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Cheating Australians rip off Kiwis

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Interesting to see the treatment of these two versions of the same story: that footage of NZ troops at Gallipoli had been wrongly identified as depicting Aussies by the official Australian war correspondent of the time.

Note the small man syndrome NZ version:

from the NZ Herald

And the slightly more academic and humble take

From the SMH

I find it quite remarkable that given the paucity of footage, this hasn't been worked out before.

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Well, yeah, what do you expect :)

Actually, I thought the Harold story was for more enlightening. It has way more details and explanation in it. The SMH one is basically "huh. Bean stole some footage. Whoops" (and the denialist quote from Ekins at the War Memorial is priceless :D ). The Harold story goes into how they figured it out, and gives other examples of Bean playing fast and loose.

As for not figuring it out earlier, I take it that Bean's editing sufficiently muddied things such that it was basically impossible to tell until the uncut footage resurfaced, which was only very recently.

Speaking of over turning long held beliefs, there was a story running about here last week that Malone was shot by one of his own men as he approached a trench while bringing in some wounded. Whether that is to be considered better or worse than being killed by British naval artillery is left as an exercise for the reader.

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lol - I love how the "slightly more humble and academic" SMH version includes a coupel of lines stunchly defending the editor who foisted this great lie upon the world - apparently you only do this sort of thing if you are

a stickler for painstaking accuracy. He went for the dull, unvarnished truth, always."

- oh yeah - Aff's an Aussie.....:P

The irish are used to it - we've only had 150 years of having an obnoxious big brother next door who's always full of himself. And they never actually invaded us....

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I was interested in the denialist (as JonS puts it) quote as well. Especially when Ekin's old boss and mentor, Peter Stanley, pretty much bitch slaps that version. I'm surprised that someone like Ekins would jump to the party line of defending Bean when it is well known that his version of the truth (and his comprehension of the fighting man) was at times quite bogus. eg. His campaign against Monash.

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I was interested in the denialist ... quote as well. Especially when Ekin's old boss and mentor, Peter Stanley, pretty much bitch slaps that version. I'm surprised that someone like Ekins would jump to the party line of defending Bean when it is well known that his version of the truth (and his comprehension of the fighting man) was at times quite bogus. eg. His campaign against Monash.

The really odd thing is, to me, that that quote just kind of sits there, like a smelly fart in the middle of the article. There's no attempt to explore that the heck Ekins meant, or why he believes it, or whether Ekins thinks that Bean made an honest mistake, or anything really. Just an isolated and contradictory quote floating free.

Weird reporting, if you ask me :)

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Poor old C.E.W. Bean. There he was, second in line to Mary McKillop for an Aussie sainthood, and now the steady but inexorable trashing of his reputation has begun. It happens to the best of them. His Gallipoli accounts will eventually be considered worthless fiction, while secret documents unearthed by a keen Kiwi investigative reporter in 2023 seem to show that, very probably, at the time of the invasion, Bean was actually on top of the hill buggering a Kurdish youth in a sauna while spotting artillery for Ataturk in his spare time.

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Worth noting from the article that South Australia was the only Australian state which didn't receive convicts from 'the old country' seeing as we were established by free settlers. Hence, our widely held regard within the country as the state of refinement.




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It even has the Panther with the 88mm in it uncorrected.

Ah yes. That must be Citizen Soldiers. I stumbled upon several mistakes in the first couple of chapters and that was one of the more glaring ones. I closed the book and gave up reading it and anything else by Ambrose after that. Anyone who can make an uncorrected error that egregious does not deserve to be called a historian; at least not a historian of the Second World War.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Somewhat in the same vein:


There has been an angry reaction in Australia after television producers cast a Caucasian man in the role of a Chinese-Australian war hero.

Who in their right mind didn't see a faecesstorm coming when you do that. Can't find a 60 year old Chinese actor to play the dad? Look harder, you dolts! You'd get in trouble if he was just a walk on part but no, the series is specifically about the guy! smiley-rolleyes008.gif

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