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Posts posted by MarkEzra

  1. Fionn My source excluded concentration camp body counts from the totals...that's a whole other list...Looks to me that military actions by German forces in Poland and the USSR as well as IJA war tactics in China from '37-45 make the Steve's comments in error to statical evidence. If you or Steve would care to show some data that indicates some sort of relutance on the part of the Axis to kill civilians while in engaging in "military action", I would be interested to see it and consider changing my opinion. Otherwise I stand by what I said.

  2. My Reference is Harper Collins Atlas of the Second World War, edited by John Keegan

    Civilian casualties 1939-1945

    France 173,260 Holland 236,00

    Britin 60,595 Germany 2,300,000

    Soviet Union 7 million Poland 5 million

    Italy 93,000 Japan 300,000

    China up to 10 million

    What was it that Stalin said..." the death of single person is a tragic, the death of millions merely a statistic.

  3. My Uncle Dick Rosenstrauch was a medic in the 45th Inf Div. Uncle Dick has a disposition and personality of pure sunshine.He saw action in Western Europe and Germany. He never talks of the mangaled boys he cared for but only tells funny stories. His wife tells me he still awakens in the night screaming out names of now long dead comrades. God bless him.

    My Father, Everette Ezra built "a ship a day" at the Kaiser shipyards of San Francisco. Towards the end of the war he was hired as a wilder for a small metal specialty shop. After getting a securty clearance he was assigned to work on a project. Building a fairly large, oval casement. One a many project the company did. A few years later When the Atomic Bomb secrets were stolen and the country was in the gripe of the "Red Scare", The FBI came to our door. Not more than 5-6 year old at the time I actually have a vivid recollection of the two men, both with slouch hats and long overcoats, intervwing my father. The questioned Dad about that Oval casement he had helped build...the "Fat Man" Atomic Bomb.

  4. James Jones wrote a great book...you guys should read it. It's called "A Thin Red Line". It tells the story of ordinary American GI's dealing with the terrible stress of combat. Mr Jones was himself a combat vet and knows where of he speaks. Many WW2 vets have appaulded his work for both sensitivity and accuracy.

    Steven Malick has directed a film called a Thin Red Line. It's all about what Malick thinks that James Jones thought. He Hasn't bothered to consult Jones' notes, friends nor combat vets from THAT war.

    I want to the movies and saw The Thin Red Line. I walked out in under an hour. I headed straight for a book store...Guess what I bought...

  5. Rick Brown and I are trying this out to had a little spice to the Close Encounter Scen.

    You'll need a set of dice!On setup roll the dice to see if you get all the armor now or later (Odd=yes Even=No). If no, roll the dice again that number is your "lucky number" write it down. Each turn roll the dice. If it's Odd you get a chance to roll the dice for your "lucky number". Of course you can vary this in all sorts of ways....

    What it does do is change the format a little to help all of us on our umptenth game.

    The other Scen don't seem to lend itself to hiding both sides but anything is possible

  6. The CE church...I've attacked that church w/multiple 75mm and bazooka rounds (hey why not the Stuggs were dead!)with little damage and no collapse. I have attacked that church with a 75mm and after a few rounds it crumbled into black dust! Seems right to me. If the troops inside don't suffer morale and casualty losses than I'ld say the game is off...but of course that is not the case. An Interesting side note. The Wooden two story Bldg caoght fire after my stugg took out a sherman next to it. Very Cool!

  7. George Catlin Marshall is the General of the 20th centuary. He took an Army rated 17th behind Bulgaria and Built a War machine that fought all over the world, not just Euorpe. Supplied the material that allowed Monty to win, Zukov to move (the real secret weapon of WW2 the 21/2 ton GMC truck). His brilliance is in selection of men and focus on the final goal. His efforts in the postwar years pointed the way for all todays generals..that of the soldier/statesmen.

  8. I don't think that German Laws should be characterized out of hand as stupid. Nazi symbolism no longer represents the German people nor there government. The one country that came to terms with it's dark side is Germany. They have laws which may seem stupid to some but are important to the German nation. My Jewish wife feels anger when she sees a Swastika on a madmans forehead, the wall of a synagog, or a wargame. If I can change to the iron cross I will certainly do so

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