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As far as I know, the swastika is only illegal in Germany and possibly Austria. In the US you are free to fly it from your front porch if you like. However, be prepared for the inevitable tsunami which will follow.

The straight swastika was actually a good luck and spiritual symbol before the Nazis hijacked it. As a kid I remember a pre-WWI photograph of a distant relative wearing a swastika broach while dressed in a turn of the century outfit. This photo was taken in the US long before Hitler somewhere in the south west.

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Ranson552, you might wanna check out Buntaland.

...from where i suddenly feel the strong urge to quote this:



"jon_j_rambo" "banned"

@ ransom552

Please Ignore the last remark of jjr, because at buntaland you won't find any swastikas and surely no help to install them. buntaland is simply another forum, where some active and former battlefront forum members meet and talk about SC, others games -what actually is not possible here at the SC forum- and about all the rest in the world. A certain member was banned there because he spreaded lies. At first only about one member, and after his banishment, about all of them. Usualy he claims that they are all nazis. That would -by his definition- include me as well.

But back on topic:

Ransom552, honestly, I simply don't understand your morbid fascination about the swastica symbols.

If they appear on historical pictures, well, ok. But why do you want them in the game engine?

Don't you know or understand what happend 70 years ago under this sign?

The "Balkenkreuz" / iron cross is a military symbol used by the Reichswehr, the Wehrmacht and the Bundeswehr. It the the ONE symbol of choice to represent german armed forces.

The swastika itself is no specific "german" symbol.

Take a read at wikipedia about it (and better about all the nazi crimes as well) and think if you REALLY need it in the game anymore.


I would advice to not use it, as it represents (at least in my eyes) in short every bestiality the german Nazis did between 1925 - 1945.

And i feel no need to get, to see, to use such a symbol in a GAME.

If you decide, that you need the swastika, i would suggest to write one of the modders an email. I think those guys know what to do to introduce new flags. Maybe it is even in the manual. Manual, that is this pdf-file or even the printed handbook, where usually no one cares to read in.


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Good question. Just change the files. There are four files in two different folders;

In folder Campaigns/_1939 World At War/Bitmaps, these files:




In folder Campaigns/_1939 World At War/Interface, this file:


Also, you can open each file in Microsoft’s Paint and edit the flags.

Remember to save the default flags before you save over them.

This is somewhat of a general answer, let me know if more detail is needed.


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...from where i suddenly feel the strong urge to quote this:



"jon_j_rambo" "banned"

@ ransom552

Please Ignore the last remark of jjr, because at buntaland you won't find any swastikas and surely no help to install them. buntaland is simply another forum, where some active and former battlefront forum members meet and talk about SC, others games -what actually is not possible here at the SC forum- and about all the rest in the world. A certain member was banned there because he spreaded lies. At first only about one member, and after his banishment, about all of them. Usualy he claims that they are all nazis. That would -by his definition- include me as well.

But back on topic:

Ransom552, honestly, I simply don't understand your morbid fascination about the swastica symbols.

If they appear on historical pictures, well, ok. But why do you want them in the game engine?

Don't you know or understand what happend 70 years ago under this sign?

The "Balkenkreuz" / iron cross is a military symbol used by the Reichswehr, the Wehrmacht and the Bundeswehr. It the the ONE symbol of choice to represent german armed forces.

The swastika itself is no specific "german" symbol.

Take a read at wikipedia about it (and better about all the nazi crimes as well) and think if you REALLY need it in the game anymore.


I would advice to not use it, as it represents (at least in my eyes) in short every bestiality the german Nazis did between 1925 - 1945.

And i feel no need to get, to see, to use such a symbol in a GAME.

If you decide, that you need the swastika, i would suggest to write one of the modders an email. I think those guys know what to do to introduce new flags. Maybe it is even in the manual. Manual, that is this pdf-file or even the printed handbook, where usually no one cares to read in.


I am sorry if this has raised some sort of thoughts on my character, it was never intended.

I am pushing 60, grew up in post war Britain and now live in Australia

I am well aware of what the symbol stands for and all the evil perpetrated under that flag, but simply I was looking for the historical accuracy of the flag, nothing more.

I am happy for this topic to be closed, it was never my intention to offend anyone, I can only offer my apologies if that is the impression I created.

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@Xwormwood --- Hey, in your country, the German law is the law. Your website is exactly that.

Personally, I choose not to use Nazi symbols, if you must know. Played games against a couple players that have had them for the SS-units, seems reasonable to me. I'd actually like a historical proportion. There's always the editor, but I don't do editors. I don't even read rule books.

In the United States, we are allowed to any flag within the boundaries of property rights, Constitution, etc. The most debatable flags are the Confederate flag (stars & bars) of the U.S. Civil War. The Confederate flag has been on EVERY war game of that era with no problems. This flag is seen by many as a symbol of hate, while others call it their culture. Frankly, the flag does nothing for me, must be my Northern roots. "Don't Tread On Me" & "The Mexican Flag" are popping up in debates in today's news. Once again, not my cup of tea, I'm a gamer.

I'm a professional gamer, first & foremost. That's why I'm here. I started the Ultimate Fighting Championship, I'm in the middle of UFC #1, trying to promote the game. With Terif stepping down, I'm holding the crown. I'm a mixture of Randy Couture, Vito Corleone, & Rambo.

In conclusion, take Elvis Presley when he was asked by a reporter before his Madison Square Garden performance. "Elvis, how do you feel about the Vietnam War, and do you think it's okay for others to speak out against it?".

Elvis answered,"Honey, I'm just performer, here to entertain the people......if others want to, that's their thing."

The Godfather of SC,

The ArchAngel of Strategy,

The Living Legend,


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Never knew the Nazis reigned the country by 1925...

Being afraid of a sign that was used hundreds of years before the Nazis perverted its meaning is a sort of hysteria.

By the way, more than 100 million of people were murdered under the sign of hammer and sickle. To my knowledge it is not forbidden to use this flag in Germany or anywhere around the world.

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Nor do you need signs...or flags, just evil intent. So you see the problem? No?? Look in the mirror, you humans are the problem, your rationalizations and perverted sense of entitlements. You are given the gift of life, that's it, you may not even be entitled to that, it just may be a convoluted conclusion of cosmic forces.

You have been infused by your maker with freedom of choice and you can discern between right and wrong by that infusion, but you must maintain clarity, contemplation and deductive reasonings which many of you choose to ignore, so you're doomed to be repetitive to a great degree and your progress is slow.:(

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Nor do you need signs...or flags, just evil intent. So you see the problem? No?? Look in the mirror, you humans are the problem, your rationalizations and perverted sense of entitlements. You are given the gift of life, that's it, you may not even be entitled to that, it just may be a convoluted conclusion of cosmic forces.

You have been infused by your maker with freedom of choice and you can discern between right and wrong by that infusion, but you must maintain clarity, contemplation and deductive reasonings which many of you choose to ignore, so you're doomed to be repetitive to a great degree and your progress is slow.:(

....and so speaks the great Kal-El, fearless leader of the planet Krypton, as he watches his doomed planet face imminent destruction......:eek::D

But seriously, if you want to use the swastika or hammer and sickle in the game, it's certainly up to you if you're just trying to be historically accurate. For many people though (including this forum, obviously) these flags (and yes, the confederate flag) are symbols of hatred and prejudice and are bound to invoke strong feelings in not too few of them. ;)

Ranson 552, you're not the first person to be misunderstood here, so I wouldn't sweat it. You seem all right to me. :)

Fred19, XW meant the Nazis were committing atrocities as early as the mid-20s (which they were indeed), not necessarily in control at that time.

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There's that reference again, that adjective of "great" seems to confound my existence,:confused: most recently a descriptive verse about "a great big windbag full of sh!t" .....someone said....whatever could that mean?:rolleyes:

Oh well.... I'll just chalk it up to another failing human recognition characteristic!;)

Now...back to the game!:)

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just my 7.5 pence but I was slightly annoyed that there are Swastikas in the default GC (at bottom of eagle on main screen and in options bar). if that floats your boat then feel free to do what you like and tattoo it on your head if you want to. But I always rather liked the - no face of hitler, no Swastika side of the SC series. . There are others games out there that sometimes seem ghoulish in their glorification of it all. I'm just playing a game here and I'd rather minimalise the glorifying of racial hatred where possible. And yes I know that the hammer and sickle offend many , my wife's jewish russian family lost her grandfather to the communists bullets and aunts to the nazi gas chambers. nonetheless if the swastikas were dropped in 1.04 it would be nice .

on other notes - more AAR please. Rambo can't promote this single handed. get in the octagon.

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It is not surprising that the swastika evokes so much controversy, even among war gamers.

While I can understand that the emblem offends many, the fact is that if one is offended by the swastika in a game, one should also be offended by ANY WW2 game, even if there are no swastika emblems in it. The Germans didn't start WW2 out of some lofty idealism centred around brotherhood of man, or bringing a better standard of living to the other peoples of Europe. It was a war of naked aggression, with the sole purpose of gaining more room and resources for Germany.

The swastika is offensive, but I have a hard time seeing how its inclusion or exclusion in a war game matters much at all. To me, leaving it out is akin to watching a documentary of WW2 and having the swastika "blurred" or otherwise edited out every time it appears.

Ranson 552, in my opinion you have nothing to apologize for. You just need to be aware that on this forum, there are some who have appointed themselves as the guardians of our morality, and who consider their word to be the final word on almost any topic you care to think of :)

Edit: to put it another way, why can't someone like Ranson come on to this forum, ask a simple question, and be spared a ten paragraph lecture? If people answered his question with either an "I don't know" or "here it is", or "can't help you, 'cuz I don't like swastikas" that would be fine. But some of the responses come across like sermons.

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It's relative.

My grandfather was born in Poznan and this region was a part of the German Empire but after the WW1 was it a part of Poland (because the German ethic was the minority - but they was citizen of Poland).

A lot of German citizen of Poland was delight of the occupation of Poland and for this German,which after the WWII was expelled from their homeland (although they were de jure citizen of Poland), murdered or raped were the government of Poland (and Polish ethic) a bunch of criminals.

(This was one of the largest genocide of the nineteenth century!)

By the way;The use of "hammer and sickle" (as symbol;D) is forbidden in Poland, Hungary and the Baltic states.

I think it would be nice if one could choose between "no swastika " and "swastika" (before one download the game because it's could be illegal in Germany).

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It's relative.

By the way;The use of "hammer and sickle" (as symbol;D) is forbidden in Poland, Hungary and the Baltic states.

I did not know that; really interesting. What about the swastika? As far as I know (which is not always that far-reaching :) ) Germany is the only European state with that prohibition.

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