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Posts posted by MarkEzra

  1. Hey FS BEE: Two issues:

    1. Got myself up and running but still getting the odd error messages:

    When setting scen path I can use either "default" or browse to get to my scen files but get this error message when I set it:


    It then gives me a path saved message. When I exit/return to Scen the path is not saved and I must set it again.

    2. Once I have set the Mods specifically for a scen and activate them does this mean they will only work with that scen now and in the future, while all others are using the normal game defaults? If that is the case then it's not working that way for me. All scen are given the new mods. Can you get my expectations straight?

  2. As far as i am concerned if the "switching sides" problem can get fixed soon, then QB's are definitely playable until they get looked at again for the WWII game.

    That's just my opinion, though.

    This is not a map issue (something I could find and fix) but some kind of patch install problem. BFC is aware of the problem but thanks for reminding me to keep an eye out on this issue.

  3. ... I did run into one small problem on a city map I had everything on random but its the one with a mosque and two other control point on either side of it...

    Oh...sure THAT one!...the map that was the meeting engagement or maybe attack or was that the City attack or meeting town? LOL...so you see sending a file can really help me. :)

    There is only one Unit Group in a QB game (just like old CMx1) so when an AI movement order is given all units will obey. I tried to always use AI pathing as Advance + Active or when close to the Objectives Assault + Active. But the AI is also thinking and responding with the basic setup commands (elite Crack regular Green Conscript-- Leadership Quality ratios-- fitness and all those randomly sifting through the units. Of course, per Clausewitz, all plans are altered upon contact with the enemy! When setting many or all the settings to Random (which I enjoy to do, too) you can end up with some pretty scared/illiterate pixeltruppen driving those M1A2 and T90's. They'll advance with great caution and take their own sweet time doing it....All this JUST like old CMx1.

    What isn't like old CMx1 is the AI will use multiple movement speed to keep the infantry and vehicles working in co-ordination....definitely not old CMx1, there!

    Also CMx2 allows multiple plan pathing ability of the QB's AI. depending on the map style and battle type, the AI often moves:

    1. Directly to the target using it's own chosen path from start to finish (like old CMx1)

    2. Use a pin and flank maneuver of either the left flank, right flank or both...(this is totally CMx2)

    So Start with the basic game, add the QB Map designers Pathing orders, the Human players actions and a dash or two of Dice Rolls and you've got yourself a war... ;)

  4. Since most people are now having a successful QB gaming experience I ask any one who is having trouble with the maps AI pathing to create a save game file and send it to me @ mark.ezra3591@gmail.com An AI pathing is generally easy for me to fix if I know which map is in error. While I have been rather painstaking in my review of all current V1.11 maps I could have missed properly setting up a pathing order. All maps were tested for functionality prior to being added to the patch. But NOT all pathing orders of every map were tested. That was due to an inability to select Do Not Use for the AI pathing order slot #1. It is something I will be focusing on for Normandy QB overhaul.

    Cabal23: Sorry you feel that way. The response from many players...including some REALLY pissed off ones :) ... is that QB's have become playable. All agree that Unit selection just isn't what it should be. That is something addressed by BFC on the forum and will be changed for Normandy. If your comments are based soley on it's past performance why not give it a try. But if it's something to do about the current V1.11 QB Maps please do let me know. One way or another those maps are either my work or my re-work of somebody else's Map. So when they don't work as advertised it's on me. I want to do the best job I can for my fellow CM gamers. So it's NEVER who is right but WHAT is right that counts (by the way little phrase really takes the sting out of criticisms, too!)

    I'm currently working on new maps and revising many of the exisiting maps for quality and content. So if anyone has trouble like McBane has described PLEASE make a savegame file and send it to me. If I can't fix a particular map then I'll surely replace it with one that does work...

  5. Thanks, didn't know this was discussed already! Should have done a search first.

    all best


    Not to worry...besides the search wouldn't exactly be a snap to do!

    I get what your're trying to achieve and the Blue tank plt is pretty easy to get. For US Army just Armor/Armour. But for USMC you'll want to use "excellent" to avoid those AV's. Now the Reds are a bit more tricky... There is no Armor/Armor Choice. Try Special Forces/Armor/Excellent...That should get you the T-90's...most of the time.

  6. Hi Mark

    Installed 111 and the QBs play awful. The AI does not MOVE. If I recall QBs are really randomly selected battles. But my hard drive must not have the files created over the past year - where do I get these better QBs?

    I will send them to you. Just email me: Mark.Ezra3591@gmail.com I use "Sendthisfile" (as QBMapsV1.11. zip) so don't worry too much about the file size.

    First check the number of maps you have in your CMSF/Games/Quick Battle Maps. If it is (I think) 163 then you have all/only the new V1.11 QB's. If that's the case then I expect I've failed to meet your expectations and there's nothing more to say or do :) But if the number's different then I think maybe you should rename your current file to something different, make a new Quick Battle Maps file and install the new files there. Or just empty the file... whatever seems right to you.

  7. Mark,

    THanks for your help. If it is a quirk, don't spend too much time on things. I am fully upgraded to Marines 1.11 so should that not only give me 1.11 maps. I thought I was playing 1.11. Though I did put things on random which might have selected this map.

    Do I need to specify 1.11 QB maps somehow and if so what is hte procedure to do this?



    If players have added files..including QBG made maps... they may not work right. All the files in V1.11 were either original issue and fixed by me or original QBG Maps and reviewed and fixed as needed. In all cases the orignal file name was preserved to allow for overwrite. But not all QBG Maps made the cut (nor will they) and could possibly impact this problem.

    But Most likely the culprit won't turn out to be the map, but some very rare, isolated bug that has risen it's ugly head. In ant event, BFC has been notified.

    A word on that great scen map you want to make a QBMap:

    Don't drop it into your Quick Battle Maps File until you put it in the editor and do the following:

    1. Check the Victory Objectives...make them exactly the same for both sides and large enough so the AI has a good chance of putting troops on it.

    2. Check setup areas. Are they big enough to handle all kinds of different troops? Will the AI have a chance to get moving without getting instantly spotted?

    3. Check the AI pathing. Is it micro-managed for specific units (Normally the case in a scen..and really sucks for a QB)...? Then Clear them off and use just "Group One" and create nice reasonably large and well spaced movement orders.

    4. Delete all AI arty plans for both sides...You'll thank me later!

    Don't know what I mean but kinda interested to learn? Just open any V1.11 QB map and see how I did it...then do yours with that simple, broad brush method.

  8. This has been posted to BFC as a Bug Report. It is not a normal action found in Basic Training Hotseat mode...so no further testing need be done on that. The QB map may not be a V1.11 CMSF map. I won't know for sure until tonite...as luck would have it the game is played in pitch black nite.... If it is I'll be able to locate and run a separate test. If it isn't I still might be able to recognize it and find it in my old QBG work files...if it isn't a QBG map I most likely won't be able to find it.

    I cannot emphasize how much better off players would be to just use the V1.11 QB Maps (and there are more coming!)

  9. Falconander, write MarkEzra a short email to the address given in the post just above yours. Tell him briefly what the problem is and attach the save game file as an attachment. Save game files are located in the directory where you installed CM:SF, in the folder "Game Files" (translated into whatever language you play in, could be "Fichiers du jeu", "Archivos de juego" or "Spieldateien"), and there in the folder "Saved Games" (again, translate).

    Hope this helps :) Further questions don't hesitate to ask

    Yep...that's all there is to it ;)

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