate night crossings of Rhine and Elbe in 1945. Some sent to Far East but never used. Rune
  24. Seanachai , To continue from the older thread, the first bottle is: Bushmills Malt 10 year old Single Malt irish Whiskey The second is: Glenfiddich Ancient Reserve [no, not you Boo] Single Malt aged 18 years. Again, I mention them since they are in Chicago, and you aren't. Rune
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