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Posts posted by MarkEzra

  1. Here are the Designer Notes:


    A Royal Pain Is listed as a Meeting Engagement style Mission.

    While it does meet the requirement it also fits the Probe Style

    Mission as well.

    The questions will arise, "Is this a good scenario for H2H?

    Is it balanced?"

    I think it's a good scen for H2H play for two reasons:

    1. There is plenty of time (1hr variable) but not so much

    the game drags to a bloody, dyspeptic end.

    2. It has an interesting (I think) and different set of challenges

    for both players.

    So is it Balanced?

    Well, if you mean do both sides have equality of men and

    equipment then the answer is no. But I believe that the degree

    of difficulty facing each player lends this scen to a fairly

    good H2H balance. In fact I designed the scen to be

    played H2H with my PBEM mates.

    Better Played Allied vs AI?

    Royal Pain has 5 sets of Group Plans for EACH side. So

    where the AI sets up and how they handle the attack is

    always different. Also, the use of variable timed unit orders

    throws another twist in the AI's attacks. But the degree of

    difficulty the Allied AI will have knocking out the Human

    controlled King Tiger tips the scale in favor of the Axis AI.

    Is Royal Pain Historically Accurate?

    No. But I did try to stick to some of the facts. Sort of.

    It's really a small vignette scen that might be better suited

    for TV... except for the complete lack of pretty French girls

    in the resistance and a duplicitous mayor just trying to

    keep his town in one piece (BFC fix or do somfink!)

    Hope you enjoy the show!


  2. The first answer remains the best answer. The question was also posed "what if the battle had gone the other way" excellent point. But what if the battle had NEVER happened?

    So it’s Pearl Harbor. No Attack there means:

    1. The US enters the war later and by choice.

    2. does not angrily pass laws to change the manufacturing industry to full war footing nearly over night.

    3. Does not have the full weight of public opinion behind the war effort.

    If War is politics by other means, then Pearl Harbor is the Decisive battle of WW2. When Churchill heard the news he said (may not be exact quote), "thank God... now we'll win the war"

  3. Last night I watched an HQ unit and a Hvy Vickers MG Team defending from a third story building. They were attacked from two sides. The strategic AI kicked in and had HQ and MG Team switching sides to best defend themselves from their attackers. This just didn't happen once but over and over during the game. At first I thought I'd have to move them against the threats But I finally just trusted the HQ on the spot and neither team lost a man. The attacking Germans, however, paid dearly for their failure.

  4. The 60mm craters only appear when the mortar shell has fallen into a hole in the ground, such as gopher hole, fox den, rabbit warren, mole hill, etc. The complex underground network of small mammilian tunnels is completely simulated in every map. (BTW, this is why the loading screen hangs at 29%. It is well known that this is "the tunneling effect" oft spoken of by physicists.)

    Obviously, the crater only occurs if the fuze itself hits within the hole. This is rare, but not impossible.

    (Tongue in cheek. :) )


    You left out Hobbit holes...very useful for finding lost ammo and weapons... but the hobbits may be enemy hobbits so be cautious on approach

  5. The QB H2H Setup Reverse Bug Is Back. It happens when The "Review Map" function is used while in the QB Unit selection screen. This had been reported and fixed in V1.01 Unfortunately it appears broken now. I have already reported this to BFC. My thanks to Pete for bring this to my attention.


    Do not use the "Review Map" Function while selecting your troops. If you absolutely must see the map Open it up in the game editor instead.

  6. Stormbringer: Getting bored in OK City? A quick Update for you: You already own CMBN... check here: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=99152

    But really not trying bust your chops. I read your other post and I think you're just concerned about BFC's willingness to update older games like CMx1. I believe they not only have (yes, with a nominal fee) but also indicated they would continue the same with their latest titles. By the way: I had a great time at the Calif CMBB Preview like you did in TX... old days, some so sweet. Hope you are enjoying CMBN

  7. Could you finesse it with the red vs red/red vs blue/blue vs blue setting?
    Very interesting idea, Jon... I was responding to the question of using a QB map for making simple player made scen. So I expect the player will still need to convert one side of the map to suit his needs. In fact the player must actually adjust (for eaxample) the allied attack to axis attack in the editor before repainting the setup zones, as well has changing the setup from blue/blue to "standard". So I suggest it's better for the player to just look for maps with the basic setup already config as the path of least resistance.

    Note: From a QB Play standpoint it just doesn't matter what the original map sides are, so no need to use an all allied or all axis config.

  8. Lotta work to change an Allied Attack map to Allied defend...as you have already figured! Look for The Attacker/Defender setup you need. While most QB maps default to Allied attacker (historically reasonable) there are Axis attack maps as well. And while that plays no role in a QB Game you'll really want to find a map that suits your attacker/defender needs. Just scroll through the QB maps as if you were selecting a map for a QB Game. Look for which side is attacking graphic and make note of the map name.

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