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Everything posted by noah.nason@earthlink.net

  1. Rail guns and rocket artillery show 0 soft and tank attack. What good are they? BB and Cruisers are also zero. I would think BB would have range of 2 like arty as 14 to 14 inch guns have much longer range than the typical 6 and 8 inch heavy arty.
  2. I had a great conquest of the USA going had 11 turns left and 5 groups of tanks at level 5 poised to take Denver. British Islands, China, Russia, and India were toast. I was on my way to Tobruk and Central Australia. I had taken the Panama Canal. Axis ships can't transfer to the West coast. The Guadalajara, LA and Denver transfer points East to West would not work. I was able to use the Calgary transfer point but it was too far away, in the winter, and to far from Denver to take Denver. Not sure why the transfer points didn't work and suggest that transferring one at a time at these points is nuts. After all you can transfer all you want across the Siberian rail road as long as you have points. Also Canada had surrendered and I couldn't use that railroad to move to the Western part of Canada. It would have been nice the "take" the USA. Finally I only got a major victory as I was two turns from taking Australia even though Canada had surrendered and I was dominating the USA. (This was my first game as Axis and at easy level.)
  3. OK after knocking off Russia and China and well into India and Australia I invaded the USA. Got beachead in Boston, brought 5 tanks at level 5 and support took DC then Chicago. Attached with Japan fleet on West coast. I couldn't take Denver due to a bug see my bug post on this subject.
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