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Posts posted by MarkEzra

  1. The Campaign will be a problem to look at ...too bad. But do keep it in mind with odd setup movement issues. After I discovered a setup anomaly with a converted QB map I found that when re-using a map (for any reason) you must totally delete all blue/red setup, yellow AI pathing, and green Objectives BEFORE making the map smaller. Failure to do so will possibly lead to Hidden setup/pathing and Objectives. The best thing to do is clear them all out save the file, exit the game, restart and THEN start your new work... It'll save a lot of confusion and WTF's down the road.

  2. Try this: Open scen in the editor Expand the map edge size where the reinforcements are coming from. When you do that do you see blue or red setup areas bleeding off the actual map?...Check in AI editor...Do you see Yellow pathing bleeding off the map? If so delete those portions. Any troops (reinforcement or not) will set up strange or just not move when the scenario designer makes these errors.... I know from ...siggghhhhh..."personal experience"...

  3. On a tangentially related note (and not entirely serious) why not 'solve' the problem of co-ordinated movement the same as for co-ordinated fire? When you have a unit selected, you can only see the moves of units that have had chance to transmit that information through the C3 system, as with relative spotting. So you can co-ordinate with units close by since you can see their waypoints, but not with distant ones since you don't get to see theirs until some time later.


    Perhaps add "New Order" to the unit status scroll to describe the units next action. Something like this:


    "New Order"



    The lack of unit moving is understood as not having recv'd and order. Just like "cowering" inserted into the status scroll is indicative of not following any commands at this time. Creation of delays to increase Realism must have an explanation. You'll avoid the "Troops don't follow orders" harangue... or at least point out that no orders received means no orders followed

  4. I'm not suggesting 'fudging unit stats' or making 'artificial changes' of any sort. Please forgive my unintended implying. :) I'm merely asking "Will a field/AT gun's shield afford a realistic degree of protection for small-arms fire and light shell fragments (from the front)?" In other words, say a rifle squad of mine spots a Pak 38 facing it and opens fire from 100m; will the Pak 38's crew have any protection from the rifle and BAR fire on account of the gun's shield?

    This is all just a consquence of an my own un-intended comment ;) My actual (and only) point is: let's be careful and test critically. What solves one issue can open a can of worms elsewhere.

  5. Artificial changes to an AT Gun size or shield to improve ambush characteristics is an EXCELLENT example on unintended consequences. I want to reduce a players gamey tactic of Area Target Fire use so I make AT gun "smaller" to hit and the gun shield tougher to penetrate. Now my human player is just rolling those AT guns down the street at me... ;) The solution to limiting area fire will not be successfully found by fudging the unit stats.

  6. During Set phase:

    Red or Blue deployable weapons are set to deployed at setup. When placed in a vehicle they are no longer in deploy mode. If given a move order you should remember to click off the deploy button. Otherwise they'll have to break down their weapon before moving.

    After setup phase: When giving a movement order (including dismount and move to X) click on the triangle end of pathing. It will turn round and brighter. Now click on deploy. Your deployable unit will move to that point and start to deploy it's weapon. Once that is initiated you can give a follow up facing order as needed.

  7. I just tried my first qb and had the same issue. when i tried to save it, i got gibberish for a file name, which i couldn't remove, so it wouldn't let me save it. weird thing was, after i clicked 'go' it switched sides and i watched the us roll over my syrian defense. damn, the ai manuevered pretty well, i might add. lol..

    It's always good to know the Pathing works! ;)

    ...It REALLY saddens me that some players are having these conflicts. BFC is VERY aware ....

  8. I forget who said it (Churchill?) - "I don't care if people talk good or bad about me, as long as they spell my name right" :)

    I ran a quick search and found:

    Mae West in one book, two articles, a videotape, and several newspaper articles;

    P.T. Barnum in two books and a motion picture biography;

    George M. Cohan in two books;

    Will Rogers in one article and an electronic encyclopedia;

    W.C. Fields in one article.

    But NO Churchill connection...BFC is this a Bug?

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