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Posts posted by MarkEzra

  1. I'm a long time player of SP. It was the most flexible, fun war game out there. When SSI handed the code to The SP Camo group and later to the Matrix folks I was very pleased. The SPWW@ and SPW@W configuration are "gamers" efforts to improve the game. They deserve our thanks as well as our support. The comments of SOME SP followers regarding CM are just wrong. Most of the SP guys I know can't wait for CM to come out. They see it, as I do, as a completely new direction in wargaming. When Matrix gets SPW@W out I'll put it on the hard drive. SP may be the culmination of hex/turn based gaming. CM is the brave new world. I'll honor the past as I play in the future

  2. Zamo: I understand exactly how you feel. I had been playing Steel Panthers (SPWW2) against the AI for years. I was too afraid to play PBEM against the "experts". When CM came out I kinda felt it was new and maybe I'd have a chance of not looking like a complete fool. Man, am I glad I got the guts to start playing PBEM. Yes, I've had my butt kicked...but I've done some kicking myself. No matter win or lose...It's total fun. Also I've met some great guys...Go on jump in, Zamo the waters fine!

  3. In Bruce Lee's book, "Marching Orders", the history of the Magic intercepts of the Japanese diplomatic code, the Allies were well aware of a proposed counter stroke on the West front scheduled for early November (page 264-266). When that didn't happen the Shafe conclusion seems to be it couldn't happen. The Allies just seemed to believe their own press clippings.

  4. Fionn I just reread your last post...I gave you the source for my information. I'll give it again...Harper Collins Atlas of Second World War, Edited by John Keegan, Pub 1989 Times Books Ltd, London. The maps I reviewed specifically seperated concentration camp victims. Rear echolon, no. Nor did I ever say that those stastical facts given indicated anything other than civilians killed in WW2. I hope any person doubting my sincerity or motives will check out the book I used. I feel that my honor has been assulted and I wish to make clear that what I said was documented for all to see.

  5. Fionn: Why off on a tangent? Steve's post said the US killed more civilians through military action. I gave statistics that showed that Japan had killed more from direct military action...Your suggestion that rear area troops killing civilians wasn't military action seems silly to me, frankly...but OK...sure I'll ignore those millions of Russian and others. My statistical evidence was always given with accuracy in mind. In no way did/would I mislead the readers of this forum. As for you view of Amnerican "comfort myths"...What in the world do you think we talk about here in this country? Dresden, Nagasaki, Heroshima are known to most literate Americans. There is a general understanding of the overkill created by mass bombings, ect. Generally speaking people in this country have done more and tried harder to protect civilian's than any other country I know of. I have always felt that the terrible destruction and loss of life visited on the German population in 1945 shocked our post war leaders. There is a strong view that something needed to be done to stop the Nazi domination of Europe. I wouldn't call it a comfort myth, though.

  6. Sigh....Fionn you might want to check some facts. Here's just one. This is again from Keegan's Atlas of WW2, page 65: "The official death toll for the seige of Leningrad is 632,000 although the victims probably numbered nearer a million". One town, no SS, just a good old fashioned artillery pounding (including 100,000 incendiary shell). A bit more than your 200,000 figure for all civilian casualties in Russia. I'ld be interested to know your source for that figure of yours.

  7. Sigh Fionn Are we perhaps forgetting the Russian Civil population. Stalingrad, Leningrad, Kharkov, Kiev? What of the directives to obliterate the Russian landscape. 7 million dead civilian can't be accounted for as reprisals. By the way reprisals are "Military action"...Do you begin to see Bombing a city, terror bombing if you like, rounding up civilian populations and killing them are both "Military actions" Sherman actions demonstrate the effectiveness and efficacy of Military action directed at the civilian population. Steve's comment was America "Racked up the largest body count". The facts I've presented refute that. His differentiation was "Military action not concentration camps" The statistical evidence I provided did not include 6 million dead in concentration camps. I think we can conclude that Japan "racked up" more civilian casualties with Germany not so far behind. The United States and the Allies "racked up" civilians at a fine clip. But not the most.

  8. Fionn My source excluded concentration camp body counts from the totals...that's a whole other list...Looks to me that military actions by German forces in Poland and the USSR as well as IJA war tactics in China from '37-45 make the Steve's comments in error to statical evidence. If you or Steve would care to show some data that indicates some sort of relutance on the part of the Axis to kill civilians while in engaging in "military action", I would be interested to see it and consider changing my opinion. Otherwise I stand by what I said.

  9. My Reference is Harper Collins Atlas of the Second World War, edited by John Keegan

    Civilian casualties 1939-1945

    France 173,260 Holland 236,00

    Britin 60,595 Germany 2,300,000

    Soviet Union 7 million Poland 5 million

    Italy 93,000 Japan 300,000

    China up to 10 million

    What was it that Stalin said..." the death of single person is a tragic, the death of millions merely a statistic.

  10. My Uncle Dick Rosenstrauch was a medic in the 45th Inf Div. Uncle Dick has a disposition and personality of pure sunshine.He saw action in Western Europe and Germany. He never talks of the mangaled boys he cared for but only tells funny stories. His wife tells me he still awakens in the night screaming out names of now long dead comrades. God bless him.

    My Father, Everette Ezra built "a ship a day" at the Kaiser shipyards of San Francisco. Towards the end of the war he was hired as a wilder for a small metal specialty shop. After getting a securty clearance he was assigned to work on a project. Building a fairly large, oval casement. One a many project the company did. A few years later When the Atomic Bomb secrets were stolen and the country was in the gripe of the "Red Scare", The FBI came to our door. Not more than 5-6 year old at the time I actually have a vivid recollection of the two men, both with slouch hats and long overcoats, intervwing my father. The questioned Dad about that Oval casement he had helped build...the "Fat Man" Atomic Bomb.

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