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Posts posted by MarkEzra

  1. If you will send the file PLEASE I'd like to look at everything. What needs to be seen are several pics with perpendicular angles and before/after hit report screen shot. As I said earlier I would be glad to do that And would have been glad to start a thread ....perhaps with a little less Absolutist title smile.gif Otherwise: This pic fails to demonstrate ANY actual verifiable conclusion.

  2. My actual impression was:

    1. If it hit (NOT known to me) it wouldn't kill should knock out something...like vision, smoke, comm

    2. If its a miss: Angle of pic is clearly not angle of incoming round.

    It would be both instructive and fun to know if there was damage and how closely modeled is the graphic display to the event. If you would care to send the file I'd be glad to review and put some pics up. Perhaps start a new thread so as not to hijack this very informative thread on the selling out of the M113...Known to all as the Gavin...by unscrupulous brigands, bent on ripping off honest wargamers! ;)

  3. Undead Raindeer: Unfortunately you've leaped to an erroneous conclusion. All the M1's in those screenshots and all of the troops belong to my PBEM opponent. I have reviewed the game replay and as best as I can tell the closet firing range is now 375 meters. The Javelins came from two different firing locations. They are about 500 meters...The rolling terrain accounts for the close proximity. (It's a meeting engagement so both sides are moving ever closer). The original start lines was 2000 meters...At that range I lost a number of M1 to flank shots plus a plt of Bradley's...A very skillful attack by RhurRiver as I raced forward (unskillfully) to a central objective. In a scen I recently posted "Open Season" the ranges are far more impressive. You might want to try it. But be advised: If your computer chugs along as poorly as your argument has it may well be an unpleasant experience. ;)

  4. This is from an email I got from Rhur River as we fight out a Blue on Blue QB PBEM:

    One of my tanks gets hit with a javelin, and survives/keeps moving but then gets nailed a moment later by something else.

    When I looked carefully at the sequence, this is what I saw/figured out:

    Javelin #1 heads for my poor tank:


    But when I lined up Javelin #1 with its target, it looks like it's going to hit the lower frontal armor dead on:


    And in fact, my tank barely pauses after the impact.

    After re-running the scene a couple of times, I see what killed my tank: a second javelin:


    But note where it's aimed and where it hits:


    Ouch! Right between the turret and side/top armor. That took care of that." (end of email)

    Give me more this from "Sell Outs" like BFC

  5. The points about the scen forum are all well and good. Dedicated forum members, like all of us, will know that. The more casual forum visitor will not know that, may never have heard of www.CMMODS and may have no clue about user created scen.

    What might be nice would be a dedicated sticky announcement for ALL new scen. That would make it much easier for the new players to see what's going on

    [ May 12, 2008, 10:06 PM: Message edited by: MarkEzra ]

  6. Originally posted by slug88:

    Trees *are* destructable in the game. I've seen it happen many times. And they even have a very nice progressive damage model, with different graphics for different levels of damage. Try setting up a simple map to test it for yourself, it's rather neat. Of course, I completely agree that they take far too much firepower to actually become destroyed. Usually takes 3-4 direct hits from a high end ATGM in my experience.

    This has been my experience as well
  7. Since I blantantly advertise my scen on this forum perhaps I should chime in.

    Here's my reasoning: To alert CM:SF Players of a Completed Scen. This means something that has been play tested from both sides (if applicable) and been checked for map design error and other glitches. I consider my offerings as completed projects.

    The design forum is for discussion and advice on making a scen. It's a great place to learn the how to's but not so good when letting people know there's a new scen available.

  8. Originally posted by Mishga:

    Hmm...Is he and his buddies not slagging BFC off on other forums tho? I know that is not relevant per se to this forum but it's not exactly Gentlemanly conduct.

    Meach is still banned and he feels he should not return either cos he's a sweary lad who calles a sharp edged gardening earth moving implement a "f*$£%ng spade" It's his mental condition, really.

    Meach's sin was he swore at a fellow forum member, not that he swore at a gardening implement. I believe he need only recognize that error in judgement to be re-instated. Personally I wish he would. The forum is less fun without him. ;)

    Dorosh?...wasn't he some kind of Far North tribal God?

  9. This is a VERY straight forward Blue attack scen. Play Blue or Red vs AI or H2H. Multiple attack/defend plans. If you like to shoot at things, watch missiles fly, and nice big booms all on an extra large map, you'll want to dl this @ www.CMMODS.com


    DESIGNER NOTES: There are No Objectives other then the destruction of your enemy. You can receive a maximum of 300 Pts for total destruction or less if incomplete. Play testing generally ended with less then 300 Pts awarded.

  10. Originally posted by Phoenix:

    I really enjoyed this one and was sure I had a victor buy was given a minor defeat. WTF? I lost no men and no vehicles, and I owned the "Sidewinder" victory zone. No reds were in it.

    Why the loss?

    I put the javelin on the roof of a building. Used it to wax one of the APCs, and also the building in the far corner of the map.

    You might want to check out the victory perimeters ...Enemy cas @ 100%...gets you the victory...Good going on the Javelin/bldg...but you might want to make sure you killed them all.


  11. Originally posted by Doomed:

    One thing I did notice is that the Javelin team didn't fire of their own accord, I had to target them manually so maybe they were trying to tell me something.

    In play testing this (a number of times) I found the Javelins did fire on their own at targets. As the sun begins to rise you may have better luck. Do keep in mind you have only 3 Javelins so use them wisely.
  12. Originally posted by DzrtFox:

    Hey Mark,

    I downloaded the scenario and put the .btt file in my Scenarios folder, but when I fire up the game and hit Battle, I don't see it in the list of scenarios. It should be called "Sidewinder" in the list, right?

    I've installed a ton of scenarios from CMMODS, but for some reason I've had this problem with the last few files I've grabbed from there.

    Anyone else had this issue?

    I check each scen I put up to make sure it works. So no trouble noticed. Can't think of what trouble it could be as CMMODS is so stable. If others are having troubles please let me know
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