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Campaigns and Scenarios

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Perhaps you may be unable to mention too many details about this, but will the new Global Conflict game include campaigns/scenarios from all 3 Blitzkreig games/expansions, or will it contain primarily just the basic campaigns from the original Blitzkrieg? I realize some changes are already being made to incorporate more "what-ifs" into the new game.:confused:

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It would be cool to have all these scenario's with the new changes, but I doubt they are going to do that. If they did, all the previous games would stop selling and they'd miss out on a lot of money.

Perhaps if you can only play these old scenario's with the new changes if you have the previous games installed?

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Good point Wushuki! Alright, then how about SC Global tackles the kind of campaigns it really excels at, the large theater type ones. Things like Barbarossa and of course Overlord. How about something like "Torch" with all the southern theater around the Med.?

Maybe a Southwest Pacific scenario from northern Australia to the Philippines. How about something with the Chinese and Russians pitted against the Japanese? And since we are getting to "what ifs" how about a "Plan Z" emphasizing naval warfare in the Atlantic and Western European theater.

Of course Fall Weiss and Gelb. Another idea would be a Japanese insurgency into India, Burma...... and the Germans coming from Iraq, Iran to meet them, Operation Orient and the Indian Ocean?:)

I mean .... after all this is a World War 2 game.

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Wushuki and Sea Monkey, you both make good points.

I doubt every campaign can be included (scenarios tended to be very regional in scope, which wouldn't play into Global Conflict's primary strengths), but the campaigns that benefit the most by being "global" should be. Obviously Fall Weiss, Overlord, Storm of Steel, and a few others were originally designed with the European theater in mind, but it shouldn't be too difficult to arrange the setup for the Pacific side to closely match up historically with the time frame of these bigger campaigns.

What say you, Hubert and team? ;)

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I have to disagree, xwormwood (although I wouldn't mind the free upgrades for those that have already bought the expansion games. I have both WaW and Patton Drives East. :D). I think creating the "globalized version" of most of the biggest existing campaigns would not be all that difficult or time consuming for the development team to create for Global Conflict, but perhaps Hubert and/or team might chime in here for clarification and input? ;)

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Good idea Kuni! I believe alot of people might look into doing those campaigns if there was some incentive, perhaps even collaboration from Fury.

The scripts and the artwork can be time consuming, not to mention playtesting, its a tough go if you have other interests and demands upon your time, more a labor of love and the feedback is not a big factor of fulfillment.

I think SC as it is now requires a campaign team to get the ones with global characteristics done well.

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Exactly my meaning C66, except new campaigns with the theater maps, not global formats.

We just want those diplomatic, build limits, scripts and convoys that abstract the other areas, but the combat occurs in the region of emphasis. Imagine with the new map definitions and terrain we'll get a little more detail and maneuvering room but still the game mechanics of the grand strategic scale.

In essence these will all be new campaigns based on the best examples of the old.

Wouldn't it be great if we could get some linkage? Think about it! You start off with say, Fall Weiss and Western Europe and if your successful you can pick another campaign to enter with resources defined by your level of success or failure for the next map and campaign.

Panzer General, except on the GS scale with a lot more features.:cool:

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Yep, I have to agree with you Sea Monkey. The first Panzer General had as its great strength the ability to fight the entire European theater from the beginning to the end in the same campaign (although you had to follow a particular historical path). I never liked how the sequels had the battles so much at a smaller, regional scale, and I think that lead to its demise in popularity. East Front and West Front from Talonsoft were great games, but you couldn't link the two together, what a shame. :(

I would imagine you're right about the Global Conflict game having new global campaigns, but based more or less on the old campaigns in the European and Pacific theaters combined.

By the way, not to be a pain, but is anyone from Hubert's team checking any of this out this weekend? Maybe they all needed a breather. :D

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By the way, not to be a pain, but is anyone from Hubert's team checking any of this out this weekend?

Sure, we just can't spill the beans, that's all.

It would be cool to have all these scenario's with the new changes, but I doubt they are going to do that. If they did, all the previous games would stop selling and they'd miss out on a lot of money.

Would you believe a lot of effort is going into the new Global Conflict campaigns and new scripting and new play balance issues, and not so much effort going into retrofitting the old stuff?? ;)

I'd say give me and other scenario creators the possibility to work to include their campaigns, and in return get the new game for free.

For those itching for ETO action, I've been busy upgrading my Advanced Third Reich mod to the new Global Conflict version and should have that ready when this is released. There are lots of script template changes and CTV changes that require a bit of work to upgrade an old scenario from PDE; it's not trivial. Someone could probably upgrade Storm of Steel at some point post-release. It's not unimpossible. :)

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Bill is your ATR going to be an "official" campaign release with SC Global?

I hope so, this is an excellent scenario and the AI gives a pretty decent account of itself in the French invasion.

You've been tweaking this baby for what....like about three years now?

For all you SCers, this is a great solitaire scenario and not having played it since the WaW version(I didn't get PDE) I'm looking forward to a revisit.

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Would you believe a lot of effort is going into the new Global Conflict campaigns and new scripting and new play balance issues, and not so much effort going into retrofitting the old stuff?? ;)

Absolutely, of course.

However, adding a storm of steel scenario would be little more then a copy and paste trick with a few days of testing and some minor tweaking. Considering the popularity of the scenario it would be hard to argue that the cost here would be higher then the increased longevity of the new game.

So if losing the sales to the previous games really wouldn't be a factor, adding a storm of steel scenario would be an excellent idea.

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However, adding a storm of steel scenario would be little more then a copy and paste trick with a few days of testing and some minor tweaking.

Eh, it's a little bit more complicated than copy & paste. Even with a head start I'd probably need a few weeks to do it to my satisfaction. I don't the time, but it's doable of course.

Bill is your ATR going to be an "official" campaign release with SC Global?

You've been tweaking this baby for what....like about three years now?

No it still won't be official due to concerns. I've been messing with this since SC2 was released. WAW made it OK and PDE made it better, but the Global Conflict version is running sweet. If I had a nickle an hour I've been working on this hobby project I'd be rich. ;)

I'll post something in a few weeks highlighting all the upgrades and enhancements I've made since PDE. :cool:

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Thanks Bill, I can relate to that "nickel", playtesting and adjusting scripts is very involved and I for one appreciate your efforts. As soon as SCG is out send me your campaign if in need of some playtesting. I'm going to try and get more SC time in, even if its against the AI, I didn't really get to play the Pac version as much as I would have liked.

Finally got around to DLing 1.03 the other day after Rambo resigned and Bill101, I like the changes you made to get the outer islands into the game. Just started a mirror Z against the AI this weekend, had a little time....finally.

You know Hubert you could really liven up this forum with a little disclosure of those campaigns that will be released with Global, just ignore all our suggestions,;) plenty of time for adustments later. They would be fun to discuss, create some excitement till release.:)

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Well, you all have made me pleased as can be that I started this thread. :D

Anyway, thanks Hubert and Bill for all the input you've given today as well as to the others who have made this discussion a very interesting one.

By the way Bill (or PNZDR Beta Tester), this scenario of yours connected to WaW and PDE sounds fascinating. Can I download it somewhere? Forgive me if I'm unaware.

Hubert, I'm not a tech guy, but my background is economics, and before that I was a meteorologist (I know, strange combo), as well as a WW2 history fanatic. It may be late, but if you need any help concerning the weather in the game, just ask. :D

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Snowstorm, my mod is in the Battlefront SC2-PDE repository

http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=select&id=16 There's a pdf manual included in the download, so even if you don't have SC2-PDE or don't want to get involved with this old version of my mod you can still read about what I did to adapt the Avalon Hill board game to SC2. Enjoy!

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