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CM crashing on Win 7 64bit

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CrazyTankDriver - do you know if you have an ATI/AMD Radeon video card ? If so, do you know which Catalyst driver version you have installed ? If you don't have Catalyst 9.10 or 9.11, then you'll run into a certain OpenGL bug in the ATI drivers that causes random crashes in CMSF.

Here's the latest Windows 7 64-bit Catalyst 9.11 driver. I suggest downloading this file first, then uninstalling your current video driver, rebooting, cancelling any attempts by Windows to automatically install a driver for your video and then running this installer. Hopefully this should correct any crashing problems you're seeing.

If you DO NOT have an ATI/AMD Radeon video card with a slightly older Catalyst driver, then we'll need to know more about your computer's specs and possibly have you download some benchmarks, etc. to "stress" your computer to determine if there is something sub-standard.

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CrazyTankDriver - That's strange. The Catalyst drivers from 9.4 to 9.9 were definitely responsible for random crashing of CMSF. The release notes for Catalyst 9.10 even state that the OpenGL bug was fixed. Are you certain that the 9.11 drivers worked with your laptop ? Often some of the newer laptops will accept the ATI/AMD reference drivers, but on occasion some of them don't. You can check your Catalyst Control Center - Information section to see which Catalyst version you're running.

The only other thing I can think of that may be happening is overheating of your GPU/CPU and causing your computer to crash. What exactly is happening when CMSF crashes - blue screens, hard lock ups, etc ?

You may want to download, install and run Furmark 1.6.5 (which should hopefully run with Windows 7 64-bit) and see how your computer responds to it. This test should stress your laptop's Radeon chip pretty well and may show any potential weakness with heat dissipation, etc.

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I have to recheck my driver version somehow there was trouble installing v.9.11 don't know yet what caused it but it didn't installed correctly :-/ atm i'm running the drivers from 7th october again. Any Idea how i can prevent Windows from installing the standard drivers by itself?

I think i can exclude a overheating issue as my laptop runs absolutely normal and there are no graphical errors and such... it just stops running and if i alt-tab it says CM:Shock Force has stopped working.

Hope to get that one fixed asap!

Best Regards

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  • 3 weeks later...


Can one of you walk me thru this process please. I am not a total ludite but i am getting mighty frustrated trying to install a catalyst driver in order to facilitate a fix for Win7. I have the same issue as Crazytankdriver. I have downloaded the latest package from ATI...lookes like 9.12 but it does not seem to want to update or load anything but the ATI control panel. Win7 proactive bugger that it is, is telling me its already up to date...quite frankly, i cant even see the driver in the ATI folder. Any help you guys could provide would be greatly appreciated. System specs are as follows if anyone is interested.


INTEL CORE DUO P8700 2.53 Mhz,

Windows 7 HOME PREMIUM Version 6.1.7600 Build 7600

ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4650 (Microsoft Corporation WDDM 1.1)

Adapter RAM 1.00 GB (1,073,741,824 bytes)

Installed Drivers atidxx32,atidxx64.dll,atiumdag,atiumdva,atiumd64.dll,atiumd6a.cap,atitmm64.dll

Driver Version:

location etc: Driver c:\windows\system32\drivers\atikmdag.sys (, 4.79 MB (5,020,672 bytes), 7/13/2009 11:59 PM)

It looks like a 32bit driver on a 64 bit system...not sure im tracking on this, my system appears to be 64bit system with a whole lot of 32 bit software looks almost like parallel environments...all way beyond my pay grade im afraid. Let me know what ya think. Im having the same crashing issues...at approximately the 10 minute mark..it freezes and stops working. No error message provided.



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If you have a laptop, then you may run into issues where the standard ATI drivers may NOT work. Some laptops have drivers/hardware that is customized to the point that it cannot use the 'reference' drivers provided by ATI. This should become less and less frequent, but you do still see this situation on occasion.

If the drivers from ATI/AMD do not work, you may want to download the lastest (at least 9.10 Catalyst in this case) and the Mobility Modder. You will need to follow the instructions provided by the Mobility Modder (the page in the link), which typically involves partially installing the Catalyst drivers (which will fail) and then using the Mobility Modder to modify the .INF files so that your laptop will be recognized. Then running the install again with the modified files.

There is a possibility that the Mobility Modder may not be enough to allow you to use the newer Catalyst drivers. In that case you are left to whatever the laptop manufacturer provides on their website. Unfortunately most laptop manufacturers do NOT update their drivers frequently and you're often left with the initial version of the drivers that they provide. Some are a bit better at this and may provide updates.

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Ok well, thanks Schrullenhaft, that that then...looks like ill have to revive an old box/laptop for BF stuff then...not the best solution but infinitely better then dorking around trying to fix what i cant really understand! Very tedious these card issues...well and Windows issues in general....thanks again.



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Hello all,

For everyones situational awareness....the latest drivers associated with the ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4650 graphics card, released in mid-August 09, DO NOT work with CMSF and the modules. The game will likely crash and freeze up anywhere from 10 minutes to 25 minutes (the longest i managed) into any given scenario. My system specs were listed above should anyone need to compare notes. Thanks for all the advice here just the same.



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A mid-August release ATI/AMD Catalyst driver was most likely Catalyst 9.8, which has the OpenGL bug that causes CMSF to crash. This problem wasn't fixed by ATI/AMD until Catalyst 9.10. Catalyst drivers from 9.4 to 9.9 have this problem.

If you're stuck using the video drivers that a laptop manufacturer provides, then the best solution is to lobby your laptop manufacturer's customer support for a newer driver. The often costs the laptop manufacturer some money since they may contract only for one or more updates to their laptop's drivers from ATI/AMD before having to pay more money. Admittedly complaints from a lot of users about VERY popular games will probably get the most attention (since it could hurt their bottom line if enough potential buyers figure out that the laptop won't work with a certain game, etc.).

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