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The Peng Challenge Thread (By Popular Demand)

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Ahem. Actually, he did.

And let's not blatantly point out the mismatched bracket/parenthesis combination.

Paper? The only paper you'll get is the one from my bottom.

And you were doing moderately well too ... a shame ... more class, less crass lad.


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Guest Panzer Boxb

I meant the bottom of my shoe. Honest!

Ah, well, you can't expect someone who has studiously refrained from evening peeking at a Peng thread to be completely up on the high falutin etiquette. It probably takes hours of study to capture the ebb and flow, the nuance of wit, the pinnacle of ....

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I meant the bottom of my shoe. Honest!

Ah, well, you can't expect someone who has studiously refrained from evening peeking at a Peng thread to be completely up on the high falutin etiquette. It probably takes hours of study to capture the ebb and flow, the nuance of wit, the pinnacle of ....

Yes, yes, quite right lad, quite right. But it's important to set the right tone and since Boo Radley did such an execrable job of the rules I felt it incumbent upon me to set the record straight.

I must admit lad, that I like the cut of your gibe. You're raw and unfinished but you have potential.

I shall reward you by bestowing the greatest gift in the power of any Knight of the CessPool ... to make you a Serf of the CessPool! Easy lad, easy, there's no crying in the CessPool.

In the fullness of time we may find that you have "what it takes" and promote you to Squire. Naturally, since I've proposed you for Serfdom I have first rights of refusal when it comes time to take you to Squire. I shall then instruct you on the rights and obligations of a Knight of the CessPool and set for you certain quests which must be performed to my satisfaction. Sit DOWN Bauhaus, not those kinds of quests.

Basically you'll be required to complete certain scenarios in one or another versions of Combat Mission against a member of the CessPool. Having completed those quests ... you may, and let me emphasize the MAY ... be granted the boon that all true Outreboarders yearn for (however much they deny it) ... a full Knighthood in the Peng Challenge Thread.

Such an honor is not easily gained and you'll have many tasks set for you that will ... uh ... task you. But no honor is more cherished once earned.

So what say you lad, will you take up the galvanized Pissbucket that is the badge of a Serf of the Cesspool and stand to to serve the CessPool as a hole ... not to mentioning emptying said Pissbucket into the hole as it becomes necessary?


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Wow, and he never even had to challenge anybody.

Things sure have changed since I became a Serf of the Cesspool!

Back then, becoming a Serf meant something.

I had to play RLeete in a fecking game of Crodaburg before I became Serf!

I see no good coming from this, Lads.

Weak as water are the Squires we'll be having from now on!

Weak as water!

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Wow, and he never even had to challenge anybody.

Things sure have changed since I became a Serf of the Cesspool!

Back then, becoming a Serf meant something.

I had to play RLeete in a fecking game of Crodaburg before I became Serf!

I see no good coming from this, Lads.

Weak as water are the Squires we'll be having from now on!

Weak as water!

Crodaburg was an abomination.

I imagine one would have a head start if already challenged by DNA, genetics, society, and country of origin.

I can barely remember being a squire of the Bard

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Wow, and he never even had to challenge anybody.

Things sure have changed since I became a Serf of the Cesspool!

Back then, becoming a Serf meant something.

I had to play RLeete in a fecking game of Crodaburg before I became Serf!

I see no good coming from this, Lads.

Weak as water are the Squires we'll be having from now on!

Weak as water!

True Boo Radley, true ... we did everything we could to discourage you but clearly it didn't work.


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Well, you've got to understand that Joe is a lonely old man who's alienated from the rest of us by his by his emotional distance... and his thick bodily funk.

He's always on the lookout for the unwary... er... new person who may wander by whom he can take under his wing and stun... er... impart all the knowledge (Most of it inaccurate) he's stolen... borrowed... amassed throughout the years.

Because most of us don't pay him a lot of attention any more.

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Well, you've got to understand that Joe is a lonely old man who's alienated from the rest of us by his by his emotional distance... and his thick bodily funk.

He's always on the lookout for the unwary... er... new person who may wander by whom he can take under his wing and stun... er... impart all the knowledge (Most of it inaccurate) he's stolen... borrowed... amassed throughout the years.

Because most of us don't pay him a lot of attention any more.

Now, now Boo Radley, if it weren't for the mentoring spirit of the CessPool we wouldn't have Squires and new Knights now would we? Clearly some are more adept than others and clearly some Knights are less picky ... how else to explain your entrance here.

And after your Knighthood how many new Serfs have YOU proposed eh?

But for those of us with a true discerning eye the glimmer of spirit can be found in an SSN from time to time. And if it should be that the SSN doesn't work out he can always be tossed back into the Outreboard can't he ... the same, of course, can't be said for those promoted to, for example, "Other Recognized" by fiat of the Olde Ones ... naming no names of course.


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Now, now Boo Radley, if it weren't for the mentoring spirit of the CessPool we wouldn't have Squires and new Knights now would we? Clearly some are more adept than others and clearly some Knights are less picky ... how else to explain your entrance here.

And after your Knighthood how many new Serfs have YOU proposed eh?

But for those of us with a true discerning eye the glimmer of spirit can be found in an SSN from time to time. And if it should be that the SSN doesn't work out he can always be tossed back into the Outreboard can't he ... the same, of course, can't be said for those promoted to, for example, "Other Recognized" by fiat of the Olde Ones ... naming no names of course.


Pfft! Proposing Serfs means nothing! They come in and stay for a few days and leave. NBD.

But ask me how many Serfs I've taken to Squire and then lowered to Kannigethood? How many raw recruits I've taken and molded into the elite squad of CM commanders which is now House JDMorse?

Proposing serfs! As if!

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Pfft! Proposing Serfs means nothing! They come in and stay for a few days and leave. NBD.

But ask me how many Serfs I've taken to Squire and then lowered to Kannigethood? How many raw recruits I've taken and molded into the elite squad of CM commanders which is now House JDMorse?

Proposing serfs! As if!

You call those SQUIRES? My Gawd man I could do better recruiting drunks off the street ... which, come to think of it, explains some of your choices.


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You call those SQUIRES? My Gawd man I could do better recruiting drunks off the street ... which, come to think of it, explains some of your choices.


Listen, Shaw, you may be right, but that does not make me a bad person. The likes of Lurker and myself were raised up by Boo Radley to become fine upstanding, or is it downstanding?(is that a word?) members of the MBT. The whereabouts of Lurker may be vague at this time, but that does not dimish the fine training we received from Boo Radley. There aren't any finer drunks off the streets than us!!!!

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Listen, Shaw, you may be right, but that does not make me a bad person. The likes of Lurker and myself were raised up by Boo Radley to become fine upstanding, or is it downstanding?(is that a word?) members of the MBT. The whereabouts of Lurker may be vague at this time, but that does not dimish the fine training we received from Boo Radley. There aren't any finer drunks off the streets than us!!!!
Oh gosh Nidan1, if I had know that YOU were one of his squires ... well gee whiz that would have made ALL the difference donchaknow.


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Listen, Shaw, you may be right, but that does not make me a bad person. The likes of Lurker and myself were raised up by Boo Radley to become fine upstanding, or is it downstanding?(is that a word?) members of the MBT. The whereabouts of Lurker may be vague at this time, but that does not diminish the fine training we received from Boo Radley. There aren't any finer drunks off the streets than us!!!!


I bask in the glow.

And thumb my nose at you.

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