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Come to my attention that USA is untakeable!

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I have invaded miami with significant force (3inf with 4 experience , 1 panzer 4 experience, a headquarter max exp. and artillery max exp. but still no luck, even with reinforcements immediately, while still beaten back, saved and tried again with then mexico afterwards usa took back, then after another save tried cuba which usa eventually bombed the hell out of. I've had it! After bringing sufficient force someone should be able to subdue USA but USA has an unfair advantage, I have no proposal to fix but just venting!

have beaten the game multiple times by beatng UK and ussr with it ending the game as total victory, but I want the satisfation of defeating USA! ARRRRRRRRrRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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have beaten the game multiple times by beatng UK and ussr with it ending the game as total victory, but I want the satisfation of defeating USA!

You. Have. Got. To. Be. Kidding. :confused:

Methinks whatever sense of WWII realism and historical accuracy you might have once had no longer exists? Fantasy games are in another department...

See also: http://www.wonderlandblog.com/wonderland/2010/03/sid-meiers-gdc-2010-keynote-notes.html#more

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Nothing I'd like better than to conquer the World as the EVIL, but unfortunately a very elite group of Allies got away and are sitting on the BB "Paris" in Heraklion harbor smoking cigars and sipping fine French Cognac, thumbing their noses at the rest of the world.:cool:

They are untouchables, what dastardly plan could they be hatching, the world wonders.:confused:

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A couple of points.

The USA drafted 10 million men during WWII. There were also about 6 million men and women who volunteered. 16 million served during the course of the war -- but the high at any one time was 12.3 million.

The USSR mobilized a total of 23 - 29 million. The totals vary depending on how you count the contributions from various "republics" and territories beyond Russia itself. How many were "drafted" and how many "volunteered" is an open question. The USSR suffered an estimated 12.5 million military fatalities, and 7 million civilian.

By any standard, the cost in human lives to the USSR was greater than for any other participant -- both military and civilian.

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According to Dunn in “Stalin’s Keys to Victory, “At its peak the Soviets had a total of 11 million men … losses were 6.9 million dead, 4.5 million missing, and up to 4 million invalids. Adding these to the active troops in 1945, the total was 26.4 million.”

The Soviet maintained a constant strength on the battlefield of ~6 million. The US battlefield strength grew to 12 million. I am speculating, but I believe the US infrastructure, industry and economy could train, equip, field and sustain a much larger force than the Soviets. Adding to this capacity was a US technological advantage that gave the US armed forces the ability to overwhelm any rival.


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Ellis puts the USSR armed forces at peak number to 13.2 million with approximately 30 million total mobilization. 11 million of those were killed and missing, 6 million POWs, and 6.7 million civilian casualties.

On the otherhand, USA peak was 11.877 million with a total mobilization of 16,354,000.

USSR, by far, had casualties greater than all other combatants combined.:(

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@ weasel23

I have invaded miami with significant force (3inf with 4 experience , 1 panzer 4 experience, a headquarter max exp. and artillery max exp. but still no luck

Just throw in everything you have! 3 inf, 1 panzers and 1 artillery is nothing!

caverrt is right when he says:

How about the northern route? Invade and take Canada, build up strength and then invade USA.

And don't forget the fighters, tactical bombers and strategic bombers! You can operate them after you captured some tiles, they are greyed then.

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I'm just as patriotic as the guy next door, but nothin' wrong with exploring the possibility of a U.S. invasion. After all, these are "what if" scenarios for the most part. In fact, one could make a whole new "what-if" scenario centered around the possibility of a "fortress America".

After all, it IS the USA, but it isn't the "Kingdom of Heaven"......

Hey, I seem to remember hearing that phrase around here at one time or another. ;) :eek: :D

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