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Posts posted by MarkEzra

  1. I've had the AI drop pre-planned arty on me when I started behind a hill - no LoS from their deployment zone to mine, and the arty hit at just the right point outside my deployment zone to catch my inf running up the hill on the first turn... killed 80% of the whole platoon...

    Good for me! I'm glad it happened! It's what's supposed to happen when you play the AI and rush out into "safe" territory. So why am I over-joyed?

    First ask yourself this: "How Do I KNOW the AI can't see me?"

    And here is your only viable answer: The Human Player is a Cheater.

    He has Total Map Borg ability, he has the knowledge that there are "Zones" to setup in and space between him and the enemy, he knows it's OK to rush ahead and get to that really safe location on the map to dismount and organize his attack.

    The AI knows NONE of this. When the AI attacks it moves with no assurance of "zones" or security. The AI is ALWAYS on the alert and moves with the certainty it's next step is into an ambush.

    So I disagree with those who would limit the AI's ability to fight the crafty Human.

  2. I'm responsible for all the setup zones for every QB map in the game. Serious attention was made to each maps setup zone. I used three criteria:

    1. Type of the map and orientation of the setup areas (Example E-W map edge or NW-SE map corners.

    2. LOS/LOF of the setup zones

    3. Available space for Maximum amount of unit a specific map size can reasonably handle

    I really don't think I can do much more than I already did to maximize the setup areas.

  3. Thanks for sending the save files to NavScout. I have looked at the SandySimmox 002

    The setup is Service (aka Country) Random. This most likely accounts for US on both sides that you mentioned earlier. Do you recall if your are defender? If so you're on the right side. If you are the Attacker then it's the bug I mentioned and is being looked at already. I will take a look at your other save files a bit later today and report back what I've found.

  4. Sandy: I am the person responsible for QB Maps in CMBN. A post release bug report was made regarding attacker/defender sides switching. This is happening sometimes and BFC is aware of that. It is not an issue of map design. I gather you are unhappy with your country's postal/customs rules so I expect you are just letting that anger filter into the game play. If QB Maps worked "Less than half the time" I would have been tarred and feathered... much like my forefathers did to the Royal Tax Collectors. ;)

  5. I agree 100%. A map generator would be useful for 2 player games and not for player vs AI where the AI opponent needs guidance. Something CMx1 didn't require and CMx1 did lack. I stopped playing vs the AI in CMAK long ago.

    And that is the quandary. From a practical stand point BFC decided to not move forward on a map generator (a large number of BFC post discussed this) and devoted it resources to other aspects of QB design and adding new features elsewhere in the game.

    No one, and I mean NO ONE, would have been happier to see a Map Generator included in the game. I am solely responsible for making or converting all the QB Maps that shipped in the game. I continue to add to that number. Players are learning how to create QB Maps and are sharing their work the CMBN Community. (an aside: Study the games QB Maps AI pathing and you will create playable battles vs the AI).

  6. Did we have this thread already?

    Only one core will be used. But the fastest per-clock speed you can buy today will be in duals and quads. If you account for Turbo mode on Intels the speed for a single-threaded all got up even more.

    VRAM amount does not matter, and I think I explained that to you personally a couple times already :)

    If you need to reduce the performance of a graphics card to a single number (because you can't read benchmarks on anandtech or whatever) then use memory bandwidth. That is the single best indicator in general, and for CMx1 and CMx2 in particular.

    There are a lot (and I mean a whole lot) of cards out there that have exclusively been designed for people who can't do research and only buy based on amount of video RAM. These cards have so low memory bandwidth that they cannot even visit a fraction of the available RAM during frame drawing. It is a pure scam. You don't have to be able to visit all memory during each frame, but at some point it gets useless.

    Let's consider a typical "card for idiots" graphics unit, a GeForce 7100 with 512 MB RAM. Memory bandwidth is 5 GB/second and it has 0.5 GB of RAM. So if you run a game at 50 fps it can only visit 20% of the RAM during each frame if you visit each memory location even once. But it gets worse, most things are accessed multiple times during frame draw, in fact hundreds of times. So you can maybe use 5% of the VRAM with acceptable framerate.

    Only for load times and probably not in CMBN since LOS is computed during load (which makes it CPU bound).

    A good motherboard will have decent sound. Getting a PCI card can be counterproductive if you get a creative labs card and run into driver trouble.


    - High per-core CPU speed, usually Turbo mode on Intels will work.

    - High polygon draw count in the video card

    - High memory bandwidth on the video card


    - fast main RAM is useless

    - high VRAM doesn't matter if it isn't very fast

    - shader units on the video card

    CMx2 doesn't use many advanced graphics cards feature, but it pushes a lot of data, draws a lot of polygons. What you want is Wiley E Coyote, not Road Runner. You want to be able to push a lot of dump stuff really fast.

    This was very helpful and I appreciate you taking the time to post (yet again, I gather) this generally bewildering info in a clear, concise manner.

  7. Go first with the corrupted file idea. Delet your current file and re DL it (it could be your end). If you get the same result. Ask him to resend. CMBN can easily have files over 20 megs and give your regular email a fit. I use "SendThisFile" a free file sharing service that has always worked. In the mean time I can send you a game setup from my PC and see if you can open it with your Mac. Just send me an email to Mark.Ezra3591 AT gmail dot com. I can respond around 9 PM PST

  8. Mostly what I have been seeing is that HQs do stay behind the squads. But when there is not much else to send forward then the HQs take the lead.

    Yes. I watched more than a few AI attacks in "author mode" and say with confidence that hated CMx1 HQ charge has indeed been addressed. But Like MikeyD BigJ62 says... Shxtt happens

  9. Thank You for bringing up this question. If the player is attacker he will be able to Preview Map showing the Attacker setup zone ONLY. Obviously the Defender will be able to preview the map showing ONLY the defender setup zone. But that's not really your problem, is it? You've found a bug! Sometimes the Attacker will preview the map and see the defender's setup (only) I will report the bug and thank you, Womble, for posting.

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