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Visible Damage?


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Yes they can. Bulldog, Warrior, Bradley and TUSK Abrams, and the various Russian types all lose side (and turret) ERA blocks as they're hit. Forward (bow) blocks not so much - possibly because those forward blocks may not be ERA? I think it shows up in all graphics levels, though I rare visit 'fastest' setting.

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Thanks for the info fellas...

I play on "Balanced" for both graphics settings and I just had a big fight (My Red squishies vs. Red tanks) and I hit them with a few RPG's but no blocks were blown off. Bad luck a guess. As my ass was handed to me I will keep trying.

BTW. Once your RPG's run out there is almost no way to kill those tanks! Not like WWII where a good assault can kill a tank.

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Yes they can. Bulldog, Warrior, Bradley and TUSK Abrams, and the various Russian types all lose side (and turret) ERA blocks as they're hit. Forward (bow) blocks not so much - possibly because those forward blocks may not be ERA? I think it shows up in all graphics levels, though I rare visit 'fastest' setting.

Actually I've noticed that seemingly all ERA blocks can be blown off now. I think this may have been introduced with 1.21, as I don't ever recall seeing bow ERA and K5 turret ERA (on T-90 and T-72 2001 and above) get blown off before, and I certainly looked.

I usually play on balanced/balanced as well, and I can see the ERA effects. One thing you should see when ERA is activated is a much larger explosion on the surface of the tank than you would expect from the incident ordinance alone. For example, get an M2 to open up with it's 25mm on a T-72 with light ERA, and you'll see lots of the little 25mm impacts, punctuated by very large occasional explosions that resemble a Javelin impact more than the Brad's cannon.

One possible reason that you're not seeing the effect is that you may be firing older gen AT warheads at tanks with heavy Kontakt 5 ERA (T-72M1V and above, T-90). The heavy ERA won't get set off by lighter ordinance, as it's designed to defeat KE penetrators and tandem warheads.

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I just had a big fight (My Red squishies vs. Red tanks) and I hit them with a few RPG's but no blocks were blown off. Bad luck a guess.

I was fighting T-55's with lots of those blocks on them but none went off with a total of about 6 RPG hits. Just didnt happen. One of those things I guess.

The problem I have when my forces in a given scenario include IFVs or MBTs with ERA is that Red's RPGs and SPG rounds and such more often than not hit a spot where there isn't any ERA!

When an ERA-fitted Bradley of mine gets knocked out by a single RPG hit, I think to myself: "Blast... why couldn't it have hit just a few inches lower... or higher?" Oh well.

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