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Video: PBEM Red Stream 120

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woha nice stuff, didnt thought you gona tape this on top of playing it in PBEM :D

the blue player makes good progress although it looks quiet bloody for blue. i wonder what you did with your tanks at "deserted plains"? did you leave em where they are for the start or moved em in the first turn. in the vid looks as if they still stand where they started even after the city is mostly taken.

and did you came around to use the IED at the 2nd roadbend? or was the triggerman too easy to spott?

how did blue progress after the 2nd roadbend?

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Hi Pandur! Its the architect himself, the watchmaker!

I posted the videos on the offtopic BIS Arma2 forum as well. No one has liked them there so far!! :-D

My tanks are still up there. I assume theyre too vulnerable attacking blue right now.

With the IED triggerman I did the mistake of not giving him a cover arc, he used his AK and got spotted....

Blue hasnt progressed beyond the 2nd roadbend yet, and it sure wont be easy for him to do so ;-)

The mosque is being mopped up as we speak.

The progress will be filmed in all glorious HD. Stay tuned!

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i found your thread over there, boy exactly the kind of replies i had imagined. tells you what type of gamers there are. i mean operation flashpoint was good at its prime times but looked at it now in 2009 and what they have done with the engine with all the OFP rip offs like ARMA/ARMA 2 coming out every 1 1/2 years is just a joke.

and these guys even call it realistic. i mean heck there is some realism in it but not enough to call it realistic in my POV.

but the game has to comply with the crowd playing it. and you see where the "jeebus i almost died of boredom!" people take the game.

if i would be you i wouldnt have posted it over there at all. i even did go to the flashpoint85 forums(the old one) to look up old posts of mine to maybe retrieve my account for the new forums only to post in your thread how cool CMSF is to make these unreal gamers shut up :D

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Posted in the BIS forum for some 'support'/rant about idiots hehe. Is nice, too bad I just lost my account login and can't redownload CMSF after not playing for a while (also did have on 'activation' being used so I lost that), serves me well for buying digital downloads, ohwell.

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  • 2 weeks later...

nice one! good job with selecting moments for video capture. i see you are turning up the heat after the 2nd road bend with the better quality fighters. the AT-3 shot towards the tank at the first bend was exactly how i intended it as i placed the AT-3 there, but the AI never did it against me. just sweet to have seen that it can be done :D that must have been quiet a long flight :D

also the handgranade duels are priceless! nice placement there!

only thing i wonder about is why you stuck all or most of the T55´s behind the one large dune in the deserted plains area.


you can get fraps free and can record 30 second parts. i dont know any other good prog that is free. the 2 vids i have on youtube are done with the free fraps version.

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well what fraps is recording cant be used as is. a 30 seconds clip got at least 500Mb, you use windows movie maker(you already have it!) or similar stuff on the video afterwards. and there you can add the 30 seconds clips together too or cut em or whatever you want and at least win movie maker is dead simple.

you mean how to get spoken voice into the video? no idea, i am sure it has to do with a microphone but what else is required, i dont know ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...


@Pandur; the reason for putting the T55s behind the dune was purely because my opponent was busy working the angles with his ATGMs. He knew what was up.

Ive used this approach before as a sloped defense type setup. Wise to this, Yakstock managed to get alot of smoke directly on my tanks from the other side of the dune! Resulting in him sneaking up on the platoon and taking them out!!

You can see that despite me having some good angles on him as he approaches the 2nd and 3rd objective, he wins the engagements in the end by grinding my forces down over time.

The IED peeps never got their stuff going :(

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  • 2 months later...

i love watching these VAAR's. like someone else said it like watching a war movie. its better than watching all the crap on TV.

please add more, i am looking forward to watching future games.

i think someone should make a thread with all the link to Video AARs on youtube.

for those interested on seeing longer video with player comentary check out Tanit's videos. I would love to see other players posting long video's like tanit.

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