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Things about The Peng Challenge Thread that I'll love to see in CMx2 WWII

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The MTB has fallen on hard times indeed

Who cares what your Motor Torpedo Boat is doing? Did you sink it to the bottom of your bathtub after running it into your rubber ducky and now you can't find it amongst all the bubbles and pieces of GI Joe?

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Who cares what your Motor Torpedo Boat is doing?

Think you're smart, do you? Well, you better enjoy your five seconds of glory before you re-immerse yourself in that miasma of misconceived meanderings you substitute for thought. If your lone synapse were ever to bump into another, it would probably die of fright.


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Now, it is said, and said truly, that on occasion I get together with Dalem, and we talk. Sometimes there is drinking. Not all the time. Anyone who says different is an idjit. And it is true, that we do not always agree on everything, although we more often agree than not, when we're talking about history, and literature, sci-fi and movies, the outdoors, and whether you can get a good flank steak off a unicorn, and things like that.

But it is also true, that, when we get on to topics of a certain pith and marrow, involving such subjects as 'politics', and such social issues that often relate to a political world view, that a certain amount of both heat and coldness can enter into our friendship. I, as the most reasonable, wise, and long-suffering friend, do all within my power to smooth over these unavoidable, and even necessary ripples in the lake of friendship. It would be a funny old world, after all, if we were all the same.

And there are times when these 'larger issues', that require cool heads and thoughtfulness to discuss, intrude into much smaller matters, and cause Dalem to get on a high horse and rant. Personally, I like a good rant. But in Dalem's case, it sometimes comes with brow-beating, and that's more annoying.

But enough on that. So, a very small and unimportant point came up, recently, and I diffidently edged it out there, fully expecting Dalem to 'get on the high horse', and put the spurs in. And I told him so. He took, as is his wont on such issues, the path of 'wounded dignity'.

He denied that there was a horse, and, if there was, that it was not very high, and furthermore, that he would never climb it. So I simply asked him to 'not get on a pony' about the topic. And we had a bit of back and forth about it, and he also denied that there were ponies.

And after talking with him for a while, I began to laugh, because I realized that, as is often the case when we discuss things that he will not admit, cannot accept, does not believe, will not acknowledge, denies the possibility of, doesn't like, regards as vile, and has irrefutable pointlessly biased data regarding, that he was, as usual, standing upon the back of something that was shifting nervously beneath his feet, while explaining with furrowed brow why I was wrong about everything.

And it made me think of the ancient joke, and grab a shovel. Because under all that horse-****, there simply had to be a pony!

I have, in all our discussions, both heated and cold, acknowledged that I sometimes have doubts, entertain possibilities, and am willing to admit that wisdom, such as I may attain, might still be far off.

But, to paraphrase Treebeard: I admitted many doubts, but he never repaid me in like kind...his mind became like windows in a stone wall: windows with shutters on the inside.

I will name Dalem's pony 'Fidget'. I will bring apples with me, when I go to visit. There are times when you're a Pale Rider, upon a pale horse. And there are times when you're just a guy standing on a pony named 'Fidget', trying to deny that if you lose your footing, you're going to land in horse-****.

And I think I remain what I am: A horrible old man, clothed in tatters, dancing around a fire in the Wasteland, and waiting to be shown what the World will become. But I retain, in my heart, an understanding of what the World is.

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dalem is a Right Wing Gun Nut Nut Job ... once you accept that it all falls into place ...

But by GAWD he's OUR Right Wing Gun Nut Nut Job and as one who has supped and imbimbed in his company he's a damned fine one ... he'll be stood up against the wall LAST by GAWD or I'll know the reason why.


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Seanachai basking in the milk of self-regard is not a pretty sight, and certainly not one that small children should be exposed to. I would take him strongly to task for such an indiscrete public display were it not for the fact that his estimation of dalem is if anything too lenient. While dalem can on occasion be a fine fellow, even if of a low sort, his positions on subjects of a political or social nature are as barbaric as a Hun's. If we still had rowing galleys, he should be chained to an oar. Alas, there is no longer appropriate employment available for such types. I suppose we shall have to allow him to continue to sponge off the taxpayer.


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I thought Treebeard said "Hoom! Hom!" a lot.

That is true. And since Seanachai hears "Hoom! Hom!" a lot in his head, whether anyone's actually said it or not, your point is valid.


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That is true. And since Seanachai hears "Hoom! Hom!" a lot in his head, whether anyone's actually said it or not, your point is valid.


And that's all? How odd ... I would have bet that there were a multiude of voices ... most of them cursing at kids to get off the lawn of course but the odd one or two whispering that he had to kill them ALL right NOW.


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Happy Birthday, Seanachai, you horrible little man!
Is it that time again then?

Once more we have to contemplate our complete and utter failure by being reminded that he continues to exist?

Ah well ... Happy Birthday then Bard ... may you ... uh ... well ... whatever.


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