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New Red Orchestra 2 info + screenshots


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I disagree, Crysis sucked, there was no depth whatsoever. It's graphically the best looking game out there if you have the computer to max it out, but the gameplay was flawed and cliched (can't remember the damn way to put in the accent) in so many ways I can't even begin to start. Only thing I enjoyed was HALO jumping out of the plane at night at the very beginning, that was very cool.

If you want a game that lets you "play however you want" to accomplish the mission, look up Operation Flashpoint. Or, in a lesser manner but still great, Raven Shield and Rogue Spear.

And +1 to Meater. It all comes down to parenting. (and I was born in the CoD generation... '88)

Besides, what are you suggesting, we ban video games? They're already "mature" 18+ in the USA, pretty much all the games mentioned in this thread, certainly Manhunt (which I wouldn't play just cause I hate horror type stuff---but I know plenty who did and they hardly went psychotic lol)

Anyways, I'm a hardcore libertarian (except for a few things), so I'm pretty much for legalizing everything and allowing everyone to do whatever they want as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else.

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How much of Crysis did you actually play? Because to say Rogue Spear or Raven Shield have more freedom of tactical movement is just plain wrong. Trust me, I played the hell outta Crysis and the Rainbow Six games, the latter in competitive clan matches. Although I agree with OPF and the Arma series being much more wide open.

Sounds like your more into the realistic military shooters based on your comparisons. Which is kool, me too, but if your not into the sci-fi or the nano suit element, then that hardly makes the game flawed or cliched. Not to mention the mainstream media giving it rave reviews (90% average out of 58 reviews).

But hey, to each his own. ;)

Oh and about the graphics, since it's not often somebody can say this with a straight face, so I'm gonna say it. The game is now three years old and still looks amazing. :D

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ROHOS is starting to look a lot better now. The first screens released showed everything with a glossy plastic look. These are a lot better and look more natural. The tank interiors are nice too. Can't wait for DH2 on this version.

After watching that video, I'm not too pleased about their decision to lock players in their vehicles. Not cool. If my tank is burning I'm getting out - just like in reality. It never bothered me to see other players jump out of the tank before I got credit for the kill. Knocking out the tank is way more important than getting cred for killing the crew. I think a better solution would have been to find a way to award points for knocking out the vehicle instead of having the points based solely on pvp kills, since I'm sure complaints about bailers factored into this decision.

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I'm sure complaints about bailers factored into this decision.
I'm guessing it did, but in a different way than you think. There was, and still is, a tendency for tankers to leap from their tank and kill troops attempting to destroy it/close assault it (PTRD/satchel charges), after having dealt with the close assaulters they leap back into the tank and drive on.

I play Arma 2 extensively and it allows me a lot of freedom, but its a different style of freedom. A2 provides you a lot of "freedom of choice" although if you don't follow the briefing you'll probably get killed, while in Crysis I can sneak around the jungle creating unique tactics on the fly to deal with my enemies (like throwing drill presses at them).

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most sociologists etc are taught the ideological belief that humans are born with blank minds. when e.g. violent behavior is just a product of the society, then it follows that violent movies and video games must cause violent behavior. we are rotten only because we grow up in rotten societies, they say.

as counter intuitive as it may seem, not least because of the above mentioned ideological brainwashing we all enjoy, the 20th century, with the two world wars and a good number of genocides included, was 50 times *less violent* than typical pre-agrarian noble savant societies (that suffer no such evils as movies, video games and rock music).

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most sociologists etc are taught the ideological belief that humans are born with blank minds. when e.g. violent behavior is just a product of the society, then it follows that violent movies and video games must cause violent behavior. we are rotten only because we grow up in rotten societies, they say.

Huh? Have you read any books written in the last 50 years? The debate over exactly where to draw the line between nature and nurture continues unabated and the line seems to move farther into the nature zone with every new round of research. Probably the truth is that we come with a whole panoply of instincts and our environments select some for encouragement and present opportunities for them to develop while others are neglected. It's in the deciding which ones are most in the long term interest of the individual, the tribe, and the species to develop and which to repress that we find the battleground of ideologies. And it's always been that way since the dawn of recorded history.


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Huh? Have you read any books written in the last 50 years? The debate over exactly where to draw the line between nature and nurture continues unabated and the line seems to move farther into the nature zone with every new round of research.

i was trying to imply that the debate you speak of is caused by ideological & political motivations & agendas. some strong ideologies have made it a life or death question for themselves.

Probably the truth is that we come with a whole panoply of instincts and our environments select some for encouragement and present opportunities for them to develop while others are neglected.

yeah, that's a nice way to put it, though i'm not sure there is a need for that one word.

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The debate over exactly where to draw the line between nature and nurture continues unabated and the line seems to move farther into the nature zone with every new round of research.


This is just the fashion of the time - we're all victims, we don't need to take responsibility for our actions, blah blah blah. It'll swing around again when it's noted that we do have free will and can exercise it: we can change not only our environment but also ourselves to meet our needs.

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This is just the fashion of the time - we're all victims, we don't need to take responsibility for our actions, blah blah blah.

the victim idea is the nurture ideology.

It'll swing around again when it's noted that we do have free will and can exercise it:

why is free will important?

we can change not only our environment but also ourselves to meet our needs.

our needs?

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Ready to do some torture?

Enter "Call of Duty: Black Ops":


Move forward to 4:10 for the educational part.

Best regards,


It's more like your just clicking a button to continue the story sequence. It's becoming more and more common nowadays for game devs to make story parts of a game interactive.

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Either way, it is just the old "we have no original ideas, so let's just raise the violence bar" story. Lame. Lame. Lame.

Best regards,


The overall gameplay has absolutely nothing original about it. Just another arcade shoot-em up on semi-rails with Hollywood special effects sprinkled on over-the-top insanely unrealistic set pieces.

However, the storyline is somewhat original in that the whole game is a series of flashbacks from you in a interrogation room. Ranging from the end of WWII to Vietnam(which made me want to play the best Nam game ever made called "Vietcong") and the Cuban Missile crisis.

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  • 2 weeks later...
How much of Crysis did you actually play? Because to say Rogue Spear or Raven Shield have more freedom of tactical movement is just plain wrong. Trust me, I played the hell outta Crysis and the Rainbow Six games, the latter in competitive clan matches. Although I agree with OPF and the Arma series being much more wide open.

Sounds like your more into the realistic military shooters based on your comparisons. Which is kool, me too, but if your not into the sci-fi or the nano suit element, then that hardly makes the game flawed or cliched. Not to mention the mainstream media giving it rave reviews (90% average out of 58 reviews).

But hey, to each his own. ;)

Oh and about the graphics, since it's not often somebody can say this with a straight face, so I'm gonna say it. The game is now three years old and still looks amazing. :D

Yes I am into realistic tactical shooters but the Tribes series is one of my all time favorites (which featured you firing all kinds of ridiculous weapons while jetpacking around in the year 3941)... so no the "sci fi" element has nothing to do with it. Similarly, one of my top 5 favorite games of all time is Freespace 2. Another completely unrealistic space sci-fi game. (nothing with the learning curve of something like IL-2 of course too, though that's one of my top 5 too)

1) The AI seemed to have perfect aim. I thought *you* were the super trained Delta Force special suit commando, not the NK conscripts?

2) Although it did give you OPTIONS, it felt like an "illusion" to me. Operation Flashpoint for example actually gave you complete and I mean COMPLETE freedom of how to approach situations. I recall in I think one of the first missions you had to destroy this little base. Basically, my options were, sneak in stealthily (goes REAL fast too so you

'll be out of "nano energy" quick), or just shoot everyone from a distance (not practical as your aim sucks by default while the AI's doesn't), or just go around punching everyone in the face. So yes, there are options, but compared to say Operation Flashpoint, it doesn't even come close.

In OFP I recall on one mission... this was nearly a decade ago so I can't remember much, but I think the objective was to destroy several enemy helicopters stationed at a few bases. Pretty sure you were with only one or two others IIRC (one of the black ops missions). Anyways... I hijacked a BMP with my squad after ambushing the crew from the woods who were standing next to it and a squad nearby (this was about a mile away from the target helis btw). Had one of my men grab an AT weapon off one of the dead Ruskies and then we all hopped in, drove to one of the helicopter bases, killed everyone there, planted charges, blew up all but one of the helos (had to get to extract point and we had soldiers starting to attack the base from all directions). We hopped in the remaining Hind I think it was to destroy the other helicopters on the ground at the other 2 bases, did so, then headed for the extract point, but got shot down by a shilka half way there, bailed, and then snuck around enemy patrols for half a mile, finally making it to the extract zone after a couple hours.

THAT'S freedom of movement/choice/attack.

But yeah you're right, Crysis I supposed offered more options on how to approach things than R6 series. But R6 still >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Crysis ;) IMO.

3) Cliched story. Cmon, aliens... again???

4) The whole suit mechanic was pretty flawed IMO. It could have been great, but was poorly implemented.

5) Stealth is a joke (unless you're "stealthed" with the suit). You can be prone, deep deep in the jungle and some NK will pick you off from 500 meters away.

It certainly is a beautiful looking game though. But for that I can just step outside, where the graphics are literally photorealistic ;).

And yes the mainstream press gave it rave reviews, as they are giving black ops rave reviews right now (which I see you bashing, and rightly so), but look at the PLAYER reviews of crysis and you'll see a different story. 91% average on metacritic from the press, 78% average from the players. That's a pretty significant difference.

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