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Any hints about 1.04 (+ SoE critique)

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Hubert, Bill - I know you don't want to give an ETA for the patch (although we're all grown men here, we won't cry foul like teens on a mass market game forum), but can you give us any hint about how soon we SHOULDN'T expect the next patch? Say, "probably not this year" or so?

The Storm over Europe campaign was a big selling point, but now I find I'm unsatisfied with it since of the too large scale, and far too weak (artificially so - even the build limits are ridiculous) Poland and France. They're rigged to fall fast to conventional warfare.

I guess this is a problem with the game engine - you can't make far-reaching sweeps to cut off supply, because any little town (esp. with a hq) gives you plenty of supply, so the historical blitzkrieg can't be done - but it is shamful about France, really.

So we want to build our own improved SoE, but we've decided to wait for the patch...so that we don't have to update all the scripts manually.

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The Storm over Europe campaign was a big selling point, but now I find I'm unsatisfied with it since of the too large scale, and far too weak (artificially so - even the build limits are ridiculous) Poland and France. They're rigged to fall fast to conventional warfare.

I guess this is a problem with the game engine - you can't make far-reaching sweeps to cut off supply, because any little town (esp. with a hq) gives you plenty of supply, so the historical blitzkrieg can't be done - but it is shamful about France, really.

Hi Glabro!

I am sorry but I completely don't get your point here:) First you say that Poland and France are to weak, so I guess that you are talking from the Allied point of view and then that it is not possible to perform blitzkrieg warfare, so in this case you are talking about two completely different issues?

Poland and France are weak which reflects correctly the historical conditions under which those countries were defeated quickly and decisively, but in my oppinion Poland should be provided outright with an army to defend Warsaw. It's worh mentioning that Germans didn't manage capture the city. It surrendered on 28th of September in order to spare civilian lives, after a terrorist attack performed by Luftwaffe on 25th of September that killed and wounded about 45000 people. An army unit to defend Warsaw would probably allow Poland to hold one and two turns more and it would make much more difficult for Germans to attack in the West in 1939, which would be correct historicaly, because Wehrmacht was to exhausted after the Polish campaign.

I regards to France, if we make it stronger, then it would be really difficult to defeat the French army along the historical lines, so I would live it as it is.

If it comes to the Blitzkrieg- I disagree. The supply values of captured French cities, don't drop to zero, so Germans can continue their drive towards Paris and complete their conquest quickly.

The other thing is, that Storm Over Europe is too balanced in favor of the Axis big time and that in my oppinion makes it the weakest campaign of the Great War series. I will elaborate on this subject more when my current game will be over so I could have more complete view on it.

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I'm not complaining about any particular point of view - I've played it both ways.

What I mean is, France had a really strong army, but it wasn't very concentrated. Tanks were spread around the infantry divisions, which made them stronger (but of course here they're pathetically weak), but again diluted their "spearhead" effect. The Germans defeated the French so fast not through brute force, but by doing a major outflanking move with armour through the Ardennes.

What I mean to say is, the effect of this in WW2 was to cut the French in Northern France off, cutting them from supply & higher command etc. for a critical period of time. The reason the French are so pathetic in SoE is probably because the game engine doesn't really support this, but I still disagree with it.

You shouldn't correct one mistake with another.

Now, I know SoE probably doesn't change by itself, but we (Kommandant & Me) are doing something about it, a competitor for CBTS and SOE, effectively. We just are interested in whether it's worth our while to keep waiting for the patch.

Basically, we want to make Poland & France tougher nuts to crack along historical lines while delaying Soviet war entry (unprovoked) to spring / summer 42, possibly do something about the supply if at all possible, drop the scale to corps & divs, etc.

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What I mean to say is, the effect of this in WW2 was to cut the French in Northern France off, cutting them from supply & higher command etc. for a critical period of time. The reason the French are so pathetic in SoE is probably because the game engine doesn't really support this, but I still disagree with it.

Right now, Germans don't need to have any subtle plan to defeat France, because it falls quickly due to the loss of national morale. Doesn't matter how big and strong French army you build, after the blitzkrieg finishes off Belgium, the French NM drops by 50% and then it is further reduced when the panzers approach Paris. So the recipe to win in the west is to conquer Belgium and then just drive decisively towards Paris - doesn't matter if you do it through the Ardennes or you just repeat the Schlieffen plan. There is now way Frech can stop the assault even if you predict correctly the schwerpunkt of the upcoming assault.

Anyway, good luck guys with what you intend to do.

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Hi Glabro,

I honestly can't say as another patch is not really at the top of our list right now, i.e. game is stable and that is always our top priority, so I would say to feel free to go ahead and make changes to the game as soon as you are ready.

I look forward to seeing what you guys come up with too :)


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Really? So a good guess is there won't be a patch this year. Surprising, the hofix commentary left me to believe there would be one.

But I understand you're busy with new games and such, the game itself is very playable and stable, we can tinker with the scenarios ourselves.

And of course, WW1 still works pretty dang well.

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I am also a bit surprised because I believe the WWI needs some urgent fixing in some areas (the rest is for later "to look at" as Hubert would put it):

1) The transfer timing for units from the US to Europe

2) The Kerensky NM boost which needs to be improved

3) The zooming of troops and lack of occupation troops in Russia

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I am surprised, too, as "The Hotfix will be replaced by a full 1.04 patch in the near future." is posted in the patch section.

Really? So a good guess is there won't be a patch this year. Surprising, the hofix commentary left me to believe there would be one.

But I understand you're busy with new games and such, the game itself is very playable and stable, we can tinker with the scenarios ourselves.

And of course, WW1 still works pretty dang well.

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Oh, these are good news indeed, improvements for Great War... anyway, I think everyone in this forum believe that you are busy and with limited time and resources... Well at least I hope everyone here agrees and understand, as most people here are grownup men….

Well I haven't found anyone around 20 years old in SC forum, I thinks there is only me here with this age, correct me if I’m wrong :)

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