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Posts posted by MarkEzra

  1. You will find when you play PBEM that the cost of using crews goes against you when the points are tallied. Sure you can use them (crews did have light weapons as did the AT teams the trade off is both have pistols in the game), but the cost of the lost crew is high. I use my crews to guard the POW's. and I don't let the AT crews sit there without a little hidden inf support to back up the attack. Might be able to get away with that with the AI. In a PBEM you'll have your ears boxed in short order. This the lession I learned the hard way...LOL

  2. I can't argue the pros and cons of Ath/P3 stuff. But I can tell you this: When I purchased my E-Monster (a gamer ready P3/500 from E-machines) I used there rebate offer for using Compuserv as my IP. The PC came in just over $900, rebate $400 (took 6 weeks) eased the strain on my card very nicely. Whatever you do get the unit that can handle CM now and future...I truly believe that my upgrade from a 486 to the E Mach to be the best return on my money (outside my wifes wedding ring, of course!). Many happy hours of Beta/Gold/Full PBEM CM.

    Good luck shopping

  3. Well I thought I was alone in this...I've had no slow down troubles with the Mods Mat and others have put out. I saved each as a file to load and use at will. I ended up going back to the originals package (sound as well)

    I encourage folks to create more MODs. I'm gonna sound like an art critic when I say this, I know.....But....The Mods done to date seem too bright, and or too busy. Muted tones give me a better feel for the battlefield and allows easier vision of units.

  4. Praetorian XXI....I noticed that you are a computer Engineer by trade. The Programing questions you have would need to addressed by BTS and not your fellow gamers. Also there is an excellent search engine avaiable for your use that will answer many, if not all of your questions. As to the effect of arty on troops...well why not just ask my PBEM OPFOR's what they think of it...LOL I think you'll find it works rather well. I hope you continue to play the demo. All of us who had to get used to the "We Go" formula used by CM. The Game is ground breaking for wargames.

    Welcome to the Forum

  5. The only time troop quality should be mentioned is after the enemy uniform is is identified. I think that in the heat of combat a paratrooper uniform is a pretty fair indication of troop quality. I think, too, when in late war scen Volkstrum units are identified it would be do to age (young and old only) as well as mixed uniforms. But I would appreciate the info being very stingy to get. I had a great FOW sound contact that really made me appreciate the games ability to dis-inform.

    Playing a PBEM of Aachen as US my 105 GMC gets a sound contact at the map edge, very close to it's position in my rea areas! Shocked and scared I move the unit ASAP. Since Aachen is a street by street city fight the map edge is really just more houses and streets. The AI kept me honest by "sound contact flanking"..and by God, it worked. My partner, through our own FOW, doesn't have an actual clue as to what happened.

  6. I hadn't paid any attention to the relative value of Allied and german vehicles. Something does come to mind as I read (with some interest, I should add) these post: How is availabilty factored into the purchase cost. Allied units had full production in 1944-5 and produced something like 50K Shermans of all types during the war. german production was limited....The tanks lost at Kursk were never fully made up for. Is this taken in consideration?...If so why does a light use Tank like the M5 have such a steep price tag. And why is it I can't buy a full Platoon of Sherman's without taking a second out on the farm?

  7. Well, after 3 quick set all inf/1000 pts try's, There I am...Cpl Ezra...I took a screen shot and sent it to my Uncle Dick...Combat Medic in Italy and NW Europe (Hurtgen Forest). I'm proud of this happy go lucky old cuss who saw so much death. And I thank BTS for adding such a nice touch to this fantastic game.

  8. Steve and Charles:

    I am delighted but not surprised by the response of the wargaming community to CM. When I saw a comment made about CM on an SP thread I investigated. That weekend, in Nov '99, I retired my 486 PC and bought my P3/500. I had been waiting for a reason to upgrade and CM was it. Everything BTS promised was delivered. Please let me also say thank you to the families of BTS who must have endured more than a few empty weekends while the BTS team was busy making wargame history.

    My Sincere Thanks,

    Mark Ezra

  9. I am very sorry to hear that, Capt.... My mail won't come until the late afternoon here in SoCal. I consider today the last day I'm going to fret and stew over it. I ordered 11/10/99, my CC punched on 6/15. I can't do a damned thing about. My PBEM pals have their's (except poor Johan in South Africa) and are being kind enough to hold back games so that I won't miss out. Hope the same occurs for all you guys who are quietly waiting for the mailman.

  10. Hello Ricky: Couldn't help but notice you are new to the forum...Seems like your loath to give any info about yourself...You know your profile is pretty sparse. I suggest that since you've just gotten the game or demo that you give it a little time to sink in. The game is very different than any of us are used to. reading the manual and doing some searches of the forum many topics is also something to do. But if it's trolling you're up to you'll find this thread to be very short.

  11. Thanks "Spelling Bee"...I got a good laff...opps laugh from your post. While I'm laughing I want you to know that your point is well taken...There is actually no need to point out spelling errors to every poor soul who contributes to this forum. I hope OB&G/Max would cease the behavior as it serves him ill and is hurtful to those he picks on.

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