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Posts posted by MarkEzra

  1. CMMODs has QBG's 2 Player scen (titles are "2P QBG.zip" and QBG 2 Player scenario Vol 2") designed for PBEM or H2H but also playable as single player. They are Blue vs Red but also have some Red vs Red, Blue vs Blue. The idea was to balance play so both sides have an equal chance. I have forgotten the exact number but most likely 30 or more scen between them. Mishga and I put them together. Why don't you add them on your site as well? Just give credit to QBG (Quick Battle Group)

  2. I did a recent video that describes a car bombing and it's sad and costly aftermath. As the author and director I can tell you it's a message Video...but then that's what I think about wargaming in general...life lessons abound in our hobby.

    Frankly I like your idea...I think it speaks to the common place horror that exist so casually in the world.

    Here's a way of getting your bodies and vehicle destruction, too:

    "bake" the scen so the first turn has car bombs exploding on the road. You'll want to dismount all the vehicle drivers and infantry first so they won't vanish. Good luck on the scen and I truly hope the message will prove of value.

  3. Louch: This is what I'm seeing and have reported to BFC...Thank you for your persistence

    Here's the breakdown:

    Fighters (large Group)

    Excellent = AK 74, RPK

    Good = AK 74, RPK

    Normal = AK 74, RPK, RPG 7V1

    Fair = AK 74, RPK, RPG 7V1

    Poor = AK 74, RPK

    Combatant (Large Group)

    Excellent = AKM, RPD

    Good = AKM, RPD, SVD (sniper rifle)

    Normal = AKM, RPD, SVD (sniper rifle)

    Fair = AKM, RPD

    Poor = AKM, RPD

  4. Hi Louch...Took time to verify your report. Here's the result:


    The command groups WERE backwards and as Steve noted...will be fixed.

    Large groups: I used Large to demonstrate any similarity or difference in Fighters/Combatant. Medium and small are the same with each reduced by a rifle sqd. HQ units were the same so not shown. Where Team pics are missing read rifle sqd duplicate.

    Combatant (local Boys no uniforms)



  5. Rhur River started this thread as a light hearted poke at our terrific Mod Maniacs. To see it run down and taken over by comments about the killing of innocents must shock and sadden him. So let's see if we can ALL agree to two points

    1. We all enjoy wargaming

    2. We all despise the wanton waste the wars bring.

    So Now..Just how many Georgian mods Have you made?

  6. I just wish I could get rid of the bug where units teleport around the map, and the occasional random crash. I always have to restart my comp before I play or else these issues happen to me.

    I assume you have the latest patch so this concerns me. If it is possible to catch the teleport in a save game please send it to me. Since you mention crashes I think your Rigs setup and graphics card info might be required as well.

  7. I appreciate what seem like candid responses.

    Anything that I haven't thought to ask that I should know about?

    Yes...This game is worth the price of admission. I've watched it blossom and grow since it's difficult birth. I played CMx1 since the beta demo. I loved all of them and had many, many pleasant hours, playing, designing scen, and modifying the games. Along about V1.07 of CMSF I took off all the old CM games from my PC...I just couldn't go back to playing them. Love them though I did they are the past.

    You mentioned Vids: I hope you'll take a look..a number of people, myself among them, have put them up. It is a way of expressing the wargaming experience. But think about this for a second: Movie maker/fraps have been around for a while (simple, free movie making tools) How many Vids have you seen of any other wargames (not talking trailers or ads). Where are the CMx1 movies...believe me when CMBO came out a lot of guys tried to get that going...Now that it's simple to do there have been how many made? The reason is the graphics and the simple elegance that remains WEGO lends CMx2 the unique ability to tell an actual story. No other Game can do this though their "eye candy" be sweeter their engine limits the Vid Creator to showing only what the game designer will allow. Not so CMSF... it's the most flexible, room for growth engine around.

    The editor and AI multiple plans: This subject was not brought up so let me say a word or two here.

    The editor is far advanced from Cmx1. It allows the scen designer to create multiple plans (up to 5) for either attack or defend missions. This means the AI can come at you 5 different ways in a scen. remember getting your clock cleaned on a well done CMBO/BB/AK scen? And then going back in and ripping the AI a new one? CMx2 says not so fast. What worked for you the last time may well prove disaster for you the next. It's the combination of the AI plus a crafty scen designer using the multiple plans of the editor. While you may never use the editor, those that do are creating great scen with a big re-playability factor.

    I sure hope you'll give CMx2 a shot

  8. After you save your turn the file automatically goes to:

    CMSF/Games/Outgoing Email. That is where you will find it and send as an attachment. Your partner will want to Download the game file to CMSF/Game/Incoming Email. And continue. here's a helpful hint:

    PBEM game file can get larger than your email server will like with incomplete attachments being sent and resultant WTF wrong going back and forth. I urge you to get a File Sharing program...I use "sendthisfile" http://www.sendthisfile.com/info/sendthisfile.jsp

    and no longer have any transfer problems

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