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@ Snowstorm: I agree on your bearish picture. I bought a lot of cyclical stuff from Dec 08 to March 09, and that developed quite well (sometimes +150%).. and I will throw it out completely during the next weeks. I think we will not see major gains in the next year.. but I want to be invested... in less risky stuff. There are some nice blue chips which are still way under Fair Value... but I`m not gonna buy into cyclical stuff.

@ DD: when you lived a few years in the "Pfalz", I can understand you got strange impression of Germany.. I think the people down there are quite strange.. but (as you already have mentioned): Germany isn`t just Bavaria or the Pfalz... and America isn`t just Texas :-)

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Uh-Oh, you're gonna get Sea Monkey's dander up with that comment, Hyazinth. So what's wrong with Texas? :D

Otherwise, looks like you did your homework. There IS some good value stuff still out there, but the rest of the stuff.....look out in 2010 (probably sometime this winter the bottom will be falling out again). :eek:

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Jersey John,

I started this thread for the purpose you stated, but it's the only thread I intended to be off topic a bit. As you indicated, it is meant to bring people like yourself back into the fray and get the rest of us familar to yourself. Puts a little more "meat on the bones" so to speak for someone to identify you with. Interesting though, as far as the life of this particular thread, it might be a good idea for Hubert and Co. just to keep this one particular thread alive and permanent so that others down the road can continue to introduce themselves (or re-introduce) so to give everyone a chance to say something about themselves before they dive into all the SC stuff with everyone else.

Just a thought, Hubert. :D


Well Snowstorm, and perhaps alack-alas, but this is NOT the ONLY thread that I myself intend to be "off-topic" in. Hasn't worked out thatta way since ought-two, and likely won't in '09 or '10 neither.

Here I para-phrase Nietzsche (... one of the few genuine geniuses we've ever had in the Western tradition):

"Without Follies and Criminals, you've got a society that is really righteously fricked up."

And, adding-in a similar kind of off-the-wall cat - Sig Freud, we get:

"All this anal-retentiveness is going to cause some MASSIVE flight to the outhouses, let me tell ya."

Oh, paraphasing is fun! Like strobing the zeitgeist on the inside of yer mind... an Oliver Stone flick without the eye-kicking flicker, sure, a Plato parable without the shadow of reality dancing on the cave-walls, and etc.

Well, that's the bottom line for me anyhow - HAVING FUN! :):):)

What else, all things considered, IS there?

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And there it is, I once more violated what I was griping about before. Okay, so it went a teensy-bit off topic. :D

JJ is... a savant.

He is a boardwalk raconteur.

He is a chess-player who could look Bobby Fischer dead smack in the eye and not flinch.

He has been here a while, and has an ungodly # of great posts and PICS and stories.

He is also the kind of Cat you need to be able to... read between the lines. As with almost every good writer, there you will discover oh, 60-80% of his meaning.

As above quote will substantiate, he can hold TWO (2) opposing thoughts in his mind at the same time.

Fitzgerald told us that was the sign of creative wisdom.

I concur.

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Thank you, DD, appreciated. :)

And to that I can only say:

DesertDave is a sage for the ages.

Walking the sands discoursing with Marcus Aurelius, who pauses every now and then to jot part of the conversation down for his Reflections.

Showing Heroditus the sights whle the observant Greek stops to describe the cacti for his next travel book, telling his host how his land reminds him of another place, far away, where the locals erected huge stone triantular shaped tombs for their leader's afterlife.

Voltaire, walking briskly, learning about baseball and the Cleveland Indians of old while tanning himself on this break from life in enlightenment France.

Byron and the Shellys' with DD matching them prose for prose, Shelly finally asking why such a worldly person would choose to live on a desert. Lord Byron's eyes rolling theatrically, "But of course, my dear Shelly, can't you see this frees our friend Dave from those distractions of society that so hinder our kind?" And the young Mary looking about. "I think next time I write of my Modern Promethius I'll set him in this wilderness instead of sending him to the arctic."

James Dean suddenly to the right. "Did you say 'wilderness', lady?" Shaking his head as the old Brits vanish. "Hey Dave, I got a few minutes between takes, let's go for a spin in that desert jalopy of yours."

DD's eyebrows going up, a single incredulous word on his lips: "Jalopy?!!"

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Rambo....you we're a "johnny come lately"......what with your "I can beat anyone with the Axis" statement.:rolleyes:

remember?????......you joined the SC camp...let's get it straight!:mad:;)

The reason SC-1 was so fun. Well, the game was fun & simple. It didn't take alot of rule reading. The best part was the French Campaign. Either Hubert did a really good job, or he got lucky, because the PLAYABILITY of France was a blast.

SC-1 was exciting, because it was about "making kills" every turn. That last attack on a unit would "make or break" the LC-Gambit. Experienced units were awesome too, death units.

SC-2 lacked "fun". It had more strategy, but not tactical strategy. The French Campaign doesn't matter. Take Paris in March or September, who cares? The Russian strategy is a big pile of units slamming into each other.....weather was too strong, you couldn't anything sneaky. Improvements though, Africa, Naval, Atlantic, Paratroops, Timer, etc.

Both had their plus/minus.

I think SC-1 was fun because it was "new" to everybody. The computer gaming market was rather wide-open a year or two after Y2K. Everybody had new computers, and were looking for games. SC-1 was a really good job of online 3R.

Also, there were alot of competitive people. The typical player is just a novelty player. They buy the game, play the A.I.......then after 5 or 6 games, they are done with the game. That's probably 80% of the consumers. The other 20% are the more hardcore dudes. People sneaking in PBEM at work, maybe a little TCP/IP appointment play, etc.

Stay Thirsty My Friends,


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Rambo :

I think your most recent post -> is a VERY important one.

In fact, I think you should start a new thread on this very topic.

It would be good to hear what everyone thinks about how the series has progressed from beginning to just lately.

Could be it would give Hubert a fresh sense of how the games are improving, or not, and in what ways. Perhaps alter a few things he's currently working on WRT Global? I don't know, but still, it would be helpful, IMO.


JJ! Thanks for the encomium!

Only trouble being... it was so impressively written that NOW I cannot EVER post again without sounding as though I have -> lost it! Whatever it was I used to have back when!

Whereas, I myself provided YOU with plenty of wriggle room, IE ->


Ist SC Cat:

Man, that Jersey, what a great post yesterday!

2nd SC Cat:

Well, that's no surprise, BUT... what was all that about Ludwig the Mad King of Bavaria marrying MOZART's 3rd cousin and the offspring got orphaned somehow and ended up a Hessian? Who went to America and fought the Red-Coats at the Kennedy Compound in Hyannis? Can that be right? Sounds a little off-the-trodden-path to me in certain respects, especially that Kennedy part.

1st SC Cat:

I think he's right on, but... no bother, you know what they say about JJ, you gotta read between the lines two-thirds of the time, so... let's mull it over, think about it, and like a fine wine, give it some more time.

2nd SC Cat:

Yeah. that'll work. But that Desert Dave, for crying out loud! WHATEVER has happened to him? He just doesn't write good stuff as he used to do, know what I mean?

3rd SC Cat:

Yep, I agree with you 2 guys, DD has LOST IT, what a shame. The child is gone, the dream is gone, he's old & doddering & seems, oh I don't know - cantankerous, and pretty much out of it now. In a way, it's REALLY too bad, well whatever. Least we got JJ to rely on!

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Look it's simple.

We need sc 3 but that game needs to make progress from the previous games in the series. Look at the gaming world games are jsut getting better and better.

I think SC2 global will be the best game in the sc2 series, however it will still be mile away from what we rally need to see from fury software: sc3.

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Look it's simple.

We need sc 3 but that game needs to make progress from the previous games in the series. Look at the gaming world games are jsut getting better and better.

I think SC2 global will be the best game in the sc2 series, however it will still be mile away from what we rally need to see from fury software: sc3.

As with Rambo, I agree with you Kuni.

[... tho, knowing Hubert as we do, likely he's got SC3 and 4 and 5 percolating in the back of his mind, ALREADY? :)]

One or both of you - start another thread?

Or not, hey! I ain't no officer issuing conflicting orders, nope, just some slog-it-along private 2nd class kinda guy, clinging to last-gasp hopes.

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Yep, it is starting to sound like those classic times. And here's hoping your H2O temperatures start rising from that dismal 58 degrees you mentioned elsewhere. :cool:

Desert Dave, Sir Jersey, SeaMonkey:

Gentlemen, when i read all your recent posts i just felt as if i've opened an old and long lost little treasure chest full of gems and incence.

Thank you, gentlemen!


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I want to remind you that this is a discussion board about sc global. Me and many others(who keep emailing me depressed over the situation) think that this off-topic chat simply is not ok.

I'm not sure why some people always seem to disobey the wisdom of Madmatt the moderator.

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DD, And wiggle I am, appreciate all that room to do it in. :D

I don't feel bad about putting that bar so high for you because DesertDave always rises to the occasion, as you proved in your reply -- and, as always, appreciate your kind comments. :)

BrotherX For my part, many thanks. This site always had a synergy and I think it's coming back after wandering off for a while. :cool:

KapitainKuni Well, it's good that there's someone here to keep the others honest. You've always been our policeman :eek: and the keeper, or at least the reminder, of the law for the moderators. Jeez, I've got tears in my eyes now just thinking about you reading all those emails from concerned forum members, squinting, slurping down pot after pot of black coffee, toothpicks holding your eyes open but you can't stop because you are their only voice. May heaven's blessings be upon you, you selfless, indeed sainted, Swede. :rolleyes:

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Kuni, Kuni.

Perhaps you missed my earlier message on this thread. Here, let me cut and paste it in here again so you can see what's going on. ;)

"This thread may be a bit off topic, but I respectfully disagree with you.

Take a look at the title of this thread, and the response it has gotten. It has even apparently brought in a few who have been away for some time, and I'm sure many have enjoyed it. Heck, it even got one of the Beta Testers to add a bit of their own story to it. I wouldn't discourage it for a moment (Jersey John, no need to find the door, you're welcome).

Take a look at the amount of traffic it has generated. Sure some are repeat viewers and repliers, but it is generating alot of interest in the forum. I can't imagine Hubert and Co. wanting to stop all the attention its generating to the site, even if it means letting some relate their own personal experiences on occasion. After all, you can always start another thread if you want to talk about something else, but this thread is not really all that far off topic. The game's main theme is WWII, and much of what is talked about here is either it's history and/or experiences of that time, or its relation to the game. "

This thread has been going full blast for quite a while now. If the moderator(s) really thought it was a problem, don't you think it would have been ended by now? They check on it regularly. If I'm wrong, I'm willing to take the heat for it. If there are others who feel the same way, let them speak up about it.

Otherwise, I am not losing any sleep over it, and neither should you. :D

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Desert Dave, Xwormwood, Kuniworth, Sea Monkey, and all other veteran forum users,

I know all of you have been here for some time, but for the benefit of all us newcomers unfamilar with yourselves, how about using this thread to re-introduce yourselves to the rest of us here? :cool:

I'm sure all of us newbies would appreciate your experiences and background, as well as some game advice and where you think this new game should go.

Starting with myself, I'm a former meteorologist, certified electrician, economist and currently work in inventory control for a large pharmaceutical distribution corporation (gee, did I leave anything out? :rolleyes:), as well as a rabid WW II enthusiast and wargamer.

Everyone should feel welcome to sound off. :D

60, retired for past four years, living in Atlantic Canada. It's fair to say I'm an old-time war gamer, having started in the 70's with AH titles. I transitioned to computer games during the era of the Atari800 and its ilk. Fell in love with Grigsby's games, and still drag out SSI Pacific War and Carriers at War every once in a while.

I have beta tested for a few different developers, notably CCR (High Command), SSI (some of the patches), AH (PC3R), Matrix (MWIF), and Slitherine (Napoleon at War). Also have worked for the past two years with some other fellows on a mod for CEAW, which Slitherine recently adopted as their official (free of charge) expansion.

My experience with SC goes back to the very first one, which was an attention-getter and quite the game for its time. The various iterations since have all been very good, and especially make for good PBEM's.

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Kuni, Kuni.

I can't imagine Hubert and Co. wanting to stop all the attention its generating to the site, even if it means letting some relate their own personal experiences on occasion.

Hey Snowman.

I see your point and will tell all those who wrote me e-mails and try to convince them that this was just simply a misunderstanding. People thought you were a spammer and your wall street background didnt help, but I see your intention is good so I won't report you to the moderators. I'm not sure if anyone reported you and this thread to the Moderators for a banning(due to off topic postings) but I hope not. I can't see any intention of satan here.

If the moderator(s) really thought it was a problem, don't you think it would have been ended by now?

Look the rules are here for our own good, you see? By the way did you know MadMatt made the original sounds for sc1? Who's laughing now at the rules huh?

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Happy Cat,

Sounds like you've been at computer games as long as me (I started with Wizardry back in the early-mid 80s with an Apple II Plus, what a dinosaur that was). Basicly I'm into strategy games of many types, but WWII games always have had me fascinated the most. Started with SC II, but never had SC I. What was SC I like? I don't think I have a clear picture as to the difference between I and II.

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Happy Cat,

Sounds like you've been at computer games as long as me (I started with Wizardry back in the early-mid 80s with an Apple II Plus, what a dinosaur that was). Basicly I'm into strategy games of many types, but WWII games always have had me fascinated the most. Started with SC II, but never had SC I. What was SC I like? I don't think I have a clear picture as to the difference between I and II.

SC1 had hexes and not as powerful editor. Basically less units and lots of flaws but it was world class in head to head games. Beautiful game, one of my all time favorites.

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Ahhh SC1:), the demo is still available...I think? Anyway it was a basic boardgame adaptation, no diplomacy, basic units, fewer upgrades, very few triggers a "rock, paper, scissors" approach...done very well.

The eyecandy was minimal, the decisions very cut and dry and it became a game with a predetermined repetious sequence of unfolding action, because the variations were more restricted.

If you wanted to win, the path was apparent and the Axis had the edge and a bidding system developed for the "Fall Weiss" scenario. Ooooh but there was that editor...ehhhhh JJ. Simple, yet elegant enough to interject that variation into user made campaigns and so the game kept going and we railed for scripts.......and more.;)

Boy ...did we ever get it! Get it Snow?:cool:

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Hi, Folks. Been gone from the forum for a while, since SC1 (I was so pleased with my Dutch gambit back then, and buying a French tank in defense against Rambo, back then. I still got crushed, but that's the fun of it), but this seems an open ended topic of discussion, so I went through the effort of getting all logged in.

Anyways, I've bought all the SC's thus far, and like them all (much to my wife's chagrin)

I'm as curious as anyone as to when SC Global is going to out. Using history as a guide (and a good memory, which I don't have), how long after SC2 was announced, complete with a forum, was it until it was released? Same question goes for Weapons and Warfare, Patton Drive East, and Pacific Strike.

Extrapolate from that, and I think we'd have a fairly accurate date for prediction for SC Global. Hubert has been fairly consistant over time.

I'd do this, but I don't have that information (or memory)

Anyways, it's good to be back. I'll try to stay on topic, though sometimes I like to discuss penquins.

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Brian the Dane...you by any chance identical with Brian the Wise that was involved in the christmas riot?

Remember this?

“It's the game, Rambo. Winning or losing, who cares? I sleep well at night, always. I have had to sacrifice for the cause of my integrity. And Integrity, to me, is all that matters. Why do you lie? Why so intense on proving yourself here? Why is this so important that you will decieve and lie and accuse and well, I don't know the words, but the thought is masturbate yourself to excellence in this house?”

BrianTheWise goes insane

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