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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by SgtMuhammed

  1. I have noticed that fire seems to have somewhat random effects. I have seen an immobilized tank be abandoned when fire engulfed its area but then I have also seen the behavior you describe. Is there any official effect written into the engine?
  2. This is actually possible if you assume (and we all know what that means) that they are firing in a concert hall or something. Seriously though, it is possible if you can say that the building has been prepared ahead of time. Anyway this is the first real possible "bug" that I have noticed. Backblast is a real bitch.
  3. Wow, you guys actually tear down what you put up. American engineers have the annoying tendency to put up an entire warehouse of wire and mines and then leave it to us grunts to clean up the mess.
  4. Remember, a mine obstical is just that, and obstical, not a wall. They are meant to delay and influence not completely deny. You have to use them as part of an integrated defense or you lose most of their effectivness. One thing I have noticed is that troop behavior seems to have changed. In CMBO the AI would route units around known minefields while in BB they just marched right through. Anyone else notice this?
  5. Franko, if it is half as good as "Tank Warning" it will be a classic. Keep me in mind if you need any playtesters. One thing about these forums is that it makes personal opinion seem somehow official. Seeing something in print has that effect even to totally pointless things. What may be a crap Operation to someone may be a classic to another. Having designed several ops for the previous two I have learned to design them for myself and not worry about what others think. If you like it fine, if not, fine. All I can promise is that I will do my best to make what I consider a good fight, which is all any designer can promise. While there are some that do show little effort other than the desire to see their name on something, for the most part the designers do their best. We all are constrained by the limitations of the system. There are a lot of changes I would make to the editor but such is life. Not liking a particular op is one thing, declaring that all of them are garbage and implying that there was no real effort to make anything better is insulting and rude.
  6. True, but they didn't really have a lot of good competition once they beat Carthage. That and the muscle part of the empire, the army, was composed of citizens or allies who again felt it was their duty to serve. When that tradition declined so did Rome. (I know, the reader's digest version of the condensed story.)
  7. Are you sure? Because I thought it was more of a matter of tax services to the king. Or maybe the difference wasn't so big in that society, I've just heard from somewhere that they weren't slaves, there just wouldn't have been enough slaves to build the biggest of them. Any Egyptology Grogs here? </font>
  8. Good news bad news. Just got the game over here in Europe (via APO) yesterday. Yeah!!!! Wife showed it too me to make sure it was the right one. Yeah!!!! She then immediatly wrapped it up and put it under the tree. @#%@#^%&$#%$^#^^#*&*(@@$^!!!!!
  9. I'm not sure how viable it is with the current engine to do a "patch as expansion" thing. Most of the patches have been tweaks and repairs.
  10. Yep a cultural victory! Everyone eats italian food, drives german cars and buys japanese electronics. Who lost again !??!??!!? </font>
  11. Actually that round shattered the linkage to the gun counterweight (a "gun hit" "damaged" in game terms). Another round also went through the driver's hatch and it had to be replaced. They are still unsure excactly why the crew bailed though.
  12. Zooks tended to be one of those extra items squads aquired when they got the chance. As has been stated, the Americans rarely had to face large numbers of German armor so there was no real need to have dedicated crews. It was seen as more of a suplimental weapon. During down time people would familiarize themselves with it so that nearly everyone could fire it but it wasn't normally assigned as someone's personel weapon. Normally someone was detailed to carry it if it was felt it would be needed.
  13. Zooks tended to be one of those extra items squads aquired when they got the chance. As has been stated, the Americans rarely had to face large numbers of German armor so there was no real need to have dedicated crews. It was seen as more of a suplimental weapon. During down time people would familiarize themselves with it so that nearly everyone could fire it but it wasn't normally assigned as someone's personel weapon. Normally someone was detailed to carry it if it was felt it would be needed.
  14. Actually the Air AI pretty accurately simulates the state of U.S. CAS during the N.A. campaign. In a word it sucked. Later on though, it really is overkill. I don't know how the targeting mechanics work in the game but I think there does need to be more consideration for the INITIAL FLOT. Once you cross into indian country, however, all bets are off, even today.
  15. A really big thing to remember about American tank technology is that it was developed mainly on the fly while building up for the war. The U.S. Army didn't even have a real Armored division till 1940 with the activation of the 1st and 2nd. American tanks still used slits in the armor to see through rather than periscopes. With flawed doctrine, and a need to develope a usable tank force quickly, it should come as little surprise that they lagged behind their contemporaries, especially in things such as optics. Most people think of tanks as guns, tracks, and armor, not as high mag scopes, and flamability.
  16. The explosions do seem a little more "Hollywood" than before.
  17. Well lord knows talking doesn't actually require any sort of mental activity. CM at least requires that you can read the word GO.
  18. Guess someone plugged the phone line back in. Nice to see you again Sir AJ
  19. After watching the "Battlefield Vietnam" Series I think they should bring the shockwaves back. I'll play this one with you M.D. Be interesting to see if you can do anything more than talk. Choose a side and send me a set up.
  20. In yet another example of just how on the ball these guys are, they are one of the few companies that seems to realize that mailing to an APO address is just like sending mail within the US. I don't know how many of my dollars a lot of these companies have lost because they just can't handle APO orders. Well my order is in, hopefully Christmas will find me walzing Matildas across the Tunisian sands.
  21. Really nice. One thing about tanks from militar museums, they usually repaint them in high gloss because it is easier to clean and looks nice. Gives the tanks a lot brighter color than they actually had. Not a complaint just an observation. Can't wait to get the full game and apply these.
  22. The simple fact is that the Germans manufactured, and indeed continue to manufacture, the best optics in the world. To this day the U.S. Army uses Steiner binos. Allied optics were either imported from Germany or based on them. With the supply cut off it took a while to achieve anthing like the same quality.
  23. Must have been the SLAPTCRAUR (Sabot Loaded Armor Piercing Turbo Charged Rocket Assisted Uber Round), it shoots through schools.
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