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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by SgtMuhammed

  1. Brent, The phosphorous on a tracer is just in a little cup in the back. It is stuck there but does come off fairly regularly. I set several targets on fire when the cherry fell off and stuck to the them as the round went through. Usually if I hit a support beam or something fairly solid.
  2. Oh, almost forgot. Hey cool! If you notice though, all the fire is going through the empty part of the truck. If they were shooting through the engine block I would be more impressed.
  3. One of the things that really used to piss me off in the army was when command would come down with "Anyone past this line after X hundred hours is enemy" and then call you every five minutes to tell you about the approaching engineers, or cooks, or florists. Too many times guys see what they were expecting to see because they have been told that nothing else should be there. It makes you doubt your eyes.
  4. Well, we are talking about the people who brought you the T35.
  5. Does anyone remember what this thread was originally about?
  6. His lesser known brother. Who is almost as bad as Chuck. Which makes him twice as bad as the baddest man other than Chuck.
  7. "Our Backs to the Euphrates" anyone? I'm looking at buying a used Cray for this one.
  8. That was what we were trained to do to break contact in a hurry. Spray a mag quickly at the bad guys and it will normally give you a few seconds to un-ass the AO.
  9. They have to justify their existance somehow. (Look, the old grunt can still dish it out!)
  10. That's why I always prefered to be on my feet when we were close to contact. Of course hitching a ride is nice when no one is trying to do you harm.
  11. Not to mention that the Sh**hook doesn't even have that great a rep even in peacetime. Of course neither does the Crash Hawk. I guess grunts don't really trust anything that packages them for mass killing. It would be interesting to see damaged vs destroyed breakdowns for choppers in theater. The constant reports of choppers going down makes people believe they are about as durable as wet toilet paper. They are actually able to take quite a pounding.
  12. You guys ever tried to kill a catfish? The ones in 'Stan are probably hardened even more by years of war. The guys probably had no choice but to use RPGs as AKs were no longer effective.
  13. Well it obviously happens in real life so I think they should push the release date back till next year and make this a feature.
  14. According to the book "Blackhawk Down" the Somalis dug pits, lay on their backs with the exhaust end of the RPG in the pit and waited for the chopper to come overhead. No 45-degree deflectors. I would think that a deflector would create vicious and dangerous torque on the launcher. </font>
  15. The modified exhaust is mentioned in Blackhawk Down. I'll find the page tomorrow.
  16. Are helos really that vulnerable or is the fact that every loss is in the news inflating that perception? During an air assault, quick in, quick out, the birds wouldn't be as vulnerable unless they stumble on an ambush. It is when they get stuck moving over a predictable route that they are vulnerable. With the RPGs the only mod that I believe they made to them in Somalia was changing the angle of the exhaust pipe to point the backblast at a 45 degree angle. This let the Somalis point it into the air without worrying about the back-blast taking them out. The birds that were downed were all direct hits.
  17. In my several years as a 60 and M2 gunner I never recieved any training in indirect fire with the gun. We all knew it was possible because we heard that the Rangers practiced it but it was never something that I trained in either as a gunner or as a squad leader. Maybe some of the Mech guys have done so but I never did.
  18. Grunts are funny. Every other weapon is better than yours but as soon as you get a new one, even one that you have been crying for, it sucks. I prefered the accuracy of the M16 and the compactness of the M4. I would have been happy if they would have given the M16 a collapsable stock like the M4 but kept the barrel. Still the M4 was easier to carry and had that whole commando cool factor going for it. Plus my M16 was about a million years old whereas I was the first owner of my M4.
  19. Funny how that happens isn't it? John, Exactly. It seems that a lot of old fieldcraft has gone out the window now days.
  20. The sound mod on that clip really needs work. Everyone knows that the real things don't sound like that. I kept thinking the RTO was getting ready to fire the AT4.
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