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Who Goes with Fergus, Then, to the Peng Challenge Thread?


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Jealous? If YOU??? Oh, Joe...

Joe, Joe, Joe, Joe, dear, sweet, misguided, apparently in need of much higher doses on your medication Joe.

The only thing I envy you for is your rich and convoluted fantasy world. Compared to you, Lewis Carrol had the unbounded imagination of a New England farmer.

The lad doth protest too much, methinks.

As George Burns said of Gracie Allen ... "Everyone knows who the star of Burns and Allen was."

And everyone knows who the guiding light and star of the Peng Challenge Thread Podcast was ... and it weren't YOU!


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The lad doth protest too much, methinks.

As George Burns said of Gracie Allen ... "Everyone knows who the star of Burns and Allen was."

And everyone knows who the guiding light and star of the Peng Challenge Thread Podcast was ... and it weren't YOU!


See how you are, Joe? See how you are? Is it any wonder that people eschew your presence? Why they snicker behind your back and Mars Bars to your face?

To think that one so great... wait, that's not right... that one so marginally adequate could sink as low as you.

It truly saddens me.

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See how you are, Joe? See how you are? Is it any wonder that people eschew your presence? Why they snicker behind your back and Mars Bars to your face?

To think that one so great... wait, that's not right... that one so marginally adequate could sink as low as you.

It truly saddens me.

Excellent ... if you're sad then I'm happier.

And if you were truly as perceptive as you claim to be you'd have continued the theme by saying that people cashew my presence ... which they don't.


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Boo, just admit it, Joe has a better voice than you. I know it is as painful as pulling apart the shell of a pistachio for you, but I'm sure you can handle it, you pecan.
Nyah, nyah, nya, nyah, nyah ... And I'm more mature than you too Boo Radley ... so there.


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He would have hid out until the shooting stopped and then led the victory parade for whomever won. You haven't snapped to that yet?


I can see it - sequined tights and twirling his star spangled baton.

By the way Michael, don't you know who won? Here's a hint - it wasn't the Confederates.

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I can see it - sequined tights and twirling his star spangled baton.

By the way Michael, don't you know who won? Here's a hint - it wasn't the Confederates.

You'll have to forgive Michael (Or not... whatever. Don't really much care as he's an annoying, odiferous git), he doesn't keep score with stuff like that. He was too busy supplying guns to both sides.

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By the way Michael, don't you know who won? Here's a hint - it wasn't the Confederates.

And here's a hint for you, newby twerp: Of course I know who won the war. That wasn't the point I was making. I was focusing on something else, namely indicating the pusillanimous mind set of yon Justicar, i.e., that he would on all occasions attempt to take credit for a victory towards which he had not contributed in the least. Unless you consider that by not joining the Union ranks, he helped stave off defeat for those forces. Otherwise, the South might have surely won.


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Tanks to the right of him!

Tanks to the left of him!

Tanks in front of him!

Oh, whatever will poor old Stikkypixie do?

Er... die-a-lot?

Can he reverse a short bit, deke to the left, go right, head around the back of the tanks and shoot at them as he goes by?

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That's why I felt qualified to comment on the situation.

You don't pick up on things too quickly, do you?

He's OGSF ... you can't expect much beyond a rudimentary understanding of the English language ... and a virtually complete inability to speak or write it.

Why he doesn't even play Rise of Flight ... the loser.


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Wha's mah feckin' boldin'?????????
Oh for the luv of Gawd ...
He's OGSF ... you can't expect much beyond a rudimentary understanding of the English language ... and a virtually complete inability to speak or write it.

Why he doesn't even play Rise of Flight ... the loser.

You're still a loser ... and you don't play Rise of Flight.


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