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Annoying Anti Tank Team behavior

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Has this ever happened to you? A US ARMY AT team consisting of a Javalin and AT4 spots a T72 at 300 meters. You target the T72 and before the Javalin fires, the assistant gunner fires an AT4 and reveals the position. The team is blown to bits before the Javalin can fire. This stinks! Can it be fixed?


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I can't say that it has. By that I mean I simply don't recall seeing it. So I made a little tester to see if the AT-4 would be used at 300 meters prior to the Javelin. So far the answer is no. The T72 is in plain site but the Javelin team is in good cover (3xTree). A javelin team in open terrain may feel the threat and short distance requires the faster AT-4 fire than the slower aiming fire of the Javelin. So my Question to BFC would be:

When a Stryker Infantry sqd acquires Javelin and is split into an AT team does ACTUAL TOE proscribe they carry an AT-4 as defensive weapon?

If so then my question to my fellow gamers would be the same as yours: Does this happen often or just under stressful conditions like being spotted at short range.

If you (or anybody) have a save file it would be very helpful in understanding the issue with more certainty.

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Do a quick battle, village, Syrian Attack, night vs Stryker Infantry. Break your squads up into an AT team. Place AT team on a building. And watch in horror as AT4 hero fires at Syrian tanks 2-300 meters out, while Javalin guy tries to get a lock. The greatest effect is when the 125mm round kills the AT team and 3 Javalins and two men are lost.


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Do a quick battle, village, Syrian Attack, night vs Stryker Infantry. Break your squads up into an AT team. Place AT team on a building. And watch in horror as AT4 hero fires at Syrian tanks 2-300 meters out, while Javalin guy tries to get a lock. The greatest effect is when the 125mm round kills the AT team and 3 Javalins and two men are lost.


Are you giving targeting orders to the AT team, or are you simply letting them attack as they see fit? I'm betting that could account for the difference between yours and Mark's observations.

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The greatest effect is when the 125mm round kills the AT team and 3 Javalins and two men are lost.

A two-man AT team can carry three Javelin missiles? My every attempt to get a Javelin team (or an AT team detached from a regular infantry squad) to carry more than two Javelin missiles has been unsuccessful.

When I notice that a Javelin-equipped soldier/Marine is getting a lock on a vehicle that I don't want to use a Javelin to take out (such as a "mere" BMP-2), I order the entire team/squad to Hide, and the team/squad hides, but guy with the Javelin keeps on aiming until he either gets a lock-on and fires or the targeted vehicle becomes a "?", whichever comes first.

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A two-man AT team can carry three Javelin missiles? My every attempt to get a Javelin team (or an AT team detached from a regular infantry squad) to carry more than two Javelin missiles has been unsuccessful.

Yeah, 3x Javelins, plus a CLU, plus an AT4 seems like a bit much for a two-man team. I wonder if he's playing with the latest patch.

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Playing version 1.11. If you take a Styker Infantry Squad and acquire the 3 Javalins, 2x AT4s and then split to an AT team, the AT team get the 3 missles, LCU and 1-AT4. I does not seem to matter if the T72 or whatever is in the targeted arc or ordered to fire, if in range the AT4 will usually fire first, while the Javalin gunner acquires a target.


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Pete: Thanks for the save file! I really appreciate you taking time to post and follow up with a save file. It's how things get fixed.

Here's what I Found...

The setup has a very short target arc used for each Javelin Team. Since the scen is played RT I let it play out until Red forces were in very close proximity BUT not in the AT fire zone. The Blue Infantry were going after the BMP and dismounted red inf while the AT teams were emailing pics home. So I assumed that any RT player would not be waiting to come within such close ambush range (it can't be more than 75-100 meter target arc)


This 2nd pic shows the AT team with out the Target Arc set. As you will see the Javelin Teams went right to work using their Javelins. The security Team member has rifle at the ready....not an AT-4


My conclusion is: No game bug. Javelin teams work as expected. This seems more a game play style issue. I think you had intended to spring an ambush using the best long range AT weapon in the US (or anybody else's) arsenal. By keeping the ambush range so very short you are forcing the use of the AT-4. Now you might wish for better weapon selection control or something...BFC has addressed this more then once ;) ..

but I just don't see it being a bug.

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Sorry but that is how I usually set up with very limited arcs until targets are in sight. Once in sight I expand the arcs to include the cluster of BMPs at 300 meters or so. Ounce set you will see the AT4's let loose at extreme ranges.


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Here's what I suggest you do:

set up a scen using wego (replay) Play the scen to where what you describe occurs. save the file and send just that. I'd be more then happy to look at it.

PS: I try always to test with this in mind: It's NEVER about who's right but What's right

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