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CMAK on G4 w/ ATI Radeon 9700

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I have read everything I can find on the Battlefront, ATI, and Apple websites, and I still cannot get CMAK to run on my G4. I have downloaded the most recent video driver from ATI, and disabled FS Anti-aliasing. I experience two problems. First, I never get asked to approve the current graphics setting. Second, once I launch the game, the screen is black with brown/white blocks where the startup window/text would be. Here are my specs:

Powerbook G4 17" 1.67 GHz 1 Gb RAM

ATI Mobility Radeon 9700 128 Mb VRAM

OS X 10.4.7 (but running CMAK under OS 9)

Thanks for your help!

David Cross (aka TheBlackDouglas)


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I assume that you're booting into OS 9/Classic and not just 'switching' into it, correct (though CM probably wouldn't run whatsoever if this wasn't the case)? Have you been able to remove/disable the Classic RAVE extension ? I believe that's still necessary.

I'm not sure of the exact state of the Classic/RAVE driver that Apple distributes with OS 10.4. This thread details someone else looking for a similar driver update. The post by Wicky has a download link to a .sit archive file that was released by ATI to address the particular problem users were having with CM and the Radeon 9000's at the time. I would have thought that something like this would have been rolled into the driver by this point, but possibly it hasn't. I believe it may work for the entire 9x00/8500 family of Radeons under OS 9.2.x.

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Well, Schrull, you may have identified the the problem (or at least one problem) ... I have been booting under OS/X, and then starting OS/9 from within OS/X. I haven't fussed with the RAVE extension either. I will look into these.

I read the post by Wicky, and downloaded the archive file you mention, but was reluctant to install that over the newer ATI driver/utility. I will check into this also.

Thanks for helpful information ... I will report back on what I find out.


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I have an 867 MHz dual OS (9.2, OS X 10.4.7) lampshade iMac running 512MB SDRAM. In order to run OS 9.2, I have to do a restart from OS X 10.4.7 after selecting the 9.2 startup disk under Prefs.

From what I recall, there are known smoke and other issues for CM play involving all ATI cards beyond the 7000 series, but I don't know what the ultimate status was of the fixes. I have a 32 MB GeForce MX card in mine, so it's a nonissue for me. Neither CMAK nor CMBB will run in Classic at all, but CMBO will. That's because Classic supports only resolutions as high as 640 x 480.


John Kettler

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Originally posted by TheBlackDouglas:

Well, Schrull, you may have identified the the problem (or at least one problem) ... I have been booting under OS/X, and then starting OS/9 from within OS/X. I haven't fussed with the RAVE extension either. I will look into these.

I read the post by Wicky, and downloaded the archive file you mention, but was reluctant to install that over the newer ATI driver/utility. I will check into this also.

Thanks for helpful information ... I will report back on what I find out.


Your 1.6 Powerbook will not directly boot into OS9 for CM :-(

<a href="http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=25114" target="_blank">Mac OS 8 and 9 compatibility with Macintosh computers

Learn which versions of Mac OS 8 and Mac OS 9 will run on which Macintosh computers.</a>

Macintosh: Some Computers Only Start Up in Mac OS X

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Long time no see! Be sure to check out this thread. Should bring back some fond and not so fond memories, as well as one literal blast from the past in which you figured prominently.


As for the Powerbook OS 9 situation, ISTR the last dual boot model was the 867 MHz Titanium Powerbook. Some of the early iBooks will also boot into OS 9 and OS X.


John Kettler

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Hi as far as G4 powerbooks are concerned they can still boot into 9.2.2 for the 1ghz titaniums. However whenever i try to load the ati drivers for 9.2.2 my powerbook crashes. Unfortunately I don'thave the original install disks for OS9 with me here( Kuwait)so I can't re-install my OS and start over again.

Will give it atry again after work and hopefully I'll have it running without any issues.

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