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CM: Afghanistan - best title yet

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Actually being sarcastic here. I paid $50 to get the CD shipped including postage. It took nearly two weeks to get here. It then took ages to load on my laptop using Windows Vista and then when I tried to play a scenario it loaded up but as soon as I tried to give an order on screen the game crashes. I can click on units and look around but as soon as I give an order that is it. So gaming experience has been fairly negative so far.

Also the whole licensing (ie having to de-licence the CM:SF titles on one machine before loading on another) is yet another inconvenience Battlefront has thrown at honest customers who've paid their money. I'm sure hackers can get around it its just us mugs that have to engage in this rigmarole.

While I'm here I'll also add that trying to access the Battlefront system (technical help/comments) is an increasingly inconvenient and time consuming business. I've got enough passwords and usernames in my life without having to remember two more for Battlefront (the account one and the forum one). As a customer whose has bought Battlefront products for ten years I feel the company's interaction with customers has deteriorated significantly from the early days. I really enjoyed the CM 1 titles and have persevered with CM:SF even though I find it a more frustrating series and the scenario design less friendly in the hope that Battlefront will continue developing cutting edge computer wargames. After my experience with CM:A I think I've about had it. My earlier good experience with CM 1 makes me hope that CM:N achieves this but not sure I'll have the incentive to find out. I've already shelved my plan to buy CM:NATO based on the quality of my CM:A experience.


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I understand the real issue is that when you give an order the game crashes. That's an unusual behavior. So far I haven't seen reports of such behavior.

What kind of hardware do you have? Perhaps you have older drivers or videocard?

CM:A has been very stable overall as long as drivers are up-to-date and hardware is fairly recent (but it doesn't have to be top of the line). I am running it on a 3-year-old Dell Laptop without a hickup.

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Yeah I think if I had waited a whole two weeks for a $50 game just to watch it crash, the very first thing I would do is come on to the developer's site and whine about the licensing and having two passwords, seems productive.

As a customer who has bought Battlefront, and previously Big Time Software, products for well over ten years now, my experience has been the polar opposite, but then again requiring two passwords doesn't throw me into a tizzy either.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yeah me too. and not only have Battlefronts staff been great but this very forum is rich with connections, troubleshooting, ect. I ordered my games via download & Mail..Got the software in 3 days...However I do complain about CMA not including a glossy map of afghanistan and a hard copy manual besides the pdf file....I like the goodie deluxe bags. I know nit costs money at printers but Ill pay the extra for my goody bag. CMSF had the chart mousepad, map, guide and amazing game. However CMA is a wonderful evolution...I don't care how many passwords it takes to get it hooked into my mainframe....

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Hi Nigel,

I understand your frustration and I dont want to sound bad to you here but dont forget there is a Demo available.

It became quiet rare theses days but it's very helpful especially to see how your system will handle the game, and of course if you like it ;)

I hope BFC will help you running the game because it might be the best title of the series yet :D

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I missed this thread, so sorry for the late reply.

Nigel - What video card and which driver version do you have installed ? Does the game consistently crash when you attempt to give an order ? Are you able to give any orders at all or does it crash on the very first order ? Does the crash occur when selecting/highlighting a unit or once you press the key for the command (keyboard or on screen) ?

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