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Posts posted by MarkEzra

  1. Thanks for the FYI, Matt. I was one on the lucky ones who got the temp CD overnighted to me. While it didn't work either (I solved my problem by buying a CDR external unit), I'm grateful for the prompt assistance. I do hope that I'll receive a production quality CD when the become available. I'm VERY pleased with the game, company, and service. This was, after all, a small number of units affected, but BTS responded like a house afire to solve the problems hatched by a careless vendor.

  2. When the CMBO beta came out I changed my 486 for a P3. I have upgraded the original 16meg sound card to a Vodoo 5500. That was done to load all the mods. But that's just me. 3D graphics are a big thing, sure. But it really is the level of weapon accuracy and "realism" found under the hood that makes the game "The Game" to play. That BTS understand it's niche well is commendable. That they aren't crawling out on the bleeding edge is a relief!

    Everybody is entitled to an opinion...even an un-informed one. But when one places that opinion on a public forum it is perfectly natural to find a desenter or two. For the record: I've seen the game and it is a beauty to behold a sensation to play, and will prove to be the most accurate wargame yet developed.

  3. What a great way to view this outstanding new game...Wide screen! But I'm getting a little ahead of myself...LOL

    My thanks to Bill for this rare opportunity. He was an outstanding host and a very patient guide as we entered a brave new world in wargaming.

    Today I saw things that actually took my breath away. This is step forward in wargaming certainly equal to CMBO in magnatude. BTS has not provided a fresh coat of paint to their fine CM engine. They have taken bold steps to provide the most intensive wargame experience to ever grace a grogs computer. All the accuracy, fidality and just plan fun we have found in CMBO is just a mile marker on this huge leap forward. As you all know by now there are very specific rules as to what can be mentioned so think me not coy. When you get this (and I recommend when you order, choose the fastest mail service you can!)you'll see /hear and feel what I'm talking about. A fantastic rush.

    [ July 21, 2002, 12:39 AM: Message edited by: MarkEzra ]

  4. I actually wouldn't play CM without CMMOS. The original Textures are too plain (yes, I do understand why) and zipping and unzipping file after file to change the units or look was a large time drain. Like most of us I started loading Mods as soon as they were produced by so many of our talented brethern (tip of the hat). CMMOS has made switching from French to US or recon or SS to WH, from Polish to Canadian to English...you mean to tell me we all don't use it?! I implore all Modders to standardise with CMMOS. Thanks to all who work/contribute to CMMOS.

  5. I have played alot of CM PBEM so let me tell you what I would have done and what I would NOT have done.

    Would Have Done: When I saw the set up I would have confirmed that his force were/were not auto selected. If he said yes (OK so maybe I don't believe him either!) I'd pop smoke and do my damndest to do him some damage. If he said that he had selected his units (inadvertantly I'm sure) I 'd just scratch the game and start another. If he did say auto select but you don't buy it: Play win/lose and thank him for the game. Don't except a rematch.

    What I would NOT have done: post a thread. You don't sound like you actually confronted the guy (do please correct me if I'm wrong) with the only question "Did he use auto select"? Odd things happen in CM including, I'm sure, in auto select games. Now, because you have posted a thread that he just might be reading, feelings can be hurt, and recrimination can bounce about all over the forum. As I write this I remembered an early auto select game I played as Brits. My largest weapon was 37mm Stuart and the 2lber Humber. I recall being up against both Stuggs and Panthers. I don't recall if I won or lost , but it was one hell of a fight. I felt pretty screwed about it, too. But I had no doubts about my OPFOR. I have played the guy many, many times since then.

  6. Any unit will surrender. It is a very common thing to see. Advancing infantry will force isolated enemy units to surrender. Units are more likely to surrender when attacked from the rear or surrounded as their ability to retreat is taken away, Global morale, as noted in an earlier post, plays a large roll in the AI's fight, flee, or surrender options.

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