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1939 Storm over Europe - AAR

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Was it the one with the game where you attack USSR in 1940 and also deal with the West front at the same time? Got that issue as it happened :-) I'm doing a boardgame on WW2 for Victory Point Games so pretty interested in allowing various options.

If i was a different article/issue please let me know.

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Hey Luke, this is how you pull it off in SC. First deny MR pact to get a better deployment option. Take France down ASAP, usually by Summer 40. Immediately transfer the required forces East and setup one turn for the invasion, usually no later than September 40.

Now, you DoW USSR and take what you can get until Spring 41 with the idea to optimize your Barbarossa massive invasion jump off deployments for 41. I call it the preBarby Escapade as all it does it get your forces into a better position to force the surrender of Leningrad and Moscow by Autumn of 41.

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Is it possible in this game to try an invasion of the USSR in 1939/1940 .. while seeking to hold the west via fortifications?

Attacking USRR before finishing off France, would lead to weak Germany waging a war on two fronts early in the war. Recipe for disastre in my opinion. The key strategy for the Germans is to eliminate it's opponents one by one, avoiding war on two fronts at all costs. Knocking down France first, buys time at least until 1943 to win the war in the East, and then to turn against the inevitable Allied invasion. It's nearly an impossible feat, but I don't think that there is any better strategy to win the war by the Feldgrauen hordes.

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Ivanov took up the challenge. :P He shall be my next victim... err... opponent. :)

I bet Al would be willing to pick up a challenger too. :P

Comrade Ivanov won't be an easy prey :mad:

So is the game with Al already finished?

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No... I think it's far from finished. I am hoping to recover as Russia. I still hold Stalingrad and Lenningrad. Al holds the middle and the south. For how long I can hold those 2 cities remains in question. Also winter is approaching and the weather will probably turn this turn or next. Russia has an entire new army about to deploy this turn... so it should be interesting in 43. Also the Allies are on the move. So Al has to worry about the US and UK. I think he might try an invasion of England in 43... but we will see.

Right now Al is on holiday in France I think. I believe he has limited internet access so expect a turn from him any day now.

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Didnt Tiger tanks went into action 42 ? And Me 262 same year ?

First Tigers went prematurely into action in late 1942 near Leningrad, however it was only an experimental use under preassure from Hitler, and there were never more than few ready for action tanks in a company size unit. They really debuted in 1943 and Tiger II in mid 1944. Me 262 was ready for operational use in combat units in 1944 aswell. The latest versions on Panter tank were introduced in the second half of the same year, so the weapon systems developement during II World War certailny didn't end in 1942.

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Didnt Tiger tanks went into action 42 ? And Me 262 same year ?

...sort of, but not exactly.

Just as Ivanov said above, production of the Tiger tank started in Aug 1942 at a rate of only 25 tanks per month. Crews had to be trainned... Hitler insisted and a very few tanks were rushed to the Leningrad area in September before they were ready. You can work out the math: 25 machines produced in august. How much time did they have to train tne crews? And to fix up the inevitable problems with the very first few machines out of th assembly line?

Me 262 prototypes were flight tested in 42. These were not combat ready machines. And apparently German engineers had quite a bit of work to do before they could get a combat ready version. It took them 2 more years before the first Me262 entered operations in 1944.

One more thing: we are some times tempted to think of the Tiger Tank as a very avanced tank. It was an impressive machine. But the Panther V was more advanced.

The Panther cost half as much, was much faster, had much better range, had almost as good frontal armor, its gun could rotate faster, and could penetrate armor just as well, reload times may have been faster, and had better cross country capabilties. Its only substantial weakness was lower side armor. It entered service in 1943.

The Tiger was a very heavy tank. It can be misleading to compare medium and heavy tanks.

A heavy tank sacrifices speed, range, endurance (wear and tear) and manufacturing costs in favor of armor and fire power. Using the same technology you can develop a medium and a heavy tank. The medium tank would be faster and have better range while the heavy tank would have better armor and firepower.

The role of the heavy tank was different as well. When reading the wrttings of Guderian and other German officers of wwii you notice they envisioned that the role of the heavy tank was to punch a whole through the enemy anti tank guns. Meanwhile, the role of the medium tank was to exploit the breakthrough and fend off counter-attacking armor. In keeping with this idea, the Tiger could be slower, but needed better side armor an a gun with better high explosive capabilities (i.e. better against soft targets). Meanwhile, the Panther was faster and was a superb tank killer.

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OK - I've managed to get online here in Madeira, but taking a turn is going to be far from simple because my family (not unreasonably!!) are rather keen that I dont sit at a computer instead of doing things with them... Daughter of 11, twin boys of 8 and a long suffering wife muast take some priority sometimes! I've got Marc's turn downloaded and I'll see what I can do later, but no promises as to when my next turn will be up.

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No... I think it's far from finished. I am hoping to recover as Russia. I still hold Stalingrad and Lenningrad. Al holds the middle and the south. For how long I can hold those 2 cities remains in question. Also winter is approaching and the weather will probably turn this turn or next. Russia has an entire new army about to deploy this turn... so it should be interesting in 43. Also the Allies are on the move. So Al has to worry about the US and UK. I think he might try an invasion of England in 43... but we will see.

Right now Al is on holiday in France I think. I believe he has limited internet access so expect a turn from him any day now.

Finished? Good grief no. A long way to go. 1943 could see a big turn around if Marc can gather his forces and hit me in the right place and at the right time. Much still to happen - and for you all to read about!

When I get back from holiday next week I might be able to take on one more opponent...

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Hubert's Beta Tester Rule #117 clearly states and I quote: "No beta tester shall go on vacation to places named after drinks like Madeira."

I think we should all blame Al for his violation of Rule #117 and place him in the Box of Shame for the delay in this AAR. :P

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What are unit costs like?

Abukede and Catacol has shown us production figures. But to properly understand them we need to know how much it cost to produce the different units.

What is the cost of a tank unit? an infantry army? an infantry corps? a garrison?

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...sort of, but not exactly.

One more thing: we are some times tempted to think of the Tiger Tank as a very avanced tank. It was an impressive machine. But the Panther V was more advanced.

The Tiger tank shouldn't in my opinion, win the prize for the best tank of WWII. The most famous and most feared ( also due to the German wartime propaganda ) - maybe. The incredible kill ratio achieved by Tiger crews, was also due to the fact that from 1943 onwards, German army was waging mostly a defensive warfare, so equiped with formidable 88mm cannon and protected by the thick armour, Tigers were often operating form ambushes against more numerous, but much lighter and not as well armed hordes of T-34's or Shermans. Due to the extremelly difficult tactical and strategic situation that Wehrmacht and Waffen SS had to face during the last years of the war, Panzer VI´s proved to be most of all an excellent defensive weapon. For offensive actions, it simply lacked mobility and speed. I agree with EV that Panther tank was much more diverse, modern and it can be seen as the actual predecessor of modern main battle tanks. We cannot forget here that Panther developement was inspired by nimble and versatile T 34, which suprised Wehrmacht so much in 1941, during the first months of Operation Barbarossa.

I see that the it got really quiet here since the new patch has been released...;)

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Hubert's Beta Tester Rule #117 clearly states and I quote: "No beta tester shall go on vacation to places named after drinks like Madeira."

I think we should all blame Al for his violation of Rule #117 and place him in the Box of Shame for the delay in this AAR. :P

Fighting my way through tired children and a big power cut I have managed to take a turn! Rule 117 hereby non-violated... :-)

Not much to report. Destroyed 3 units and secured Moscow, did a lot of reinforcement, had a bit of a bash at a British Battleship in the North Sea and sunk another destroyer, and basically prepared to carry out the strategy stated earlier. Winter is now here - a few turns of not much coming up I suspect...

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How is the Home Front doing? How many MPPs is each nation getting? What industrial tech have you each reached? (...if you can tell without giving up too much info.)

What's happening in Africa? Did the allies already kicked the Italians out of North Africa? If the Allies controls Moroco, but the Axis controls Gibraltar, can allied supplies, ships and/or submarines get accross the strait? What about the Axis..., can they get through?

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Home Front I believe is doing good. Most of the UK army and RAF is there, including a strong fighter command. The US has the 8th airforce there and other units. The majority of my fleet is operating around the England at the moment with a strong force bottling up the Italians in the med. The UK was tech starved but that is beginning to change. The US and Uk own all of North Africa and Italy is preparing to defend against an expected landing no doubt.

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