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Should i buy this game ?

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Hi Guys

I own Tow and CMSF and am interested in buying CMAK, i have a few questions though.

1. I run XP with SP2 on an AMD6000+ CPU with 2GB Ram and a NVIDIA GeForec 9800 GT graphics card - i see there have been issues with CMAK and newer graphics cards, so do you think i will have a problem running the game?

2. How many different campaigns and or missions come with the stock game ?

3. Is the gameplay similar to CMSF ?

4. What level of micro management is there eg can your pixeltruppen pick up weapons and ammo from fallen comrades, can vehicles be repaired in game.

5. Do you carry units and individual troops over from one battle to another and can they be awarded medals and promotions (like in ToW).

6. Are there Italian campaigns / missions.

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Hi Guys

I own Tow and CMSF and am interested in buying CMAK, i have a few questions though.

2. How many different campaigns and or missions come with the stock game ?

The CMx1 games (such as CMAK) don't have campaigns. They do have operations, which are several subsequent battles played between the same forces (plus reinforcements) over the same map, as the front line moves back and fore depending on how well you are doing. Can't remember how many missions come with the game itself, something like 30-40 IIRC. There were hundreds more created at the scenario depot, but I don't know how many of those have been transferred to the depository now.

3. Is the gameplay similar to CMSF ?

Broadly yes, although less resolved. It is the same 'level' of simulation in that it is meant to deal with the same level of engagement as CMSF, smallest units are squads and individual vehicles, largest organisations are battalion level. Squads are represented by 1-3 men, and take up a single point effectively (and consqeuently infantry behaviour doesn't have the same flexibility as CMSF). The entire squad is in forest, and after moving 1m, the entire squad is then in the open (I gather there were some programming fudge factors to allow more realistic behaviour though). There are some more commands available (seek hull down, shoot and scoot, hunt (which behaves differently from CMSF hunt - the new hunt is the same as the CMAK move to contact). There are the much-loved movable waypoints (you can move already plotted waypoints around, but then, you need to be able to because of the command delay system). There is CMSF functionality missing.

4. What level of micro management is there eg can your pixeltruppen pick up weapons and ammo from fallen comrades, can vehicles be repaired in game.

No vehicle repair - that is out of game scope as it is for CMSF. In operations damaged vehicles can be repaired and returned to action in later battles though. Vehicle damage is more coarse - vehicles are basically fine, gun damaged (unable to fire main weapon), immobilised or destroyed. Acquiring weapons off fallen troops is modelled to an extent, although IIRC it is mostly invisible, and is out of your control. A squad whose LMG guy is hit may magically (and instantly) transfer the MLG to another guy who has picked it up. Or not.

5. Do you carry units and individual troops over from one battle to another and can they be awarded medals and promotions (like in ToW).

No medals or promotions. Operations carry individual units over to the next battle (on the same map), and are meant to simulate an ongoing battle over a period of hours or a day or so with pauses for resupply, reorganistion etc.

6. Are there Italian campaigns / missions.

Yup. There are plenty of scenarios set in Italy, and the full 1943-45 Italian TO&E is included (barring the usual tiny exceptions). CMx1 games, as a rule, were much less 'one side' focussed than CMSF. Base CMSF is (IMHO) written from a US army viewpoint, while not preventing you playing Syria. CMAK includes the US, UK, Canadian, German, Italian (and others I think) forces and the scenarios and operations cover a whole range of styles without sticking to one 'viewpoint'. Possibly it is just the lack of a campaign (and the presence of blue-oriented campaigns in CMSF) that makes this difference.

Basically, think a less detailed CMSF, with some changed features to accomodate the difference between 'squads' vs 1:1 representation, and operations instead of campaigns. And with a greater variety of vehicles and other units.

I loved CMBB (and CMAK) at the time, but have found it painful to go back and play them having become used to the detail in CMSF. But I know others who have tried both and still prefer CMx1 games for various reasons.

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I have downloaded the demo and had a look, hmmm....

I see there is a bundle on sale at BFC for i think $40 - thats quite a bit for 2 quite old games, even if they seem very good.

My favourite WW2 game of all times is Blitzkrieg with all of the add-ons (also released 2003) and i would pay $40 if my copy were to damaged or lost. So the pricing is not really the issue because if a product is of good quality then its worth it.

Can you play as Italian forces against the Commonwealth forces in the western desert ?

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I think one factor to bear in mind is that is you buy the bundled pack, that means you can play games from the Spanish Civil War to the 1967 Arab-Israeli War, Eastern, Western, Desert, Pacific, theatres in WW2, use virtually any tank and have about 8,000 scenarios to choose from.

CMSF covers about 2 months and has about 200 scenarios.

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If you go to www.the-scenario-depot.com and look under "Sorted Scenario Packs" you will find a series of packs containing every season of the Eastern Front from the Winter War to the Fall of Berlin for CMBB and every Theatre for CMAK, Desert, Greece, Italy, Normandy. That totals about 6,000 just in those packs - I should know I index them! Add in CMBO and the new ones and you get about 8,000.

Look at Green As Jades CMMODS site, 4,000 mods. Virtually everything you see on any of the games now has a Hi-Res improved version.

It may be an old game but there is an active community, a lot of material and it is a classic that has few equals.

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Yeah man, no joke, there's tons of scenarios out there, along with plenty mods too. Although I don't play CMAK as much, CMBB is still my East Front fix.

Also don't forget The Proving Grounds, it's considered a beta stage site for scenarios. But I've seen well balanced well polished scenarios sit there for far too long before getting moved to the depot. So don't hesitate to try em out! ;)

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Try the Demo and give it a few days to a week to get used to the different controls etc.

Its not RT though if thats what your after but it is certainly more balanced than CMSF and in addition to all those scenarios there is a good Quick Battle system too.

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What makes a WW2 game great for me:

1. Solid tactical gameplay

2. Historical accuracy

3. Variety of units/nations

At this time i am happy with points 1-3 being present in CMAK, and i will be buying it in due course and report back on my progress !

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Add RobO's Quick Campaign Generator as a must get item:

"Lead your men across the Russian steppes or through the Finnish forests. Up or down the Baltic coast or towards Moscow or Berlin (CMBB). North Africa / Italy (CMAK) The choice is yours.

Take a platoon, a company, a mixed force, a battalion or even a single tank. Watch your men fight, learn, gain medals, become casualties, get replaced and - if you're doing well - get rewarded with better equipment.

Your core force can be German, Soviet or Finnish. You can decide what your force will be, but not what the enemy will be. ROQC is designed to adjust to provide the proper level of difficulty for you, so that the games against the AI will be challenging and varied. Some will be easy, some will be very difficult.

The battles you get are generated on the basis of the strategic historical setting at the time and region of the battle. Your job is however to fulfil an operational order that simulates the local situation at regimental level. This usually involves winning in Combat Mission terms, but not always. Different operational orders emphasize different goals. For example, Exploit requires you to exit a mechanized force off the enemy side of the map and Hold requires you to hang on to the victory flags, no matter what.

To be a bit more specific:

In ROQC you take a core force through a series of quick battles against the AI, interspaced with some bookkeeping. Your core force participates in all battles, and is supported by (or supports, if you prefer) varying troops from your side.

This is basically what you will do

1. Pick a nationality, time and place

2. Select (if this is the first battle) or update your core force.

3. Set up and play a quick battle following these rules.

4. Record and process data from the battle

5. Advance the time of the battle and go to 2. Repeat until finished.

That?s all, really. You will be using both the editor and the QB generator, but it?s all explained in detail. Don?t worry; you can accomplish this even if you have never opened the editor before".

Get it here:





Battlefront forum link:


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