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Advanced Third Reich Mod for Global Conflict

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I have just uploaded v1.1 updates to all four Advanced Third Reich campaigns to the SC2 WWII Global Conflict repository. Since the v1.1 patch fixes an AI transport error regarding LOOP positions and disconnected COASTAL POSITIONS from embarkation points, this allowed me to delete the workaround I was using and restore the Allied reinforcement transport scripts to Iraq. So, my v1.1 updates require the v1.1 patch. Version notes are as follows:


Advanced Third Reich for SC-WWII Global Conflict v1.01



- fixed splash screen for 41, 42, and 44 scenarios

- both USA and USSR start in 1939 with 1 chit invested in Industrial Technology

- added German infantry and armor corps to 1942 campaign P/Q

- increased sub dive and naval loss evasion by 10%

- increased rockets naval loss evasion by 50%

- revised strategic warfare parameters

-- restricted strategic bombers land and air attack, keeping naval and resource attack

-- reduced submarines naval attack and increased German U-boat raid multiplier 15

- revised Finland surrender_2 script to require Soviet occupation of Riga, not Konigsberg


- revised several Global Variable and Variable_Condition settings in production and research scripts (eg, USA research was incorrectly set to France's status)

- added mobilization_2 script for possible pre-war French reaction to early Sea Lion invasion of England

- deleted garrison scripts and AI land loop events for UK and USA to reinforce Iraq if Egypt surrenders (AI transport error was fixed in the v1.01 patch)

- revised amphibious and transport scripts for possible USA invasion of Portugal if Axis control Spain, dependent on arrival date of Patton AG

- revised 1944 Russian offensive scripts for more emphasis towards Warsaw and Berlin

The USA research is now working correctly, which means IT research and increase in Allied MPPs. Where this wasn't working correctly before and the Allied AI was being starved of MPPs, players should now see more normal behavior.

The other significant thing I finally got around to revising was strategic warfare. Subs were being too aggressive in conventional naval battles and bombers were being distracted by ground targets rather than focusing on production resources. By restricting these undesireable behaviors with reduced CTV attack values, I've noted improved convoy raiding by U-boats and resource bombing by Allied bombers. Subs are also a bit more surviveable now, so strategic warfare is more challenging for both sides.

Again, I would recommend veteran players looking for a challenge to play on the Intermediate +1.5 difficulty levels, working up to Expert +2 as necessary. Enjoy! :)

Also, some news. Unless a future patch provides something new and/or player feedback provides compelling suggestions for improvements, this is about as far as I can go with A3R using Global Conflict. Finally, I'm pretty pleased with results. But I'm not giving up! I have shifted my sights from this corps-level campaign to an army-level ETO campaign, which will be a little more abstract but have fewer units and should play fast. Stay tuned... :cool:

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OK looks like the updates are all available now at the repository under the same filenames. The version is updated to v1.1, so anyone who downloaded the original v1.0 version should redownload the latest files. Enjoy.

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I love the revised counters you use for this mod. I would like to use those counters in the regular game - do you know how I could do that?

Thanks! The file is unit_sprites_military in the custom \bitmaps directory for my mod. I'd recommend you backup the regular file in the game's \bitmaps directory (rename it as unit_sprites_military_original or something), copy my file into that directory, and then use MS Paint to edit as desired. Good luck!

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I enjoy playing your Advanced Third Reich 1939 version. But I am wondering what controls the Russian Winter which strikes the Axis occupation forces. The reason being is the present game I am playing in August of 1942 all of a sudden the Russian Winter strikes ???? Also this affects all of Finlands Armies and Air Force. I could understand any German Units in Finland being hurt by the Russian Winter but I doubt Finnish troops should be bothered?

But the main point I am concerned about is Winter striking in August?

Thank you for the great work and ideas you have put together.

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FuChu, I agree about the Finns but the event affects all Axis forces regardless.

I'll recheck what I did with Russian Winter scripts. There are both supply and strength events for winter of 41-42 and variant events for 42-43. Winter in August shouldn't be happening!

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I'm playing 1939 as the Allies. First of all, let me say thanks to pzgndr for a great mod! I am running into one problem though:

I keep getting a warning about too few garrisons on Eastern front. What exactly am I supposed to be doing to avoid this message and what price am I paying for it?

And before anyone says try Search, I did. After failing to get the Captcha right 6 times, I got it right only to be told my 4 word 25 character search string was too short.

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I haven't played this one my self yet but I would advise using the game editor to view the scripts.

Can't get the editor to run since the update.

Also, while we're on the subject, anyone know how to get aircraft from Canada to Europe? They are at war but when I do operational movement it won't all me to move them anywhere but Canada. Hope I don't see the same prob with the US or it will really hurt my fighter first strategy!

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FuChu, I'm going to rework the Russian Winter scripts and post a 1.1a update later today or this weekend. I had changed the winter only flag to all seasons to possibly allow an earlier winter (before Dec 21). At 75% chance per turn it should not have been delayed as long as August but statistically there you go. A higher trigger % should ensure Russian Winter only during winter.

LampCord, the Polish garrison requires Konigsberg, Warsaw and Lvov all be garrisoned in 1940 and then also the Polish border in 1941. Not all border tiles but at least a unit or two in the north, center and south adjacent to certain tiles. From the mobilization_2 script:

; Germany has no units in or adjacent to this border position OR

#CONDITION_POSITION= 109,22 [1,1] [0,0] [1] [0]

; Germany has no units in or adjacent to this border position OR

#CONDITION_POSITION= 109,23 [1,1] [0,0] [1] [0]

; Germany has no units in or adjacent to this border position OR

#CONDITION_POSITION= 109,29 [1,1] [0,0] [1] [0]

; Germany has no units in or adjacent to this border position

#CONDITION_POSITION= 108,31 [1,1] [0,0] [1] [0]

mgdpublic, I still have an early WAW version of A3R around but I don't support it and won't recommend it. I've also moved beyond the PDE version. Too many shortcomings. The current Global Conflict version is the way to go.

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Thanks Hubert and pzgndr!

All questions answered. I'll sell off the Canadian Air Force and convert it into some badly needed corps.

I'll know the Garrison req's better next game. Right now I'm more worried about holding Moscow than Warsaw!

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OK a v1.01a hotfix for the Russian Winter events is posted to the repository and should be up shortly. Version notes:


Advanced Third Reich for SC-WWII Global Conflict v1.01a



- none


- revised strength and supply events for Russian Winter to limit events to winter season only (N/A for 1944 campaign)

Assuming that I do a v1.02 update one of these days, I will probably circle back to this and use a global variable to link the separate strength and supply events together. I was thinking about this as the files were uploading...

If anyone else spots something odd like this rare Russian Winter hitting in August or anything else, let me know. I'm curious what others think about the latest v1.01 changes. Spot on, still too easy, much harder, etc.?

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Thank you for the reply.

Now I feel guilty bothering you again.

This morning I started a new game playing as the Axis of your Advanced Third Riech 1939 Campaign again. On my first turn I was very surprised to see the Axis had a Carrier Group (ZForce) located next to Denmark?????

This seemed out of the ordinary as I had not seen it during my prior games. I saved the game and logged out and started up the Editor to look at the Carrier Group and check it out. Well I got surprised again as the Editor does not show this Carrier on start up of the game????

So my question is what is wrong, or am I doing something wrong or misunderstanding something?

No hurry on an answer as I can still play but I do await your answer.

Again thanks for everything on these Scenarios you have made.

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Argh! Just when the US entered the war and the Red Army was pushing the Germans back away from the Dnieper River the game went into an infinite loop (or the longest AI thinking stage I have ever seen).

Anyone know any tricks I can play with the editor to get it to skip past this?

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Hi FuChu, there is a script that has 10% trigger to activate that ZForce carrier at 1st September 1939

Thank you Cantona66

HAHAHAHA What is it with me and playing the odds with poor pzgndr and all his hard work ! First I hit a winter storm in August which defied the odds and now I get a carrier force which according to your research shows up rarely !

Thank you for explaining that.

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  • 1 month later...

- hidden Subs no longer initiate a surprise contact 'attack' when a Destroyer bumps into them regardless of sub mode, i.e. now the Destroyer will have the option to attack or not (Bluestew)

- hidden Subs will no longer initiate surprise contact against enemy naval units (except Destroyers) when in 'Silent' mode unless an enemy naval unit ends their movement adjacent to a hidden Sub, in which case the naval unit will have the option to attack or not (Gunnar, Bill R.)

- subs that dive now automatically change to 'Silent' mode

- improved AI Submarine raiding and evasion routines (Armuss)

- improved AI Bomber and Rocket attack routines towards resource targets (Pzgndr)

- improved AI air unit reorganization towards AI PLAN targets

- improved AI anti-raider routines so that the AI will now also only chase after raiders reported at sea and no longer zero in on raiders on convoy lanes, spotted or not

FYI, I am not planning to update my A3R campaigns for the v1.02 patch. The v1.01 updates appear to be working fine, better in fact. The various AI improvements in this patch are pretty significant IMHO. Subs and bombers perform better, and there are also some other improvements to air unit rebasing that make the computer opponent more challenging. :cool:

If anyone does spot something odd or has suggestions, let me know. I'll consider another update if one is warranted. Otherwise, I'm going to be spending my limited free time working on a new Army-level ETO campaign. :)

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  • 5 months later...

I am revisiting A3R with a modest update for the latest GC v1.04 patch:


Advanced Third Reich for SC-WWII Global Conflict v1.04



- revised localization.txt to change "Operate" to "Strategic Redeployment"

- corrected a research chit error for USA in the 1941 campaign

- corrected unit build discrepancies for Russian 3 Infantry Corps and USA ASW fleets

- corrected resource name discrepancies for Cologne and Dusseldorf

- revised bitmaps for Free French units (now blue French units under USA anti-tank slot)

- fixed Vichy France alignment error in 1942 campaign

- increased reinforcement costs from 7% to 8% for all units (v1.00 only changed HQ costs, but change was intended for all units)


- revised strength events to restrict Axis supply shortages in North Africa to summer season only

- added several Axis AI unit events for German defense of objectives during withdrawals 1943-44 (to compensate for AI weaknesses)

- revised Allied variant unit events for Free French (now one 2-3 in Syria and 2-3 in Algeria)

- revised mobilization_1 events to increase chance of Vichy France mobilization upon Allied invasions of North Africa

- added mobilization_3 events for activation of Vichy colonies if Vichy France is activated as an Axis minor

- revised garrison events to improve German position in pre-surrender Italy

I had a pretty good playtest game running the 1942 campaign as Allies vs Axis AI on Expert +1.5. Lots of tough fights leading up to an Allied tactical victory in March 1945. I should have all four campaigns updated in the repository by next week.

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  • 1 month later...

As promised, I have completed my update to Advanced Third Reich. It's taken a little while longer than expected, but Desert Dave has been helping and provided several good suggestions. Below are the final version notes for the files I just uploaded to the Global Conflict repository:


Advanced Third Reich for SC-WWII Global Conflict v1.04



- revised localization.txt to change "Operate" to "Strategic Redeployment"

- rerouted Nile River to be west of Cairo

- corrected a research chit error for USA in the 1941 campaign

- corrected unit build discrepancies for Russian 3 Infantry Corps and USA ASW fleets

- corrected resource name discrepancies for Cologne and Dusseldorf

- revised bitmaps for Free French units (now blue French units under USA anti-tank slot)

- fixed Vichy France alignment error in 1942 campaign

- increased reinforcement costs from 7% to 8% for all units (v1.00 only changed HQ costs, but change was intended for all units)

- revised winter weather data for northern European zones to significantly reduce frozen and increase clear for better combats

- added a variant oil resource in Germany at Leuna

- changed scorched earth settings for Russia to 'Full' and for Italy to 'On Invasion'

- revised diplomacy data to double chances for influence and increased basic effect range to 10-20%

- revised port defense data to increase naval defense and reduce sub defense bonuses (now both 3)


- revised Allied AI convoy events to reduce late-war UK Murmansk aid from 30% to 25%

- revised mobilization_1 event for France activation (should now activate 2/3 time following German DOW on Poland)

- revised mobilization_1 events to increase chance of Vichy France mobilization upon Allied invasions of North Africa

- added mobilization_3 events for activation of Vichy colonies if Vichy France is activated as an Axis minor

- added a variant resource event for Germany Increases Synthetic Oil Production

- revised strength events to restrict Axis supply shortages in North Africa to summer season only and reduced effects for 1942

- revised supply events for Malta to slightly reduce chances

- added surrender_2 event for France to surrender (50% chance per turn) when Germany occupies Paris

- added several Axis AI unit events for German defense of objectives during withdrawals 1943-44

- added Allied AI unit event for UK reinforcement inGreece upon Italy DOW

- added Allied AI unit event for UK reinforcements in Egypt upon Italy entering the war

- added Allied AI unit events for USA reinforcements upon liberating Rome and Paris

- revised Allied variant unit events for Free French (now one 2-3 in Syria and 2-3 in Algeria)

- revised garrison events to improve German positions in pre-surrender Italy

- added purchase events for post-liberation France (1944 - )

I like the improvements in this update. The economics are better with the slightly increased reinforcement costs; diplomacy is more interesting; Axis and Allied computer opponents are tougher; and the revised scorched earth settings slow down the Allied advances in Russia and Italy just enough. Enjoy! :)

P.S. My long standing intent was to make this mod competitive and challenging at the Intermediate +1 difficulty settings. Alas, the AI although much improved still has its limitations. Despite my efforts to toughen things up, I am now recommending play against the AI at the Expert +1.5 level for a challenging game experience with more historical results.

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I have happily played Bill's updated scenario just recently and can surely recommend it for any players out there who would like to faithfully re-experience WW2 ETO... "Third-Reich" style.

It has just enough "historically viable" variants -- randomly activated in each game, so to insure fresh and unique challenges, and it is quite faithful to the original board-game, tactically and strategically.

The scale allows more maneuver room than the original board-game, yet allows you to complete the entire war in a reasonable amount of time.

I have been playing these various board and computer games since the late 1950s and this scenario ranks right up there with Hubert's consistently superior WW2 ETO games. I can give no higher recommendation than that.

I played it at Expert +1 and was seriously challenged, so there is plenty of room to adjust the scenario -- more difficult, or, a bit easier -- depending on your own experience and inclinations.

And, to get that old-time "Third Reich" feeling, I'd suggest using the NATO unit symbols... you'd eventually stare at the screen and swear that you were rolling out the dice once again and hoping and praying that your risky -- 1:1 odds attack on Paris or Stalingrad -- will succeed!

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