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More things I don't understand

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I have an army unit in the tile touching Benghazi to the Southeast. Supply is 4 and it has been stuck there for a year. I moved an HQ next to it, supply rose to 5 and it still cannot move. I really hate the supply model in this series. It just seems that no matter how starving an army is that in a year it could move a few miles.

Next- The Akagi values 11-8, supply 9, Readiness & Morale 80, action points 8, 3 tiles from Singapore and it won't launch an attack when I place the cursor there. I had to move it to adjacent square.

Zuikaku values 11-9, supply 7, Readiness & Morale 88,, Action points 8,

2 tiles from Guam and the 20th Bomb Group(USA) would not attack the bomb group. I moved the carrier adjacent to the Guam and it still wouldnot give me the red attack circle over the target.

Does anyone know why? It happens to me in SC2 PT also. Not all the time but enought to be a pain in the ***.

last question- Do mines and oil wells do anything for you except for for a few points. I read in one of the posts something about 2x and 3x something but they didn't give specifics.

Oh one more. I am attack Istanbul from Greece. I shell the port with BB's but I take a lot of hits yself. Does it do any good at all to be doing this? Does it harm Turkey units by limiting their supply when they obviously have a path back to other friendly cities to the east.

Thanks I have been wondering about this stuff for a long time.

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Hi Yolo,

Can you post a screenshot of the situation near Benghazi since I suspect it should be able to move unless there is another problem I am not seeing.

For Carriers not being able to strike, it could be that you are either in a rain or storm tile and/or your target is in a rain or storm tile. Additionally you of course need to make sure you are at war with the target in question as well.

Mines and Oil simply provide MPP and are worth either 2x or 3x the normal value of other resources.

For Greece attacking Istanbul, what you are doing can be helpful if it reduces the resource to reduce the immediate supply of the defenders but it all depends on if they have an HQ nearby as that might counteract the desired supply reduction effect.

Hope this helps,


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Hi Hubert,

First of all I want to say I think this is a great simulation. I am addicted to it. So I am not complaining about this stuff, just pointing it out.

I 95% positive(nothing is certain) that my carriers were not in any rain storm nor was the target tile. I was at work so no alcohol was involved. It involved two different carriers, different locations but the same turn. Unfortunately I rack up a lot of turns and have to delete them so I don't have a save at this point. But I will send one if it happens again. It happened many times to me in SC2 PT but I just accepted it.

The lazy army unit is undoubtly my fault. I am sure it revolves around supply which I just cannot figure out. The "S key" helps a lot but I screw myself time and again(not a pretty picture) when I am attacking a city and move one adjacent unit out after attacking with the hope of moving another one in to continue the attack or at least occupy the tile and the computer won't let me move another close by unit to that tile. Then the enemy always plops a unit in and I have to start over with the attack. But it just seems strange that in the desert where every tile appears the same that a unit cant have a default movement of one tile each turn(month).

And the mines and oil wells are 2x or 3x the value shown on the screen? Is that right?

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Sure, next time it happens, i will get a screen shot. How do I get a screen shot? Thanks

If you press Print Screen it will take an image of your screen, which can be pasted into an image program or email and either saved and posted here, or emailed to either Hubert or myself (Bill@furysoftware.com).

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And the mines and oil wells are 2x or 3x the value shown on the screen? Is that right?

Their MPP value will be 2 or 3 times the strength value of the resource. Hence they are good targets for strategic bombers, or better still for capturing!

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If I capture a mine does it add MPP's to my total so that I can buy more stuff?

Yes. Multiply the resource strength by either 2 or 3 (depending on whether it's a mine or oil) and that is the number of extra MPPs a turn you will receive.

There are certain conditions when this might not apply, such as if the conquered country sends its MPPs to you via a convoy, and if the convoy isn't working because the enemy have bombed the port it sails from then you won't receive anything. But generally the above is correct.

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Thank you. Fromeach reply I glean a morsel of information. So if you bomb a port(either Source or destination??) it keeps the enemy country from receiving the MPP's it would otherwise get. is that correct? Does it work for a both tactical and Strategic bombers? And does it have to be reduced to 0 before the convoy MPP's do not reach the port? Wouldn't this make planes more effective or cost-effective thatn subs. Subs have a short shelf life.

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If the port is either the source or destination of a convoy then once its strength is less than 5 then the convoy stops running. The best planes to do this are by far Strategic bombers, but other aircraft can have an effect.

Whether planes or subs are more cost effective depends also on whether or not you can target a convoy with your aircraft, and some will probably be out of reach of air attack.

Although subs don't always live very long (though in a recent game I had a U-Boat operating for a long time in the Indian Ocean which returned home safely to Brest) the damage they can inflict on the enemy naval units that sink them can be rather expensive. It's really the case that subs are better in some situations, and bombers in others.

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You are correct about subs..now. I'm into the summer of 1943 and I still have several that aren't visitng Davy Jones. It is simulating the battle of the Atlantic far better than previous incarnations.

Thanks, I am beginning to get a better picture of how to use strategic bombers. I never bought any before because of their high price and high battle damage rate that is inficted upon them.

I am rereading pages 17 and 18 of the manual and I gotta tell you I can't decipher what they are trying to tell us. I use to buy a lot of war games but I could NEVER figure out the relationship between production/supply/resources and how they are referred to in the various manuals.

I was wondering if you can translate those two pages for me. If you busy or something I understand. I can play this game without that knowledge but it is one of the reasons I would not play a human because I would always be at a disadvantage.

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Hi Yolo,

It might be better for you to tell us specifically which parts you don't understand but the general idea is that resource strengths will vary based on their positions on the map, i.e. a resource that is not cutoff and can trace a path of friendly tiles to a capital will be at full strength and those that are not will have lower values. Then if you multiply the resource strength shown on the map by the multiplier shown in chart on page 18, the sum of these will total the amount of MPP you collect per turn.

Hope this helps,


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Thanks for trying to expalin this. So an oil well is 5 times the stated strenght in the little box on the oil well iconon the map. why not just make it 50 in the box instead of 5 times 10, for example? But look I willjust continue to play on a simplified level because I get screwed all the time on supply. I am in North Africa at moment and in one turn, after just letting the units sit and do nothing and no combat the units that were getting a 6 or 7 supply level dropped to 3 or 4 at the beginning of the next turn and i did not move any unit nor was I attacked. So I went from doing okay to not being able to move or reienforce. So I will just have to put up with it.

By the way, I was going to start a new thread but I will just say it here. THANK YOU for producing such a stable game. Not once has any SC2 product crashed-to-desktop. That is a very rare bird. I can say that every other game I have purchased from other companies has crashed during the middle of a game. Very frustrating and shows a lack of care for the customer and more concern over profits and pushing out a product before it is ready. Thanks again.

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So an oil well is 5 times the stated strenght in the little box on the oil well iconon the map. why not just make it 50 in the box instead of 5 times 10, for example?

Hi Yolo

It's made this way so that the game can be easily modified in the editor, and as long as you remember that mines and oil are worth more than cities and capitals, you'll be able to pick the best targets for attack. The actual maths doesn't matter so much as knowing which places are worth more than others.

I am in North Africa at moment and in one turn, after just letting the units sit and do nothing and no combat the units that were getting a 6 or 7 supply level dropped to 3 or 4 at the beginning of the next turn and i did not move any unit nor was I attacked. So I went from doing okay to not being able to move or reienforce. So I will just have to put up with it.

I suspect that there would have been a pop up which mentioned the Malta effect - do the Allies hold Malta? If so they are reducing your supply in North Africa.

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Yes, the Allies hold Malta. And yes I do get a pop-up about Malta affecting supply. But until today I did not know how or to what degree not holding Malta could affect me. I have played dozens of SC2WAW and PT campaigns but didn't know this.

I only tried to take Malta once and was creamed so I never tried again. Can't get any units on the island to attack it and the Itailan air force isn't much help. I only have one Italian HQ , which I had to buy, and it is in North Africa so my supply for the Itie air units that can reach Malta is not very good.

I can't spare Germain units because it is June 1943 and the Allied AI just woke up. Operation Overload has started a year early and the pesky Russian just went on the offensive near Odessa.

I want to thank you again for your patience because I really would like to comprehend the nuances of supply so that I could perhaps plan an attack to reduce the enemy supply but right now I can't do that.

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I gotta tell ya, I would give anything if there was a way to turn off supply. I was just trying to get a couplemore turns in before I head home and I cannot not use ANY of my units. This supply thing is driving me crazy. I have 12 units jammed into the area arounnd that depression. The highest supply factor is 5 and that is where the HQ is sitting. The ports are at 1 and 2. the rest of the tiles are at 3 and 4. And it won't change and I can't do ANYTHING but sit there and get pounded. Is there away I can override supply so that it isn't the most important aspect of the whole game? Tactics and strategy...who has time for that when all you deal with is supply. The hits that the supply value take are too drastic. It should take a lot to drop the value below 10.

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Thanks for all of the replies but I am quitting. It is July 1943. Middle of the summer in Russia. I have a thick line of units from Stalingrad south to Sevastopol. (nether city have I managed to take). But that's not the point. Using the S key, out of all the tiles I have units on only two have a supply of seven. All of the rest are 6 or lower, mostly 3's and 4's. Supply is just too sensitive and has too much of an effect. I'ts summer and this is the best I get. In the winter time I have no supply at all. Whats the point in playing if you can't do anything. In China I'm still sitting where I started in 1939. Most units won't move a single tile. And if a unit happens to make progress it is destroyed by a single aircraft attack. 40,000 sholdiers wiped out. Sure. Supply and air units are way out of whack. It is suppose to be fun but this in just frustrating and I can get that from real life. Thanks again for your help.

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Hi Yolo

In both Russia and North Africa the maximum resource strength for the Axis is 5, so the Malta effect doesn't need to do much to lower it below that.

In Russia, have partisans struck or enemy forces blocked your supply lines to the rear? Only these will have a big effect on your supply, just as in real life.

You can turn off scripts when starting a new game. To do so, once you have selected the scenario, rather than clicking OK to start the game, click on Advanced. Next click Scripts.

On the left hand side the types of scripts are listed. Click on Supply and scroll to the second page. Near the top is one called Malta AF Effect (Tripoli, Tobruk). Click on the white cross to its right and this will stop that script from working in your game.

You can do the same with any partisan scripts in Russia you don't like, or literally anything else. Once you've finished, just click OK to go back to the previous screen.

This is how you can reduce the effect of scripts on your supply lines, and therefore continue playing with the game quickly and easily modified to suit your requirements! :)

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Hi yolo911!

Please don't give up. There are lots of possibilities in the Strategic Command series games. Check out the advanced rules, the settings and the scripts, but please don't make it too easy! :) Be aware of the partisans! :eek: (Did you ever checked the "P"-button on your keyboard?) Don't cease playing, start a new game and lots of new ideas will come to your mind. :rolleyes:

I play videogames since I was a little boy and then the computers came... :cool: I played lots of games but I never played a game before that is so highly addictive like the Strategic Command series. Or does a youngster like me has to show you how it works?! ;)

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