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WWI animated .gif (quite humorous)

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I found this page and I thought this group would appreciate it.

WW2 Online Game as played by young punks.


Ummmm, not sure why you'd think THIS GROUP would appreciate that sorta low-life, bliss-of-the-knife (... our pal Nietzsche again) serially silly & stupid antics? ????

Punks indeed, but I myself don't notice so very many a' them there sorta slagging drag-*ss Cats in here.

Who might them kind be, Big Al?

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There were parts that had me chuckling, but it would have been a lot better if he language were cleaned up. No need for the profanity.

Some of us, going back to the early SC-1 days, were speculating about a game where Germany has the option of playing without all the fatal racism, withouth it's Final Solution, without the plan to eradicate Gypsies, Poles, Russians, Slavs in general in addition to the Jews, in short anyone Hitler felt a personal prejudice against etc & etc, but to balance that there would need to be some advantage in the historical option of running the war that way (with concentration camps and death squads etc) but I couldn't think of a single thing to be gained on that end and apparently no one else could either. But thinking along those lines makes you really consider where the mindset of making such things as this, costing 50 million lives, can be really seen as a game. I was thinking about those things while watching this video.

It's hard to see humor in tragedy, and yet we can play it out as a game. Kind of odd.

-- Insulted? Not really. Just a feeling that it is a good idea done tastelessly. Cleaned it up and I think people would like it who don't like it in its present form.

Anyway, glad you posted it. It's always good to see different views of things, even those that border on, or are, distasteful to most.

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I must admit, it was pretty funny, although I agree with JerseyJohn about the language. However, as anyone who has looked at online games such as "Evony" will know, this little post from Al is not far off the mark if it is considered as a satire of online gaming (and surely that must have been the intention of whoever created it, one would hope).

As you say John, it's good to see other perspectives.

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JJ is right, we did have that long discussion of competing ideologies in that WW2 technical setting. That's kind of what Muzzy Lane did with "Making History" although I'm of the opinion the SC platform is more applicable as the wargame model.

Now with Global we might finally get it, hopefully, if Hubert has tweaked the belligerency aspects. Diplomacy is fine as it was but just didn't have enough variation and I for one hardly ever made investments to any significant degree, mostly to counter my opponent.

I don't want to think about the inhumane details that war represents, the word itself is enough to conjure up extreme visions of horror and tragedy, ruins the game, I want to dwell in that realm of human competition, war being the sport. I know what it really is! This is SC, our escape from reality.

Perhaps with some additional diplomacy/belligerency patches we'll get the ability to have some different alliances, some better use possibilities from conquered territories where we deal with the vanquished in more humane ways than was historical. I want to see a struggle of democracy, fascism, communism, imperialism, etc., to rule the world or at least an unsteady peace of tolerant coexistance. In my SC world the innocent don't get hurt!

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didnt mean to insult anyone.

You didn't insult... me. Rather, I insulted myself. Curious, but true.

I did not call for anyone to censor this inane sillliness. I never have done such a thing since I've been here. Period.

I did not suggest in any way shape or form that broader perspectives aren't valuable. In my own posting history, quite the opposite is surely true.

Anyhow and foremost, my apologies Big Al for NOT clearly separating the message from the messenger. If I am not able to adequately do that at this point in my life, well, back to a lower rung on the ladder, and I'll commence the climb all over again.

My distaste and PERSONAL disgust with this sort of trivial Net trash is ONLY that, merely my own, and nothing more.

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I've always found it odd that "if you took out the Concentration camps", then everything else the Germans did was legit.

Careful saying that. I think understand what you mean but others might not. War is never right IMO unless there is no alternative to take down evil. I believe his whole reasoning for war was to multiply, give land, and advance "the superior race". He also broke a lot of Geneva Convention rules. He only didnt use gas warfare because he feared the allies had more of it and he was a victim of such an attack in WW1. Not sure if its either or both reasons.

--- as for video

I didnt like the profanity either BTW. I always think that good comedy uses profanity only when it is completely appropriate and rarely.

A good example is "Bill Cosby Himself" (standup comedy from 70's) he used the word ******* once in the whole show and it was completely appropriate and it delivered the punch line to ne of his stories perfectly like no other word could. If you dont know what that is rent it. Its great.

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My objection to that vapid piece of puerile crap had nothing to do with cursing.

I REALLY liked Lenny Bruce back when, and I like Bill Maher and Jon Stewart now, both of whom have been known to curse to blue blazes. :)


Well, far as war goes, I reckon it all depends on what the prevailing definition of "evil," IS.

And from which vantage point you view it, IE -> back 'er in 1776 I'd imagine the Lords & Masters of the doomed Brit Empire thought Thomas Paine and John Paul Jones were "terrorists," eh?

ALL you gotta do here in USA to stop this senseless "pre-emptive" sh*t & shinola, is reinstate the draft. No exceptions for boils on the butt like the demagogue Limbaugh!

And, ALL Senator's sons & daughters have to serve.

And, ALL Congressman's sons & daughters got to serve.

And, NO "chicken-hawking out" for the rich or the famous or the ones with "connections."

That'll do er' I reckon!!

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Careful saying that. I think understand what you mean but others might not. War is never right IMO unless there is no alternative to take down evil. I believe his whole reasoning for war was to multiply, give land, and advance "the superior race". He also broke a lot of Geneva Convention rules. He only didnt use gas warfare because he feared the allies had more of it and he was a victim of such an attack in WW1. Not sure if its either or both reasons.

--- as for video

I didnt like the profanity either BTW. I always think that good comedy uses profanity only when it is completely appropriate and rarely.

A good example is "Bill Cosby Himself" (standup comedy from 70's) he used the word ******* once in the whole show and it was completely appropriate and it delivered the punch line to ne of his stories perfectly like no other word could. If you dont know what that is rent it. Its great.

You misread my statement. Read it again. Keyword "ODD"

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Sounds like a good recipe DD, I prefer "public servants", it shouldn't be monetarily attractive, and must be term limited.....perhaps like the SC tech tree should run?

At some juncture in your life you'll see, "you either pay it forward or pay it back", with the one commodity we all share....."time". The choice is yours.

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Jeez SeaMonkey, you mentioned the T word. How depressing! I've been trying to ignore it. Just the other day I was playing baseball with some of my nephews, uh, all right, grandnephews, on break from college and on leave from various military branches. They helped me off the field and my sister drove me to the emergency room after a collision in the third inning. She said something about the T word too, about how maybe I shouldn't be playing hardball with young kids like that. But I stick to my principles, if we just ignore time, uh, that T word, we stay young. It's hard typing in this body cast, :eek: I'm trying to get the doctor to have it off in a few days. I don't want to miss our big New Years Day family football game. :rolleyes:

HappyCat, glad we agree. Back in the SC1 days the site had a lot of different kinds of threads going. It's true a lot of them were locked fairly soon, but some great ones, mainly about related history topics went on for over a hundred posts. We said things in them that might be considered slightly off-color, or even unacceptable in themselves, but among dozens of other posts they were fine. And along the way their was an unexpected bonus or two.

One of the things I got a kick out of in this clip was Hitler and Stalin, after Germany's invasion of Russia, snapping at each other over broken promises of truces. That's right out of history! At one point or another both Hitler and Stalin wanted to have a truce on the Russian Front. Both were aware the other couldn't be trusted but they figured it would give them a year, perhaps more, to repair damage. Stalin, around the time of the Battle of Moscow, was willing to give Germany all it had taken up to that point; it was in the spirit of The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk (1918) where the Bolsheviks ceded most of European Russia to Imperial Germany on the premis they needed to win their civil war first, and worry about retrieving lost territory later.

Also, I enjoyed the idea of the historical participants fighting WWII in the form of an online game. Guess then we're talking about 50 million virtual deaths. But the language -- can't imagine why its creator went over the top on it.

DD Agreed. In the case of Lenny Bruce we could listen past the profanity because the material itself was funny. And, of course, everyone understood he was battling unfair and uncalled for legal restrictions on Freedom of Speech. Similar issue earlier with Henry Miller for writing similar things during the 20s and 30s. It was okay by the 50s, enabling Salinger to say much of what he wanted to say in Catcher in the Rye without having to pretend people (most people) don't use profanity. By the time I read Miller's Tropic of Cancer in 9th grade, 1963, I couldn't understand what the fuss had been about. But in this clip there wasn't any purpose for the profanity, even if it had been milder, so that was one of the things making it offensive, at least for me. I think if there'd been an attempt to make the various genocides committed by Germany, Russia and Japan I'd have gone on the warpath.

Big Al

... "--- as for video

I didnt like the profanity either BTW. I always think that good comedy uses profanity only when it is completely appropriate and rarely. ..."

Exactly! Nice take on war, of course there's always a way around it and it's never an acceptable way to do things, but there are constant wars, many more wars than years since the beginning of written history, so it seems a part of our present state of development as a species.

One thing we have to say about them is they make great material for games. When we begin seeing them more deeply, see our games as also representing the rape of nations. As it becomes represented more realistically, the smell of burning flesh from bombing missions, the sight of homeless families freezing to death or starving, an impaled corpse lying next to our computer, the scent of blood in our nostrils from gunned down civilians, then our game, like the real life events, become abhorrent to us.

In SC1 I made a scenario called Sane Germany Without The Hollocaust and the main change was to add a German army in Sept 39, raise its production tech to level 3 and not have partisan activity in either Yugo or Russia. And, of course, I was able to play the Axis without seeing execution squads slaughtering villages behind the lines in Russia, Poland without the death camps and killing ghettos etc & etc. I liked it but no doubt it wouldn't have made a very competitive mod for head to head play.

BrotherRambo, The Nazis were careful to make everything they did legislatively correct, including the deportation of those groups and individuals who didn't fit in with their pathetic view of how things should be. Their legislation stopped short of the concentration camps, there was no legal pretense that murder was anything other than murder. There plan was to simply keep it covered up and, after winning the war, to say all the Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, Freemasons and the rest had been sent to extreme Eastern Europe for work assignments where they could no longer be reached. At least not without a crystal ball. So in that sense I think what you said is exactly right. I'm sure when you say concentration camps you're using it as a catch all for all the genocides done by the Nazis.

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OK, you're right JJ, I'll try to refrain from use of "that" word. I learned, that's why all I engage in is water sports now, the water doesn't push back so hard and always seems to have a little "give", just got to keep an eye out for that "hard" equipment on wipe-outs.

Now don't anyone send over any "Hot Babes" to JJ's locale, that would tend to lead to a degree of frustration what with that Viagra laced water we've been slipping him.;) Here's hoping you lose that body cast soon!:D

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Ah, SeaMonkey, Viagra laced water, I thought there was something going on under the plaster! :D

Water sports would be great, and as you know we've got plenty of it down here. The trouble is whenever I look at it, even a puddle after it rains, I start hearing the theme from Jaws! :eek:

Out of traction now and the doctor says the cast will be removed by New Year's Eve, just in time for the big annual football game. Feeling intense agony under the plaster; I'm told that is a good indication of healing. :cool:

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DD Agreed. In the case of Lenny Bruce we could listen past the profanity because the material itself was funny. And, of course, everyone understood he was battling unfair and uncalled for legal restrictions on Freedom of Speech. Similar issue earlier with Henry Miller for writing similar things during the 20s and 30s. It was okay by the 50s, enabling Salinger to say much of what he wanted to say in Catcher in the Rye without having to pretend people (most people) don't use profanity. By the time I read Miller's Tropic of Cancer in 9th grade, 1963, I couldn't understand what the fuss had been about.

Yep JJ there's been plenty of great comedians over our lifetimes... Morth Sahl, Andy Kaufman, George Carlin, and Robin Williams & Steve Martin -- at times, and not to omit! Richard Pryor.

Laughter IS the best medicine.

Been proven, even, via (soft) scientific research. Many times over. And even better than that academic kinda proofing (spoofing? somethimes you gotta wonder!), it's really just... common sense.

You have consistently made me laugh over these many years, and so have many others right here on this very forum.

Thanks for that.

Having FUN is what it's all about. Whether playing the games, or just kibitzing around. :)

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Thank you, DD, and likewise. This site, when it's going really well, has a lot of synergy among its posting members. I don't think any of us set out to be funny, or profound, or anything in particular, but when everything is going just right one thing leads to another.

I agree about laughter, it really is the best medicine.

I'm sure we've both seen people who just didn't have it in their lives, and neither of us would want to be among them. And, sure enough, talk about terrible health problems, in so many cases those poor mirthless souls, those miserable laughterless wretches, those cranky cantankerous nasty pieces of -- :eek: , er, sorry, what were we discussing? :cool:

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Uh, we were talking about................snow!

Yeah, that's it, SNOW! Lots of it!

Don't look now but (seriously) we here in the Mid-Atlantic states are about to get our you-know-what's kicked with a near blizzard in about 24-36 hours. :eek:

Batten down the hatches, boys. Here it comes! Us snow lovers are lickin' their chops. :D:D:D

Oops! A bit off topic. Sorry, couldn't help myself.

What do you want from a Snowman..er...storm.


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Ah, Snowstorm, this weather situation has been rough on all of us. We've had plumetting temperatures out here too. Why, just the other night it dropped all the way down to, hmmm, :rolleyes:, well, anyway, I watch the national weather and it takes me back to 1969 and standing on that flightline at a SAC base in exteme NE Maine.

Anyway, you've got my sympathy. Down here we'll pay for it in July and August when they turn on that Big Broiler In The Sky located right over my house!

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Looking(surfcams) at some perfect form chest high waves coming in today, only problem is that close shore Gulf water is 54 degrees F.:eek:

Even with a wetsuit that's a little brisk for the family jewels. We don't want those large bulbous diamonds turning into small valueless azure stones.:o

I'm staying onshore and playing SC, ....pray for Global Warming.:D

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Oh, and here they are now, BrotherX! They're good kids, really, a bit misunderstood, much like our very own Kuniworth. I've asked them to find me a nice Manahattan penthouse with a good view of Central Park, something sixty or seventy flights up so I won't get wet in case some Canary Island drops into the Atlantic. And the winters I'll spend here; perhaps a bit farther inland for the same reason.


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