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The fighting continues and the Coalition forces are starting to push lightly into Al-Qaryatayn...

A Company HQ (Naqib Abou Hamed) along side with the Command Squad(Anwar) and 2nd Platoon(Mulazim Abu Sofian ) were now fighting against enemy APC's along the road on the side of the Hospital and as fighting was taking place at the Hospital area, Naqib Abou Hamed himself,would be among the first casualties to go down, leaving A company without a commander.


Picture: The APC was just hit on it's right side (left side of pic) with an RPG and that killed the gunner, and the British troop in the background would survive and run past those shots fired at him and many more would miss him by inches afterwards.

As gunfire was being exchanged between the Coalition forces and the Syrian Forces at the Hospital, 1st Tank Platoon(Mulazim Amer) and 2nd Tank Platoon (Mulazim Al Farran) from B Coy/582nd ArmBat/58 ArmBDE (Abou Mubarak)arrived South East into the fighting area from deep within the city.B Coy/582nd ArmBat/58 ArmBDE HQ (Abou Mubarak) would show up shortly after the two tank platoons.1st Tank Platoon(Mulazim Amer) with its three tanks, would mobilize to the North end of the Mosque compound and would hold around there on the streets and with cannons facing towards The Cross Roads At NW Part at the Post Office area in Al-Qaryatayn, where 1st RW Wessel Mech Inf Platoon (Mulazim Al Hakim) is holding at.2nd Tank Platoon (Mulazim Al Farran) with its 2 tanks, would rush to engage the enemy APC's at the Hospital area. 2nd Tank Platoon (Mulazim Al Farran) stayed side by side on the same road and moved on and up the road that the enemy APC's were on, and successfully shot and destroyed 2 enemy APC's that were giving the Syrian forces a hard time.As 2nd Tank Platoon (Mulazim Al Farran) slowly moved up the road towards the Hospital, they would shoot at any enemy in their path and clear the road of all enemy forces.


Al-Hassan Mudjaheddin (Mulazim Al Hakim) who has positioned themselves to the East of the Hospital in the neighborhoods, moved to flank and assault the APC's and the crew that were on the road beside the Hospital.As the Syrian tanks closed in on the destroyed APC's, Al-Hassan Mudjaheddin (Mulazim Al Hakim) quickly swarmed the area and surrounded and killed all enemy crew members and infantry that tried to take cover in various buildings and in yards.The enemy who ventured into the city streets by the Hospital were now cut off,surrounded, and cut down.All fighting at the Hospital ends for the time being and this small battlefield victory was what was needed in order for the Syrian Forces to gain some momentum and moral on their side.

As all this was going on,the enemy Mechanized group that just assaulted the Motor Station seems to be sending some APC's and infantry to go down the main road that leads to the school inside Al-Qaryatayn from the North West, where B Command Militia (Al Hakim) has taken the initiative to set up ambush points. B Command Militia (Al Hakim) who is made up of RPG,Sniper and Heavy MG teams now raise their weapons in anticipation of ambushing the enemy, and soon after fighting breaks out with the enemy APC's and Infantry who have moved down the road and into the North West part of Al-Qaryatayn.One enemy APC is destroyed by RPG hits and enemy infantry are being hit and pinned into place with heavy MG, RPG and sniper fire.A Syrian BTR from 1st RW Wessel Mech Inf Platoon (Mulazim Al Hakim) and a Syrian Tank from 1st Tank Platoon(Mulazim Amer) near the Mosque are ordered to move and assist B Command Militia (Al Hakim) by having the BTR flank the enemy forces on the road from the West within the neighborhoods, and to use houses to block outside enemy fire, while the Syrian Tank moves to position itself on the main road the enemy are on, and to position himself near buildings to cut off enemy fire from outside the city.


The enemy on the road were under very intense fire from B Command Militia (Al Hakim) and would remain pinned down in some bush and tree areas, near a wall on the side of the road.Another enemy APC tried to scramble out of the area and ended up getting stuck alone in some back yards.An RPG team moved to place themselves to get a good line of fire and they were able to successfully disable the APC in the backyards with RPG rounds.With the enemy under intense fire and cut off once again from their outside forces, the enemy Infantry and APC's were eventually all shot down and the ambush that B Command Militia (Al Hakim) took the initiative to set up, proved to have worked well as all the fighting in their area stopped for now on the road,but B Command Militia (Al Hakim) did take some casualties of their own and some RPG's were lost.


Simultaneously as the fighting in the city streets and Hospital were happening, the enemy Mechanized group at the Motor Station has left the Motor Station compound and is moving right for the School compound, and as they move it becomes clear that another APC was disabled near the Motor Station at some point during the fighting.

B Company HQ (Naqib Zubromawi) and Command Squad(Al Nur) and 1st Platoon (Mulazim Al Mubi) are holding at the School and prepared for the oncoming enemy assault.In anticipation of enemy armor coming in the front way most Syrian soldiers were set up to face their RPG weapons to the North of the compound, but the enemy Infantry stormed in from the South East part of the compound simultaneously as the armor stormed in from the North of the School compound.The enemy quickly flooded in and took those buildings in the South East of the compound and the Syrian forces within the School compound had to quickly shift themselves to hit the enemy Infantry as well as vehicles moving in.Very intense close range fighting took place across the school yard with bullets flying in all directions and enemy APC's and Tanks would be hit by RPG's, but the enemy Tanks and APC's would also fire back into the school making the Syrian troops withdraw from their positions.Enemy rifle fire would be exchanged with Syrian rifle fire, but as the ferocious firefight was unfolding the enemy Infantry proved to be more accurate as they held their ground.After a short while of fighting across the yard,the enemy Infantry began to assault the buildings the Syrian forces were in.B Company HQ (Naqib Zubromawi) and Command Squad(Al Nur) and 1st Platoon (Mulazim Al Mubi) were now fighting the enemy face to face, room to room,class to class and trying to pull back to the South West buildings inside the School compound in order to get out of the compound.At this time the School compound is completely surrounded by enemy APC's and Tanks and some Syrian men start to drop their rifles and flee to hide while others keep exchanging gun fire heroically with the enemy Infantry as they pull back across the yard.Men are being shot all around the school and school yard and bullets are flying in every direction, but it's the enemy forces who are getting the better of this clash and as B Company HQ (Naqib Zubromawi) and Command Squad(Al Nur) and 1st Platoon (Mulazim Al Mubi) frantically race to get into the buildings in the South West in the School compound, they were shot and reduced to just a handful of soldiers with most of the leaders dead or dying except for 1st Platoon HQ (Mulazim Al Mubi) who still had it's leaders and majority of their squad.All that remained of the Syrian forces in the School compound would gather in the same building and rally to put up some more resistance and a fight to the finish would take place with the enemy outside their building.The School in very short time would be lost and not one Syrian soldier was left in or around the School compound that could fight.


Enemy APC's and Tanks at the Downtown Farms area were seen moving towards Usuf-Aga Farm just South West of the School compound, and the enemy Infantry appears to have stayed in the Downtown Farms for now, but it's hard to say because no info or sightings can be relayed to Syrian command about the enemy Infantry movements

Despite the horrible defeat at the School,the Motor Station and Downtown Farms, the Syrian Forces have now established themselves a little hope as they successfully ambushed and repelled the enemy at the Hospital and on the main road at the North West part of Al-Qaryatayn.These two small victories have given Syrian command some relief in knowing with confidence that the enemy can possibly be stopped and the Syrian forces will not be rolled over easily within the city of Al-Qaryatayn.There still remains much hard fighting but the Syrian forces who held their ground and repelled the enemy, receive much praise from their comrades and has motivated the Syrian forces to fight on within the city of Al-Qaryatayn.

As the odd explosion goes off, It seems now that the Syrian Rockets will be firing very soon.The enemy forces are in and around the strike zones near the School and Motor Station, but the Downtown Farms are hard to get info on.Syrian command estimates there is a good 75% chance that the rockets will hit the enemy forces in the few minutes to come, but a new threat now press on the Syrian commands minds when enemy airplanes and helicopters are later heard and reported to be over head above the fighting.Also it seems that the enemy have brought in more Tanks, APC's and light vehicles to assault the Hospital area for the second time, and no doubt B Command Militia (Al Hakim) will also have to fight off another wave of enemy Mechanized Infantry.

2nd Platoon(Mulazim Al Mahalel) who is ordered to Hold and Defend the Al-Abakar Farm, still remains hidden and it seems at this point that the Coalition Forces will not assault the Al-Abakar Farm, but it's still hard to judge as there is no sightings or info on the enemy Infantry in the Downtown Farms area.All fighting from this point on will seem to be done in the outer layer of the city Al-Qaryatayn and it now looks as if the Coalition forces will make a heavy push into Al-Qaryatayn.

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The new movements were hastily drawn up on the map over the original plan, and were given to Syrian Command so they could quickly put together what the situation is now.As the map hit the Syrian Commands hands this is what was seen,


1st Platoon Special Forces(Raboud) would be the last to show up as reinforcements as the fighting went on.They would quickly move to set up and defend a city block South West of B Command Militia(Al Hakim) and ambush any enemy who make it deeper into the city past B Command Militia(Al Hakim) and 1st RW Wessel Mech Inf Platoon(Mulazim Awwal Al Sahhah).

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From this point on it's become clear all fighting will be taking place in the city streets.The Coalition Forces seem to be gathering themselves together to forcefully break their way into Al-Qaryatayn.

More enemy vehicles and infantry now try and push their way into the Hospital area down the same main road and heavy fighting starts to pick up again between enemy APC's, light enemy vehicles and enemy Infantry.Suddenly, one of the two Syrian tanks from 2nd Tank Platoon (Mulazim Al Farran) that was near the Hospital area gets blown up and completely destroyed.The other and only remaining Syrian Tank near the Hospital area turns off the main road and moves to find some kind of cover from enemy air units as well as enemy tanks outside the city.Another Syrian Tank from 1st Tank Platoon(Mulazim Amer) at the Mosque area would be ordered to move to the Hospital area to make sure the Hospital area is well guarded with heavy guns, and the Syrian tank moved to take up positions in front of the Hospital across the street in an alley facing the crossroads that's beside the Hospital.The Syrian tank from 1st Tank Platoon(Mulazim Amer) was able to move stealthy through the back streets and into position to fight the enemy and managed to avoid enemy air as well as enemy tanks while moving.


A Company (Naqib Abou Hamed) who is defending the hospital are now starting to hit the enemy vehicles with RPG's at the cross roads near the Hospital, and Al-Hassan Mudjaheddin (Mulazim Al Hakim) continues to move around to fight and ambush the enemy forces from the flanks from various buildings.The Syrian tank that has positioned himself in the alley near the Hospital also continues to shoot the enemy vehicles as they move up, and the cross roads at the Hospital becomes a kill zone,chewing up the enemy.Any enemy that made it out of the kill zone were later swallowed up by Al-Hassan Mudjaheddin (Mulazim Al Hakim)as they hunted them down.


As this was happening, Syrian Rockets now began to fall onto the Motor Station area, Downtown Farms and just west of the School.All these areas were getting showered by Syrian rockets and the Syrian rockets would impact close to each other with very small dispersion.Enemy armor would be clustered around the School and in a strike zone and rockets would explode all around them just outside their steel hulls.Enemy Infantry would also be suspected to be near all the strike zones, but there was no clear visual if the enemy infantry were being struck.There was also much dust and smoke going around, so it would make it even more difficult to asses the damage it caused to the enemy, if any.

Enemy air units would continue to harass and hit areas within the city and most Syrian vehicles are taking shelter in backyards or where ever they can find a way to cut off the angle of fire from the enemy air units.Most strikes from enemy air units would be heard, yet unseen by Syrian command, but most Syrian forces were in good cover so if there was any casualties to the Syrian infantry from the air strikes, is was little.Enemy air would get another good strike in though, and that strike would destroy the Syrian tank from 1st Tank Platoon(Mulazim Amer) that has taken up position near the Hospital in the alley.Now 2 Syrian tanks have been destroyed.

The two technical fighting vehicles 2nd Pick Up PK(Sulimani) and 6th Pick Up SPG-9(Anwar) in the city at the school(not the one that was being defended) were requested to sneak and move to assist in the fighting at the Hospital and to position themselves near the destroyed Syrian tank in the alley in front of the Hospital, so they could get a clear view on the crossroads.They were able to successfully use the back roads to avoid detection and got to their positions where they continued to fight the enemy with their MG and Recoiless rifle.

A Company (Naqib Abou Hamed) with the help of Al-Hassan Mudjaheddin (Mulazim Al Hakim) the Syrian Tanks and the Technicals, were able to successfully defeat and completely wipe out the second enemy wave to hit the Hospital area.The fighting at the Hospital would stop for now and many burning vehicles could be seen on the road from the fast paced and intense fighting near the Hospital.


Enemy would also start to push into the North West Part Of the City where 3rd Platoon(Mulazim Doka) from A Company (Naqib Abou Hamed) is, and also the enemy would push down the main road where B Command (Al Hakim) successfully ambushed the enemies first attempt.This time the enemy would move in with much more force and B Command (Al Hakim) could not stop them as the enemy armor rolled past.Attempts were made to hit the enemy, but the enemy armor would prove to powerful and both 3rd Platoon(Mulazim Doka) from A Company (Naqib Abou Hamed) and B Command (Al Hakim) would get shot down quickly without being able to cause hard damage to the enemy.The North West Part Of City and it's main road would quickly be over run by the Coalition Forces and any Syrian forces that managed to stay alive in those areas now laid low in deep cover and formed small pockets of resistance around the enemy.The small pockets of Syrian forces could not do big damage to the main body of enemy pushing into the city, but they were able to later gather their RPG's and ammo from the dead and wounded and waited for an opportunity to present itself to move out and strike.3rd Platoon(Mulazim Doka) after attempting more sneak attacks would later be reduced to 4 men with their leader Mulazim Doka killed, and would now remain hidden.B Command (Al Hakim) would also suffer more casualties and be reduced to 3 men and their leader Al Hakim would be among the dead.


As the enemy forces pushed past B Command (Al Hakim) down the main road, they were quickly ambushed by 1st Platoon Special Forces(Raboud).One enemy APC was destroyed and an enemy tank also took some RPG hits, but remained active and then deployed his smoke to screen themselves from more RPG attacks.Firefights with enemy Infantry also broke out and 1st Platoon Special Forces(Raboud) were locked into a fierce close battle with the enemy armor and Inf.

Enemy vehicles are now attacking into the city West of the Mosque and heavy tank rounds start to crash into the Mosque as the Jiahad i Islami Mudjaheddin (Ta'anari) fire their RPG's and MG's at some of the Coalition Forces.Without hesitation the Mosque was repeatedly hit over and over by heavy tank fire and Jiahad i Islami Mudjaheddin (Ta'anari) were forced to stop their fighting with forces outside the Mosque and concentrated on positioning themselves deeper inside the Mosque to fight any enemy forces that will attempt to assault into the Mosque.Jiahad i Islami Mudjaheddin (Ta'anari) rallied together deep inside the Mosque and waited for the enemy, but snipers would continue to fire from the Minarets undetected.


All around the Coalition forces were now pushing into the city from the West, North West and North in force.

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As the enemy pushed into the city 4th Pick Up DSKM(Akwal) and 7th Pick Up SPG-9(Abou Masid) moved around at the South West of the Mosque in hopes of hitting any armor and inf on their sides as they moved towards the Post Office area.As they moved to try to get in position on a cross road, in just a blink of an eye, both technical's found themselves smoking and destroyed without firing a single shot and no one was left alive.

Coalition Forces have now moved their way towards the The Cross Roads At NW Part at the Post Office area in Al-Qaryatayn where 1st RW Wessel Mech Inf Platoon (Mulazim Al Hakim) is ordered to defend.This area would turn into complete chaos in a few moments and the fighting that took place would be swift and brutal and unorganized.As the battle exploded into action,1st RW Wessel Mech Inf Platoon (Mulazim Al Hakim) would find themselves fighting face to face with the enemies Tanks,APC's and Infantry.Enemy APC's along with Syrian BTR's would also be firing at each other at extreme close range as some enemy APC's moved into the backyards, and also as the Syrian BTR's would move to hit the softer armor from the rear and infantry targets just meters away.The moments at the Post Office area was nothing short of an all out explosive close quarters fight.A Syrian soldier would shoot an enemy soldier,and then another enemy soldier would shoot that Syrian soldier, and then the enemy soldier would get shot by another Syrian soldier who would then in turn get shot by an enemy APC and enemy Soldier,and in turn they would get hit by Syrian BTR fire and RPG's.That's how the fighting played out at the Post Office in the fast passed clash, and also during the fighting,the enemy vehicles would deploy a lot of smoke,and as a result of that, the visibility in that area would be very poor, and the Syrian Forces and Coalition Forces would not see each other in some cases until the last second,and then they would fire away.


The enemy would also get hit by two Syrian Tanks from 1st Tank Platoon(Mulazim Amer) and B Coy/582nd ArmBat/58 ArmBDE (Abou Mubarak) who were hiding in the backyards, and they would shoot anything that passed in front of them, as well as move out from time to time to get a good shot off on a target in the city streets.One Syrian tank from 1st Tank Platoon(Mulazim Amer) and B Coy/582nd ArmBat/58 ArmBDE (Abou Mubarak) were destroyed during this street fighting and now only 1 Syrian tank remains from 1st Tank Platoon(Mulazim Amer) around the Post Office area.The Syrian tank that remained, used the Cotton Mill to conceal themselves as they shot enemy near the Post Office, and as the Syrian tank reloaded, an enemy APC wandered into the Cotton Mill and beside the Syrian tank.As the Syrian tank went to shoot the enemy APC,the enemy APC quickly went deeper into the Cotton Mill and the Syrian Tank quickly gave chase.Every time the Syrian tank positioned its cannon to take a shot at the enemy APC,the enemy APC would manage to get around the corner of a building and out of view just before the Syrian tank lined them up.The Syrian tank chased the enemy APC all around the Coton Mill compound until they eventually did a lap inside the compound, and after some tight maneuvering, the enemy APC manged to get out the very same way he got in,where the Syrian Tank was previously positioned.As the enemy APC rushed out of the compound, the Syrian tank found himself right back where he started at his original position.He lost that game of cat and mouse and now holds his position waiting for more targets.


Al-ilias Mudjaheddin (Mulazim Maro) who was to the West of the Cotton Mill, also took part in this fighting at the Post Office and hit the enemies flank with RPG's and AK fire from a good distance without being detected and without suffering any casualties.

Enemy air seems to have stopped for now and no more planes or helicopters are heard.

The fighting at the Post Office area was very fierce.1 enemy tank along with 4 enemy APC's were destroyed in this battle at the Post Office area, and a lot of enemy infantry were also shot down there, but the enemy kept pushing towards the Mosque with 2 Tanks and 2 APC's as well as with Infantry and were able to get past 1st RW Wessel Mech Inf Platoon (Mulazim Al Hakim) as they fought in the smoke and dust filled air.Eventually the fighting at the Post Office area calmed down and stopped as the enemy pushed on.1st RW Wessel Mech Inf Platoon (Mulazim Al Hakim) were beat up,and managed to keep their 3 BTR's alive and mobile and maintained about 50% of their infantry, but most are wounded and low on ammo, so they all old fire and remain deeply hidden at the Post Office area inside buildings ready to fight anyone who steps through the doors of their building.


As this was happening more enemy pushed into the Hospital area where A Company (Naqib Abou Hamed) is defending.This time the Coalition forces move in with a very strong force of Tanks, APC's and Infantry and they would roll past in a cluster and would shoot large amounts of fire at any Syrian soldier who shot at the enemy from the Hospital.A Company (Naqib Abou Hamed) would then be forced to hold fire keep their heads low and hide deep in the Hospital, and look to repel any enemy that moves into the Hospital.They would no longer shoot any enemy outside the Hospital.

As enemy armor and infantry moved past the Hospital, enemy infantry would move in force towards Al-Hassan Mudjaheddin (Mulazim Al Hakim).Fierce firefights would now break out between Al-Hassan Mudjaheddin (Mulazim Al Hakim) and the Coalition Forces, but the Coalition infantry would prove to be to many and to accurate and Al-Hassan Mudjaheddin (Mulazim Al Hakim) would lose the close quarters, house to house, yard to yard fire storm fighting.As the intense fighting took place,Mulazim Al Hakim would be among the casualties and now in short time, only 2 men remained in Al-Hassan Mudjaheddin (Mulazim Al Hakim).They laid low and waited for the enemy to pass by so they can get to their dead and wounded and help the wounded as best they can while removing the dead.Their fight is over in a flash and the enemy now press on deep into Al-Qaryatayn.


Only 1 Syrian Tank from 2nd Tank Platoon (Mulazim Al Farran) remained, and the Syrian tank was near the Hospital area, but due to enemy coming into the city in all directions in force, the Syrian tank spent most of his time moving to avoid the pack of enemy vehicles,but also spent his time hunting down any enemy vehicles that went a stray and found themselves alone.After hitting a couple enemy APC's that strayed from the security of the enemy tanks, the Syrian tank from 2nd Tank Platoon (Mulazim Al Farran) was ordered to move up to near the hospital and to guard the Hospital at all cost's from any enemy that attempted to assault it.


2nd Pick Up PK(Sulimani) and 6th Pick Up SPG-9(Anwar) who were in an alley in front of the Hospital now gives that location up to the only remaining tank in 2nd Tank Platoon (Mulazim Al Farran) and both technical's start to move deeper into the city while sticking to back streets to move and hit any targets that present themselves.They would try to remain hidden for most of the time, because the enemy were to strong for them ,but would later move against the enemy Infantry that took out Al-Hassan Mudjaheddin (Mulazim Al Hakim).As they moved to try and shoot the enemy infantry 6th Pick Up SPG-9(Anwar) was taken out by unknown fire and 2nd Pick Up PK(Sulimani) started to get peppered with bullets.2nd Pick Up PK(Sulimani) became disabled and the crew raced for cover and remained hidden from the fighting.

Not much time remains now, and all Syrian positions except for the Mosque have been pushed through by the enemy.The Coalition forces are gathering near the Mosque and packs of enemy armor now dominates the streets in Al-Qaryatayn.Most of the fighting if not all has quieted down for a short while and the Syrian forces have been forced to hold as best they can with the little ammo they got in the buildings they occupy around the city.

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I won't be able to get a pic of the whole battlefield at this point, because I have no save for that moment to go back to, but the best I can do for now is show this strategical map and hopefully you guys can make some sense of it.

Final movements are shown and Syrian Command thinks back on what happened.


At this point, it seems that all the Coalition Forces have moved into the city,and did not hold any ground on the outskirts.2nd Platoon(Mulazim Al Mahalel) from B Command (Al Hakim) who stayed hidden at the Al-Abakar Farm as all the Coalition Forces swarmed past them in the opening phases of the battle, was now able to move around to get more sense of what is happening in their area.After looking around, it was realized that now is the best time to get 2nd Platoon(Mulazim Al Mahalel) moving and retake the School and Motor Station and to get help to the wounded and to retrieve the dead (as well as get the points for those 2 compounds).2nd Platoon(Mulazim Al Mahalel) managed to move across the open fields where the Coalition forces had a massive armor build up before in the beginning of the battle,and 2nd Platoon(Mulazim Al Mahalel) managed to get one squad in both Compounds,the School and Motor Station.From there they were ordered to concentrate on their fallen comrades and not engage or shoot at any enemy they see.

As 2nd Platoon(Mulazim Al Mahalel) from B Command (Al Hakim) was moving to the School and Motor Station,a BTR Syrian APC from 1st RW Wessel Mech Inf Platoon (Mulazim Al Hakim) was ordered to move to the School area to support 2nd Platoon(Mulazim Al Mahalel) as they moved and got at the Syrian casualties.As the BTR moved up through alley ways to avoid detection from the enemy, and as the BTR raced across the open to the North East side of the School compound, enemy Infantry was suddenly spotted running across the same open ground, but on the South West side of the School compound.The BTR moved around the School compound to get at the enemy Infantry from the rear and as the BTR positioned himself on the South West side of the School compound he started to open fire at the backs of the enemy Infantry in the open.The enemy Infantry didn't stop, and kept on running as fast they could while heavy BTR fire impacted all around them and flew past their heads in the open.The BTR fired as often as he could at the enemy Infantry, but as luck would have it,the BTR needed to reload,and as the BTR reloaded,the enemy slipped away out of their field of fire and into the city without a single casualty.The BTR then moved into the School compound and held.


As the enemy Infantry broke contact with the BTR and started to make their way into the city, they found themselves in the view of Al-ilias Mudjaheddin (Mulazim Maro) and were looking to pass their compound West of the Cotton Mill.With the enemy close and still on open terrain, Al-ilias Mudjaheddin (Mulazim Maro) positioned themselves to get a good line of fire on the enemy and then started to fire on the enemy.As AK fire rang out with a thunderous clap, some enemy Infantry fell victim to the sudden strike,but the enemy would quickly get down in the dirt and fired back.Even though the enemy were in the open, it did not make them as vulnerable as one would think,because now with all the enemy inf laying prone,every single enemy Infantry was able to fire back,and the Coalition Infantry returned a storm of bullets of their own onto the positions of Al-ilias Mudjaheddin (Mulazim Maro).As casualties mounted up for Al-ilias Mudjaheddin (Mulazim Maro), they were forced to break contact and find cover to protect themselves just in case the enemy infantry stormed their compound.The quick and ferocious firefight lasted a short while and now the guns fell silent as the enemy Infantry pushed past Al-ilias Mudjaheddin (Mulazim Maro) on to the South West, to regroup with their vehicles.

The remaining Syrian tank from 1st Tank Platoon(Mulazim Amer) near the Post Office,tried to move into a position to get at the enemy Infantry in the open that avoided the BTR fire,but as he pulled out of the Cotton Mill and moved out he was hit by unknown fire and completely destroyed.Only 1 Syrian tank remains,and he is at the Hospital area.


(This pic is of the VBIED blowing up)

There is a massive cluster of enemy vehicles spotted at a cross road South West of the Mosque where 4th Pick Up DSKM(Akwal) and 7th Pick Up SPG-9(Abou Masid) was destroyed earlier and the cluster of vehicles do not have their Infantry around to support them yet.2nd Group VBIED(Abu Haddad) had received information of this enemy cluster and saw it as a perfect opportunity to strike and cause great fear and damage to the foe.After a quick prayer, 2nd Group VBIED(Abu Haddad) got in his blue car that was loaded and rigged with explosives.He pulled out and was told about what roads he should take.There was a specific path that was to expose the weakness in the armor cluster at the cross roads, and that weakness was that the enemy tanks would have the enemy APC's blocking their field of fire as the VBIED raced forward, and the enemy APC's would have their rear facing the VBIED,so they would not have time to react to the sudden threat that pulled around the corner.As 2nd Group VBIED(Abu Haddad) started to get closer to his target he found himself on the last turn he was to make before hitting a straight path to the target.2nd Group VBIED(Abu Haddad) turned the corner and the target was now in plain sight and he slammed the pedal to the ground and the blue car dropped back and sagged low from all the weight of the explosives.As 2nd Group VBIED(Abu Haddad) raced towards the Coalition vehicles, enemy Inf could be seen in his rear view mirror running behind the car, desperatly trying to get closer and firing a burst in attempt to stop the VBIED, but it's to late,the tanks could not fire on him either and the enemy APC's could not react in time,and 2nd Group VBIED(Abu Haddad) at full speed slammed into the cluster of Coalition Vehicles and a massive explosion erupted, the biggest one seen in the battle,and it could be heard throughout Al-Qaryatayn as the deafening sound hit the ears of all who are there.The roar of Coalition vehicles on fire could be heard and as the smoke and dust settled, it was confirmed that 3 enemy APC's have been destroyed in the massive blast and theres high chance that the enemy tanks were also damaged as well as other enemy APC's in the area,and enemy crew members could have suffered also.2nd Group VBIED(Abu Haddad) has done well on this suicide attack and has caused much grief and damage to the enemy and has now taken his place in the Martyr kingdom.2nd Group VBIED(Abu Haddad) single handedly took out more enemy vehicles then any Syrian with an RPG who was shot after wards and also caused more damage in one blow then any Syrian platoon in the area.


(This pic is the VBIED blowing up)

The enemy who have gathered around the Mosque where Jiahad i Islami Mudjaheddin (Ta'anari) is sworn to protect, are now storming into the Mosque compound.With sudden anger,Jiahad i Islami Mudjaheddin (Ta'anari) move quickly to fire on this threat and bullets would start to impact all around the enemy infantry running into the Mosque compound.Heavy MG would show the Coalition Forces that the Mosque is well defended and it will not be taken by outside forces, but the enemy also showed they had a message of their own,and an enemy tank rolled into the compound and fired a cannon round at the Syrian MG,taking it out.Once again Jiahad i Islami Mudjaheddin (Ta'anari) withdrew deeper into the Mosque and fortified themselves in it.If enemy wants the Mosque they will need to fight in it and that was exactly the enemies intention.As Jiahad i Islami Mudjaheddin (Ta'anari) kept themselves deep in the Mosque,enemy infantry would infiltrate it and would be seen moving on the second floor and on the roof top above Jiahad i Islami Mudjaheddin (Ta'anari).Jiahad i Islami Mudjaheddin (Ta'anari) new this Mosque well.They new all the rooms and all the places where they could shoot to get at the enemy who have stepped into the Mosque.The Mosque would prove to be to good of a fortification and prove to be to difficult to clear with few numbers,and Jiahad i Islami Mudjaheddin (Ta'anari) was able to cut off and shoot down all enemy that went into the Mosque.Not one enemy who stepped into the Mosque will come out alive, and the enemy stop from assaulting the Mosque and they set up a perimeter around it.Jiahad i Islami Mudjaheddin (Ta'anari) still remains inside the Mosque, and is now besieged by the enemy and no more shots are traded.


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Picture of some enemy Infantry on the roof of the Mosque.


Fighting stops all over the map and the Syrian forces defense has more or less been broken through, but the Coalition forces has suffered tremendously for this effort, and there are still pockets of Syrian resistence around the area, and also any ground that the Coalition forces captured, was later filled back up with Syrian forces.Even though the Coalition forces are powerful, a very real threat still lurks around them and as everything falls to a stand still and as time runs out the Syrian Forces are given a Tactical Victory and the results of the battle has been gathered by various sources and shown to Syrian Command.


A view of the outskirts of the city Al-Qaryatayn from far.All the smoke is a clear sign that a fierce battle took place.


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Legend of the battle, the British det out radiocommunication in Al-Qartayn outskirts by troops of the Syrian raidowarfare units.

In fact, perhaps, without radio communication with the troops support (artillery or aviation) - Britons may not have to occur, but they did have to stop assautling.

On the other hand - if the battle began and radio communication lost, then there was teames in the lower level tactics (a soldier or platoon) during some period of time- would de doing her battle-task - by inertia, without commands from above level , but without knowing its separateness from the commanders and support.

And kill the enemies in urban combat without radio and without the support - it is very difficult.

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I have only praise for these scenarios, their designers and the narrator of the AAR. All are inclining me to order the Brits modules and try my hand on the campaign when it will be available.

I have found the landscape pretty well done and designed in such a way that it permits a wide range of sounds tactical postures in defence for the Reds. The force are well balanced and the Reds positioning quite convincing. In a word it looks like reality and not a shoot them up scenario.

The only drawback, if I can say, is to have to wait for it.

Thumb up to you Alek and Alex


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Great AAR souldierz !

Holy ****! Could you imagine the uproar if we took 138 casualties on a single assault?

Yes, thats what i thought too...the Brits would surly stop fighting after 50+ KIA in 3h (in a single assault). I thought the AI plans are made to reflect this a bit. It looks more like a bloody WW2 assault to me.

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2 snake_eye

Thank you, we trying do it good :)

Unfortunately we with Alek don't have Marins, so we doing our campaign only at British module :)

Yes... Unfortunately summer not very good time to work (after long and cold winter...) :) And our campaign progress goes not very fast, we just almost finished 11 and 12 missions, and not less that five at forward.

Bay the way we was thought about mission on the airbase, but after you coming soon map It's looks not so good idea. I don't think that I can do airfield same to yours. ;)

2 Wiggum and Eagle2

Not many scenarios in our red campaign looks same. It's very big casualties for Brits (soulderz is a good player ;) ) in most missions Blue dos not have so big losses, but of course human player just will stop play battle, if he will have so big casualties, but AI don't. Look on red losses it's also very big for human player, who played only at blue side.

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2 snake_eye

Thank you, we trying do it good :)

Unfortunately we with Alek don't have Marins, so we doing our campaign only at British module :)

Yes... Unfortunately summer not very good time to work (after long and cold winter...) :) And our campaign progress goes not very fast, we just almost finished 11 and 12 missions, and not less that five at forward.

Bay the way we was thought about mission on the airbase, but after you coming soon map It's looks not so good idea. I don't think that I can do airfield same to yours. ;).

Hi Alex,

If you like the airfield, I can send it over to you. If I can reduce the map to the boundary of the airfield, you can then add landscape all around it and it will look different. What do you think of that ?

Here is a new shot, showing the road going uphill to a strongpoint over watching the area.


I am posting 3 more airfield views on that post



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2 snake_eye

It will be good, but we don't know et, to do airbase scenario or not. For now we have not so many time, but has I sad before we need to do a 5 mission to finish a main campaign line, after that I think we will do some bonus scenarios. But if you give airfield for us I think it will help :)

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2 snake_eye

It will be good, but we don't know et, to do airbase scenario or not. For now we have not so many time, but has I sad before we need to do a 5 mission to finish a main campaign line, after that I think we will do some bonus scenarios. But if you give airfield for us I think it will help :)

Ok Alex, I shall work on it as soon as I can and see how you can download it. Having seen, what both of you have done on the reported AAR scenarios, I am sure that sure will do part of a good scenario

Let you know, when it's ready


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Interesting. Looks like you are just winning by a small margin.

Although I don't think coalition forces won't attack without a 3:1 advantage.

What do you think?

Ratio of 1 to 3 - is the ideal case, the advantage is now such a big crush armies - often not make sense to 1-3 aspect ratio.

Western forces are built on a sound system of several models of weapons (thick armor, Javelin missiles, etc.) and the "global weapon". Global weapon- it is everywhere to satellite navigation, all the people and machines - night goggles, to make the overall computer network, good training, strong aviation (from UAV to B-52) in the war zone.

Western countries have relied for victory - the theory of Boyd (OODA). To пуе win шы important 4 cycle - a quick intelligence, rapid analysis, rapid right decision and quick execution. If you make 4 cycle quickly several times - that Western troops would soon begin to "outperform" the Syrians. But the Syrians - always late, their troops are not there where you need to, orders wrong, etc.

Soviet doctrine is talking about it - "take the initiative in hands"

Therefore, for speed 4 cycle - is not always important to wait 3 to 1 ... and do not always need to do it.

This theory.

In practice, I read a lot of cases, the war in Iraq - when the blue forces - strong "work" with equal sides.

For example, the "small" cases:

2-327 IN - 2003 Iraq: Al-Nadjaf

2-34 Armor 1991 Iraq

2 ACR 1991 Iraq: 73 Easting

31 SFT - 2003

The overall ratio - just did not give a chance to make 3 to 1. If you simply count the tanks or soldiers.

I'm not talking about a specific field or street, and take an operational area somewhere.

For example, in 2003, near Basra and Umm Qasr

The British had two combat formations - Battle Group 7 armored brigade and battle group had 16 brigady.USMC had 1-2 MEU (one battaloin ground element each).

The Iraqis stood around 51 mechanized divisions and the religious militia.

There is no advantage if we consider only the tanks, only soldiers, etc.

But the coalition had the advantage in weapon system (more tanks - more guns - more soldier), the global system (lots of air, a lot of computer communication, good ravzedka) and do a quick 4 cycle Boyd.

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And, of course - there are missions where force equivalents ...

But the Syrian force "smeared" across the battle map, and the blue force - stand together and do everything together from the beginning. In every battle - the Syrians would have the ratio of 1 to 2, 1 to 3, unless the player does not come up as Syrians gather together

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  • 2 weeks later...

Been very busy lately,and its going to take a little time,but I do have another AAR coming up for this Red Campaign,that's still a work in progress.These red missions are challenging and a lot of fun to play.I think many of you will enjoy them when released.Stay tuned.

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