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Thank you BFC for the new DEMO v.11


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Thanks, Sixx. :)

@ Steiner: I had a case of male-pattern hardware limitations. Plus real-life issues. I'm back on solid footing in both areas so I've found some time for wargames once again. Joy!

Though I gotta say, the first time you play as the Syrians in "Going to Town" and you've got four (SPOILER ALERT) versus the USMC . . . talk about a let-down. I reckon I've got some learning to do regarding usage of (SPOILER ALERT) Those USMC squads are nasty!


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Wow, This game is finially where I always thought it would be, I have not bought the game to this point but the new demo has proven to be so much better that the previous I am now wanting the game. I am also excited to see the WWII version come out now if it is going to be at this level.

Some things that have improved since I last tested it without knowing all the fixes that have been put into it.

I notice improved sound effects, much more relistic. Game graphics are flowing better, speed and smoothness. The AI seems much improved, the enemy now appears to know how to fight instead of being such fools as before. American equipment is going up in flames more often.

So without knowing all the issues and what has been done to improve them, I judge on only the fact that the previous Demo seemed unrelistic and sounded like a game. Now I feel the enemy is real, they are dangerous and waiting for their chance. The game presents it in graphics and sound that makes me feel I am now in battle not just watching the game as it did before.

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Yes Thank you! Way improved over the last demo. The game finally feels like it has the old combat mission spirit. I would encourage all who have not tried it to give it a try. Definitely worth getting now I feel, and I don’t say that about many war games. This is the version they should have released from the start IMO. Many of the things added are things from CMx1 that we fans missed.

The biggest improvements that I noticed are the old preset camera positions allowing to always see the unit selected and much more intelligent unit behaviors and movements. The old style replay controls are welcomed back. The new action spots make placing infantry easier. These things have made the game control much easier that have made feel like a combat mission game. The mods now available make it more appealing for those who do not like desert colors such as myself. Thanks to those who have made the green landscape mods. Just wish I could get the grid mod to work with the demo. All others seem to work with it.

I still wish they would add these good things from CMx1 in future patches such as the old cover arc graphic. Turn off the high beams! The graphic for the cover arc is currently way too over powering. Bring back the orange lines with the180 controls via the shift and ctrl keys. Perhaps someone could mod this?

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This is the version they should have released from the start IMO.

That means we would'a finally got build v1.0 last December! Personally. I much prefer the schedule we had.

...with the180 controls via the shift and ctrl keys. Perhaps someone could mod this?

The keyboard commands are editable in the game via a simple text doc. I'm not sure how editable since I've been prefectly happy with the game default, but editable. Besides, you've really really got to give up keyboard movement for mouse control. It so vastly superior I've been unable to return to CMx1 after.

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I love the new system over CMx1. Not as much into the RT at the moment (even though its actually better to play RT) simply so I dont miss anything if I dont want to. I am a die hard for the artillery since the second it was added in the beta phase, and I played a Qb the other day as the Syrians that had the greatest pre-planned artillery strike with 120 and 82mm mortars that I have seen so far. Just simply devastated the USMC's defensive positions. I felt like a 5 star General as opposed to a lowly MSG.

As for keyboard, I use default myself.

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That means we would'a finally got build v1.0 last December! Personally. I much prefer the schedule we had.

The keyboard commands are editable in the game via a simple text doc. I'm not sure how editable since I've been prefectly happy with the game default, but editable. Besides, you've really really got to give up keyboard movement for mouse control. It so vastly superior I've been unable to return to CMx1 after.

What I meant was 180 degree controls for cover arc via how CMx1 used the ctrl or shift keys in conjunction with arc command, not 180 differerent controls. I did notice that one can set it at a even 360 degree radius. Why 360 degree and no 180 degree, since 180 seems more practical for setting a direction for a turret to face.

I think in general the command and control is good, especially with all the options they have given including the pop up command window via the space window. For myself I think I am getting it down fast for RTS play using 9 programable mouse buttons for my camera controls and for cycling through the units(next or previous). For the commands I use a Nostromo speedpad with each command given a single key. This has made it possible to control like other RTS games In my muscle memory. I feel the developers have given so many variatons available that every one should be satisfied once they discover which way works best for them.

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