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Posts posted by MarkEzra

  1. Pete: Thanks for the save file! I really appreciate you taking time to post and follow up with a save file. It's how things get fixed.

    Here's what I Found...

    The setup has a very short target arc used for each Javelin Team. Since the scen is played RT I let it play out until Red forces were in very close proximity BUT not in the AT fire zone. The Blue Infantry were going after the BMP and dismounted red inf while the AT teams were emailing pics home. So I assumed that any RT player would not be waiting to come within such close ambush range (it can't be more than 75-100 meter target arc)


    This 2nd pic shows the AT team with out the Target Arc set. As you will see the Javelin Teams went right to work using their Javelins. The security Team member has rifle at the ready....not an AT-4


    My conclusion is: No game bug. Javelin teams work as expected. This seems more a game play style issue. I think you had intended to spring an ambush using the best long range AT weapon in the US (or anybody else's) arsenal. By keeping the ambush range so very short you are forcing the use of the AT-4. Now you might wish for better weapon selection control or something...BFC has addressed this more then once ;) ..

    but I just don't see it being a bug.

  2. I can't say that it has. By that I mean I simply don't recall seeing it. So I made a little tester to see if the AT-4 would be used at 300 meters prior to the Javelin. So far the answer is no. The T72 is in plain site but the Javelin team is in good cover (3xTree). A javelin team in open terrain may feel the threat and short distance requires the faster AT-4 fire than the slower aiming fire of the Javelin. So my Question to BFC would be:

    When a Stryker Infantry sqd acquires Javelin and is split into an AT team does ACTUAL TOE proscribe they carry an AT-4 as defensive weapon?

    If so then my question to my fellow gamers would be the same as yours: Does this happen often or just under stressful conditions like being spotted at short range.

    If you (or anybody) have a save file it would be very helpful in understanding the issue with more certainty.

  3. I'm lost. You posted new maps in Feburary. We have not had a new patch since Dec.

    I have the same maps I always seem to have had since day 1. Did I miss an update or something.

    I really wanted to try that 199 map pack you had. Still confused.

    This thread labors somewhat under the weight of NDA but let me try to clear up a couple of things.

    On Release of CMSF there were only a handful of QB Maps.

    Mishga and I started the Quick Battle Group (QBG) to provide a lot of maps in a short amount of time. While they were well received by the community, Mishga and I were under no illusion about the quality of the our work. The urgency of the need is part of why the early QB maps were less interesting, attractive, or even functional, then our later work. So after several incarnations many QBG maps have become standard issue since V1.08. I have continued to add both new and revised QB maps and am now at a stopping point. The QB maps all have names (naturally) Many of those names are used for maps originally made for the game or by Mishga and I early on. This means "new maps" have "old" names. Because of that I have taken down all QBG maps and even the work I posted on the Repository in February. That way people won't download old QBG maps from any Mod site and overwrite the far better maps that are in the game now and will be added in the next patch.

  4. By that measure a fantastic meal cooked by a 5 star chef is "worse" than a Happy Meal at McDonalds because Happy Meals can be found practically anywhere on Earth and sales dwarf that of many small countries entire annual gross domestic product.


    Happy Meals are better NOT because of volume but because they come with a free toy. When 5 star chefs wake up and smell the (McDonalds cheapest-Best) Coffee then maybe they will again become competitive!

  5. But it borders on fanboy delusion to think that your favorite little niche product is at the top of it's larger market segment "world".

    At best you can say it is good at what it does to fill it's tiny little niche, although even that is laughable.

    I can make a game about shoveling crap and if it is the only crap shoveling game on the market I can make myself feel all warm and fuzzy about it by calling it the "best CS game ever" that only a few hundred people play.

    And I do not believe the "good sales" routine.

    Good sales would mean that a large amount of people bought the game and if even a small percentage of those people were talking about it there would some sort of buzz on the net, not just the same dozen or so folks on the niche publishers website.

    I really like this game and play it more often then other games (not waiting on WW2 either I like Modern games) but I am a realist.

    I like that it is a niche game and that it does what it set's out to do very well and that is has a small diehard following.

    But I'll never say that it is the best at anything or on top of the gaming world.

    It is what it is, nothing more. When you can deal with that you'll have much more fun.

    Had to say my peace, flame me for speaking in reality if you want, don't really care.

    Glad you said your peace and welcome to the forum. I got called FanBoi when I played Steel Panthers. When I went with the SPWAW rather than SPWW2 I got called worse. When I played Uncommon Valor nobody called me anything, cause nobody cared. How I judge a game and a game company is based on liking the product well enough to keep it on my hard drive for extended periods of time (Like years). Only two companies have managed to produce that result, Matrix and BFC. Literally no other company's products, no matter WHAT the genre, has done that. So you know what that means: I'm a VERY NICHE Market. So I support the companies that supply the games I like. Like just about everyone here, I've bought a ton of titles over the years. But not because "games" or "gaming" fascinates me. Just looking for a game that suits me. Once I find one I tend to stick.

    Now just where does BFC stand in the Tiny niche market that is War Game-ING? Well that's always a matter of opinion. But Here is an interesting fact: BFC has been in business for 10 years, produced or published many well regarded and industry award wining titles. Not many Companies around (sadly) that can say that. As a Company BFC may lack "Buzz" but they do have substance.

    Glad you enjoy the game...sure hope you'll continuing to post on the forum. Fresh voices are welcome!

  6. That's a very good point. Who's to say firefights and ammo expenditure are occurring for more than a small portion of the total time during a scenario?

    QB use variable time setting. I play and test with QB a lot. The other day a game ended Exactly on time! It was an event...can't recall the last time THAT happened.

    It may not be the way you or I might wish it, but variable time QB's do tend to help.

  7. Since you have a Government bandwidth issue perhaps you should wait until the British Module comes out and get that bundled with the Marines. Obviously you are as addicted to the game as the rest of us there's no real reason to DL Demos....you all ready know you've got YEARS of great wargaming ahead of you.

  8. Yes, the scenarios in the marines modul are better, but with oddities. 'Just around the bend', for example. The conscript and green Syrian troops are positioned in some trenches in the open. No chance to change positions or do something important at all, while they already getting routed by fire that's 200m away. Even if this is realistic, there are no options for the red player.

    If by "No Chance to change positions" you mean during setup, you are in error. I just checked the red setup and the entire area is painted red, not just the trenches. Also there are several trench line to confuse the Blue player. The small rise that divides the red setup area from "no mans land" is very helpful to the Red player's ability to strike first and generally defeat in detail the blue forces. I do appreciate your notice that the basic setup is not UN-realistic but difficult. You should try it from the Blue side...This scen generally gives those guys fits. ;)

    I happen to play Red force almost exclusively in PBEM. So I like rooting for the underdog.

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