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QB: wrong setup area

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Simmox and me played a QB by Email, and just tried to set up a second one. Both times the attacker got to set up in the centre of the map, at the village/victory location, and the defender got to set up at the map edge, without any victory locations.

We played the first one, and it was a nice excersize in attacking for me, but pretty hopeless for the defender.

Both times the defending player set the QB up, and picked the map. Germans were attacker in the first one, defender in the second one.

Maps were:

Asslt Med Village QB 006

Attk Med Hills QB 055

Only thing I can think of is that the attacker needs to set up the battle, for the setup area's to be appointed properly. Is that the case? We are going to try that now...


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If I could have my wish, I'd have BFC change these set up areas for all Meeting Engagements to be the entire length of opposing sides of the map like it was in CMx1. This way your opponent cannot know where your forces are coming from.

By using the entire length of the edge of the map, your direction of attack is entirely unpredictable and it lends itself (IMHO) to what a meeting engagement really is. As it is now, a ME is nothing more than a quasi-set piece battle -and they get boring real quickly.

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If I could have my wish, I'd have BFC change these set up areas for all Meeting Engagements to be the entire length of opposing sides of the map like it was in CMx1. This way your opponent cannot know where your forces are coming from.

By using the entire length of the edge of the map, your direction of attack is entirely unpredictable and it lends itself (IMHO) to what a meeting engagement really is. As it is now, a ME is nothing more than a quasi-set piece battle -and they get boring real quickly.

YOU CAN EDIT THE MAP YOURSELVE AND DO JUST THAT. You just need to learn the tools you have been given.

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You do not need to edit any QB Map in order to get the setup you want.

Bertram: When you had this problem previously I asked for a PBEM save file for the meeting Engagement (with passwords). And do so for the attack scen. If there is a Bug then those save files will be important.

I posted a Bug report anyway, ran PBEM test switching the Allied and Axis sides as I think you guys are doing. I couldn't duplicate the problem you and your partner are having.

I have carefully checked both QB Maps Attk Maps for errors that would affect setup. There are none. So is it user error? I don't know and I can't know until you send BFC a save file. There could be a problem with the QB PBEM game setup Engine that makes this happen but I haven't been able to duplicate it on my own. So your help would be appreciated. Please provide the following:

The save File that demonstrates The reversed setup along with as much detail on how you chose your side and units (auto-Human?) Send it to me or any Beta Tester.

Mark.Ezra3591 AT Gmail dot Com.

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No, just selected German defender, US attacker, which is the default (at least that is how it is currently in my setup, it might remember the choices you make?).

Then choose the German side - after which a turn was send to my opponent.

Mark Ezra has the files, so it is in good hands :)

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Thanks for the help. BFC is aware and I'll continue to follow up. Here's My Comment:

The PBEM sets up as US Defender and Axis Attacker. Bertram says He setup up as German Defender and US Attacker I have attached the Briefing which clearly shows the US is supposed to be the Attacker...So it's a Bug

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Now here's the really Cool Thing: I setup another PBEM Game Just As Betram describes The default US Attacker Vs Axis Defender QB Map "Attk Med Hills QB-055" and I chose Defender (I Think That was Bertrams side) and guess what I got... Yep I'm the German and I'm Defending.... now tell me...isn't bug chasing just the funnist thing ever!!

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I just set up a QB with someone else - same result: setup zones switched!!

I remember that the first QB was set up by Simmox, and he had the QB already setup for a game with someone else, and then send it to me instead. So he might have swapped sides then...

Could this have flipped a variable on my side, which makes me always assign the wrong setup zones?

I'll try a few QB setups this morning, just "sending" them to myself, to see if it is consistent....

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I've run in to the same issue that cyrano01 mentiones in his linked thread. On three or four occasions in single player QB have I had to play as the American attacker even though I picked the defending Germans. I choose "human" for both sides' force selection in all instances, and did not use the "suggested" force option, but instead bought all units manually. It has never happened when the AI automatically picks his force.

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I remember something similar in CMSF. I don't remember if it was ever fixed. I would be in control of the opposite side from what I had chosen, but the AI was still moving my units. See, co-play works! :)

I recall that, too... It was fixed.

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