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Stryker modification picture


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I noticed in a recent industry news article (http://www.defensetech.org/archives/005080.html) that Strykers now have what looks like a field expedient anti-IED device mounted on the front of the hull.

I would guess that this is designed to prematurely explode magnetically triggered IEDs, but I don't know.

Any ideas? Battlefront this might be something to add to the next update.


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I've seen picts of those on humvees. They aren't field expedient, thought I don't have a clue where they're made (Bahrain? Wisconsin?). I believe they're 'targets' designed to trigger the infrared light tripwire use by platter charge mines ahead of the vehicle. There's been rumors circulating about those things, how technologically sophisticated they may or may not be. They may work wonders, or they may just be a styrofoam block. Nobody's telling.

The discussion itself was pretty interesting. Why are Strykers painted green? Even stranger, the Marine LAV25 A2 went from initially being painted all over desert tan to solid green too. Why would they change to green?

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If I may throw my two cents in this topic, it ia what they call The Rhino, which protrudes like a giant horn, is an electrical device mounted on the front of the vehicle and is designed to detonate roadside bombs along a route before the convoy reaches them.

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Roaming th internet on the topic:

... like Rhino's, a great British idea of basically sticking glow plug's(like what a diesel engine has)in a box and sticking them on a pole. It breaks the motion/heat sensing beam and hopefully sets off the IED before you go past. Bad thing is, Insurgents now put several EFP (Explosively Formed Projectile) tilting several different angles so it could still hit you even if your behind it or in front of it... also, Insurgents are putting delays on IED's, so if you're relying on the rhino (or the radio commented at top) your "set it off" but with delay, it hits you.

And another quote:

Over 19,000 Rhinos have been delivered to theater.

The manufacturer might go by the name "IED Defeat" - I believe a Raytheon task force.

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