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Steelbeasts Upgrade Released


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I wish the niche wargame companies would actually charge more for their games like eSim. I would rather spend $125 on a company committed to bringing the best than $40 on a company that delivers a good game and then goes on chase the broader audience and fail.

Yeah, I'd hate it when any wargame company would decide to chase the broader audience and fail. There are few enough wargame companies like Battlefront left, so losing any of them would be a shame. Luckily we're coming off our second-best year in history, so no fears there for you Battlefront fans.

And I guess eSim found their way also, with a higher price for what must be an even narrower niche (a niche in a niche I guess). I have no doubts that they find their customers who are willing to spend that amount of money on a game. I just voiced my opinion that I'm not one of them - as a gamer. As a fellow developer - I am happy that it seems to work for them (and well)! Maybe one day they'll do another commercial release... :rolleyes:

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Can I make a joke that ShiftZ marketing is worse than BFCs? :D

This is a wargaming forum with mostly no previous exposure to Steel Beats, at least the target audience for the post. Giving us a copy'n'paste of new features when the audience has no reference to the old state of affairs is going to be doing as few good as bombarding people with uncommented screenshots that have no relevance to gameplay.

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I wish the niche wargame companies would actually charge more for their games like eSim. I would rather spend $125 on a company committed to bringing the best than $40 on a company that delivers a good game and then goes on chase the broader audience and fail.

Please clarify: is this another post in the endless row of "I do not like CM:SF so I want BFC to go bankrupt!" posts, or am I becoming paranoid?!

Best regards,


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Can I make a joke that ShiftZ marketing is worse than BFCs? :D

This is a wargaming forum with mostly no previous exposure to Steel Beats, at least the target audience for the post. Giving us a copy'n'paste of new features when the audience has no reference to the old state of affairs is going to be doing as few good as bombarding people with uncommented screenshots that have no relevance to gameplay.

"Cinderala story, came outa nowhere....130yds to the hole"

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I wish the niche wargame companies would actually charge more for their games like eSim. I would rather spend $125 on a company committed to bringing the best than $40 on a company that delivers a good game and then goes on chase the broader audience and fail.

I'm having trouble trying to think of any niche wargame companies that delivers a good game then chases the broader audience and fails. SSI and Talonsoft failed spectacularly but they did so for different reasons and they definitely weren't "niche". With your history, it's easy to assume your veiled post as another shot across the bows, though I'm positive you will claim otherwise. :)

ShiftZ: Gotta love Caddyshack!

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thewood, I have issued a WARNING to you. This isn't the same as an infraction (i.e. you get no infraction points) but it's a reminder of the forum policies here, and a (soft) warning that your behaviour is beginning to tip on the wrong side of the fence.

You are obviously bringing loaded views from other forums with you, posting them in unrelated threads, are avoiding to engage in a meaningful discussion about them, and are making sure to keep the "fire" hot. This qualifies for the Agent Provocateur or Axe Grinder Infractions, and the warning serves as a suggestion to stop this behaviour.

I don't care what you're posting elsewhere but when posting in our forums please leave your baggage behind, or you will eventually be removed from here.

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Moon you'll have to explain to me how I did anything different than the previous poster. It was obvious he read something I wrote on another forum and was obviously trying to provoke me.

Also, how was this unrelated in discussing Steel Beasts. You mentioned how expensive it was, and I just stated I thought it was about time wargame companies charge more to stay in business.

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Ok here goes. When I first posted in the "water cooler" section of the Battlefront forum I was trying to give a little heads up about my favorite sims' evolution because I know there are a few members here that own some version of Pro PE. I was admonished about what was considered a commercial link in my sig and Redwolf gave me a quick pointer.

It would have been better style to give us some content here. Just a paragraph about what ssnake put in, that kind of thing.

Then people can google the sucker if you got them interested.

So, after consideration I addressed the idea and just gave a little brief on what was new. I then posted some screens of a new model for the 2A4 and another screen of 2A6's (Leoparde2E) in a limited environment - visibility was reduced to 500 meters with a foggy sky texture, all of which can be set up in the mission editor - Maybe I should have just said Leopardo2E in the screens heading but I'm passionate about the sim.

So Moon gets pissed at me and Redwolf comes back with this response after Moon's.

Can I make a joke that ShiftZ marketing is worse than BFCs? :D

This is a wargaming forum with mostly no previous exposure to Steel Beats, at least the target audience for the post. Giving us a copy'n'paste of new features when the audience has no reference to the old state of affairs is going to be doing as few good as bombarding people with uncommented screenshots that have no relevance to gameplay.

Gents I'm not bashing Battlefronts stuff or making any claims about whats better or whatever. I personally can't wait for BF to go back to WW2 because I will most definitely be purchasing "Normandy" I won't however go into great detail about Pro PE here because it's a waste of type and there is another whole forum dedicated especially for eSims' products. eSim could always do a number of things better for us the consumer but it's target audience is the military customer so anything we get is trickle down. I'm pretty sure that when steel beasts 2 is released it will make game players of this genera happy. Salute guys.

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Nice to see you read the game squad forums, though you'll probably claim otherwise.

In case this was directed at me: Yes, I do, and for some mysterious reason I can log in there and I am unable to post at the same time. I wrote a message to the board administrator (never got an answer) and a PM to Geordie, who said he cannot do anything about it.

Oh, and by the way: Thanks for answering my question!

Best regards,


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It was obvious he read something I wrote on another forum and was obviously trying to provoke me.

Okay, trying not to get involved in the dick waving contests going on, but this one is just too funny to pass up.

You perceive someone is trying to provoking you, and as a counter you decide to... be provoked? Brilliant thinking.

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