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Posts posted by MarkEzra

  1. Great vids!

    MarkEzra, I especially liked the shots in the second video where the marine squad clears part of the village and stumble upon hostiles behind the wall.

    The escape maneuver with throwing grenades and then get the hell out; is that 'self-preservation' AI at work or did you command that in real-time?

    If its the case of the latter it must take tremendous babysitting of troops I reckon! How do you manage to do this on larger battles?

    The scen was played in WEGO. The response of troops at the wall was entirely under AI control. You will also see (in another scene) units under hunt command after hopping over a wall, walk past a building, come under fire, move back to the cover of the building, use cover fire for the rest of the unit to get clear AND then re-engaged by attacking through the interior of the building itself (the enemy inf was already dead so that particular clip is cut as they enter the building). If I recall properly the actual movement command I gave was a straight line hunt to a building on the far end of the map! As with the other scene and in fact all scenes, basic WEGO movement commands were used and the AI carried them out.

  2. Originally posted by helm123:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MarkEzra:

    Cautionary note: Moon is quite right in that any scen map will load in QB Battles. He goes on to point out the possible need to adjust setup areas and pathing. I'd like to make the point a bit stronger:

    Scen designs often have specific, limited set up areas and VERY specific pathing. This will play havoc in a QB Map. Keep in mind a QB Map is generic...it must deal with a variety of unit types. I would strongly urge players to carefully review a scen Setup and pathing...especially when looking at plans/group#1

    Mishga and I were primarily responsible for QBG maps. In fact she made about half of them... Mishga is both beautiful and modest...and one hell of a good scen designer too!

    Doesn't going to all that trouble kinda kill the purpose of a QB. I mean now more of less I know what the enemy is going to do to a point and the area he is going to setup in. </font>
  3. Cautionary note: Moon is quite right in that any scen map will load in QB Battles. He goes on to point out the possible need to adjust setup areas and pathing. I'd like to make the point a bit stronger:

    Scen designs often have specific, limited set up areas and VERY specific pathing. This will play havoc in a QB Map. Keep in mind a QB Map is generic...it must deal with a variety of unit types. I would strongly urge players to carefully review a scen Setup and pathing...especially when looking at plans/group#1

    Mishga and I were primarily responsible for QBG maps. In fact she made about half of them... Mishga is both beautiful and modest...and one hell of a good scen designer too!

  4. Hello Peter:

    Believe me I'm attempting to clear this up.

    When using a vehicle and the correct method

    (which you used in your new pics...but not in your saved game file...nor did I when testing your save file...so progress for us both!)

    We get this result:





    When we use Inf we get this




    As you have pointed out...It takes the Infantry's last face order for ALL facing...

    So you've got it right about the infantry...This I'll post to BFC...again with my thanks...especially for your persistence at getting to the bottom of this issue

  5. Originally posted by C'Rogers:

    Compared to CMx1 the AI is infinitely better as an opponent. In all the years of playing CMx1 I maybe played single player five times. Now I have no problem kicking up a single player game. But as people said the quality is up to the scenario designer.

    Very true!

    When you play a player designed scen in CM:SF you are far closer to taking on a human than old CMx1. With the AI coming at you with as many as 5 different battle plans, multiple unit orders and more, it might just hand you your ass. And when you replay it...all set to clobber the AI infantry that came down road X...The AI tosses another plan at you, and your fightin' for your life. About all a designer could do in Old CMx1 is set up re-inforcements in sneaky places or shell the hell out of artifically restrictive setup zones at the start. Big difference.


    Demo scen are simple, easy to play battles. They're designed for somebody to quickly pick up how to use the interface and have a bit of fun...not to be able to pass judgement on the state of CM's AI. "Wahhhs", not withstanding smile.gif

  6. Originally posted by Peter Panzer:

    Hello Mark:

    I am a bit confused by your last post.

    Was it made as an instructional piece or are you saying there is no issue with the consistent function of the "Face" command?

    Thanks for clarifying.

    There is nothing wrong. Just set a way point than choose pause or face command...and here's the important thing: click on the waypoint again. The current end of the way point will turn to a bright white circle. Now you can add the pause or facing...it will work (I had forgotten how to use it!!!)...Just go ahead and try it...I used your scen to test with.
  7. IMPORTANT: The correct method to set pause or way points:

    1. Set first waypoint.

    2. Click on Face Command

    3. Click on the actual way point again...Note that the end of the way point will change to a nice big white ball.

    3. Do the same for Pause Command

    4. Repeat for the next way point

    Here's a pic:


    Mia Culpa: I should have remembered this from when BFC fixed this...I actually did some of the testing... Sorry to Forum and BFC for my lapse.

  8. Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

    If someone else is as dumb as us, they obviously don't have resources to challenge us toe to toe tongue.gif That's not surprising, really, since most niche markets tend to have one clear leader. For a while it's been us on top, but of course that can change any day. However, someone would have to pony up quite a big chunk of change and time to get to where we are now, and by that time we will have moved forward even more.

    Steve [/QB]

    You just keep pluggin' away. We "fans" are right behind... prodding you with a sharp stick! ;)
  9. Originally posted by SlapHappy:

    Whatever happened to retreat out the back door and regroup a couple blocks back? Surely even untrained troops could grasp this concept.

    I think it would be more interesting if the AI didn't fight and die in place if there were other options available (including surrender).

    Officially requesting an AI fallback behaviour code for the engine.... smile.gif

    That's an interesting thought! Thanks...
  10. Any Chance you could send me your Test scen? I'd like to test with what you've used...send to my email...Thanks

    Quick Look using "Cavalry Charge at Apache Pass"

    On WEGO set up turn order to move and then face given. Movement completed...Face order Not. Second minute order Move plus Face..all worked fine....Is this what your test show?

    [ May 27, 2008, 02:35 PM: Message edited by: MarkEzra ]

  11. You didn't save it. You don't think that "stuff happens" is an adequate answer, and you "guess" it's a bug after all. Do I have that about right?

    If you find something you think is buggy may I suggest you follow this course:

    1. Stay calm.

    2. Save File.

    3. Review carefully.

    4. Post as a question...( Possible Bug? )

    5. Be prepared to provide raw data for those

    interested or responsible for improving the


    I know this sounds hectoring, and perhaps it is. It is not my intention to do so, nor is it my heart. I hope you'll consider my comments in the spirit they've been given. To wit: Improved discourse equals improved game.

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