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Has anyone tried to make a CMBB backup? I was unsuccessful


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First of I made 2 backups for CMBO, hey you never no when one will screw up.

So I decided to make one for CMBB. The burn went fine no errors, but when I tried to run CMBB of burnt disk, it says insert disk.

I know CMBO only wanted to know if the disk was there, and that everything was on the HD. So why is it not working for CMBB?

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Originally posted by Shatter:

First of I made 2 backups for CMBO, hey you never no when one will screw up.

So I decided to make one for CMBB. The burn went fine no errors, but when I tried to run CMBB of burnt disk, it says insert disk.

I know CMBO only wanted to know if the disk was there, and that everything was on the HD. So why is it not working for CMBB?

Just some suggestions as I don't know how you are making your backups.

You may have do a disk copy rather than create the layout from a project or image. I've used Roxio/Adaptec's Easy CD Creator CD Copier utility to make backups for CM:BO before. That was the only way I could successfully make a backup that the game would recognize at startup.


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I tried to do a copy cd burn, and I recieved some such error, and would not even start the burn process. So I then burned from the contents of CD through layout type burn.

I use Nero burning program, I have another PC which uses Easy CD creator on my other PC. I will try to burn on the other PC.

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Find CloneCD off the internet (it's free and a small download) and use it to make a "CD Image"

Then find Daemon Tools off the internet, and it gives you a "phantom CD Drive" you use to mount your cd image to. Now, you never have to put your disk in OR take it out. (All this takes about 1 gig above the installed size of CMBB)

Edited to Add: CloneCD is also great for making CD-CD copies. I never use my Adaptec if I am doing a CD copy.

[ September 25, 2002, 09:02 AM: Message edited by: Panzer Leader ]

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Well, I find that sometimes any of the offerings fail, so I keep the following installed and up to date.

EZCD 5.0 My primary CD burner software, especially for non-CD copies, but I do use it to copy CDs. Never really had a problem.

Nero Burning. Got into this when EZCD 4 was out. It was better, by far than EZCD 4, but EZCD 5 is just about as good.

Clone CD. The best cloner out their. It tends to make perfect copies, including of just about every copy protection schema. TOAW-COW is impossible to reliably copy, for example, without CloneCD.

However, when it gets wierd, like with the CMBB installer, anyone could provide a solution, as EZCD 4 on an office machine did for me.

Since the life expectency of CDs is fairly short because they are easy to scratch and crack if dropped, I copy all my stuff, often more than once. I buy the software, and then I protect my investment.

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Tried to backup my Mac CMBB disc but it never finishes copying through toast 5.14, the burning gradually slows then stalls at the last fraction. Looked at the size of the CMBB disc which says 701.4mb which seems more than the usual capacity of a CD. (OSX.2 install disk 623.8mb) but toast doesn't error the copying size as to much for the burnable media.

Then tried to install and get the bad media error for the CMBB disc.

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PC here, I burned a copy without problems. I decided to install from the Burn since it was in the drive, it failed, not sure where as I stepped out of the room, when I came back in my computer was rebooting. I then successfully installed from the original CD. I can use the burn CD to start the game.

Edit: I used NERO 5.5.9

[ September 25, 2002, 11:45 AM: Message edited by: kking199 ]

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I had no problem making a backup using Nero; it's good enough to play the game with, anyway. I didn't try installing.

After copying,I did get a message from Nero saying "Buffer underrun prevented 17 times." I have a newer CD burner, with burn proof (a hardware technology that makes burning more reliable by preventing buffer underruns), so it might be the case that if your burner is older, it might not be up to copying the disc.

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Ok got it on the second go. Stupid little brother is visiting me this week and he burned some of my music and put a 74min/650 meg CD-R back in the case of and 80min/700meg CD-R.

Little $hit probably did it on purpose. :mad:

I already threatend sending him back to the parents if he pisses me off again, and now this.

Still its cool having him around, I think

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