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Posts posted by MarkEzra

  1. Welcome to the Forum: Give a movement order to the infantry, place the cursor over the vehicle until you see the green arrow icon turn downward. If the Cursor changes to a blue color you cannot load that infantry in that vehicle for reasons of space. Hope this helps. If not there is a very good explanation with pics in the manual. Enjoy the game!

  2. OK I'm on the same page with you. The first pic shows all the "features" of a T-90 at setup. So the damage screen really is a features screen. Tank treads wouldn't be considered a "feature" on a tracked vehicle. And since there is no scroll bar to scroll the limits of "features" is always 9.


    This 2nd pic shows the damage done to a T-90. Here the info becomes all about damage. And here, again, just 9 slots.


    I expect this has been discussed in the distant past and sure wouldn't dispute that it's on a list. But I get the feeling that wholesale changes to the interface doesn't make the top 10.... but hey, I'm the last guy to know about anything...no matter WHAT title they slung on me... ;)

    I think your earlier point was How can I get info on what feature, like Night Vision, a given tank has when checking either at setup or in the editor. So the info is there at a glance. It's limited to 9 Features and is listed under Damage, true... ;) Maybe not the best, for sure...but it works with the limits of the Interface.

  3. Am I missing something?

    Maybe ;)

    As you get into the game you'll see a very high level of detail. You may also find things that don't match up to your experience. Most of these will be due to the limitation of our PC's to play the game we all want: Just like Life but with out the blood, horror, and consequences of war.

    But there is always room for more improvement. So when you see something that gives you the WTF's speak up...it's how the game gets better.

    PS: Thanks for your service!

  4. If this helps a player take the plunge into the very COOL waters of CMX2 scen design then Certainly use my maps. But I think that if I were creating a new scen based on any exisiting map (In game, QB's, other players maps) I would credit the source. For example: I have re-done 3 CMBO original scen for both CMAK and CMSF. Each time I credited the original designer.

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