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America stomps on the rights of lil' Adolf Hitler


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Because no one is willing to take collective responsibility any more ("its a socialist concept") it is an each-man-for-himself world that we have created. And the species advantage granted by altruism is trumped by the propaganda that no one is to be trusted and no one is to be helped, because, after all, they won't help you.

Consequently we have the new darwinian rule: In a dog eat dog world, the dog with the biggest litters, wins.

And the lie that is told best of all is that it has always been this way. History retold, revised, pandering to the incomplete psyches of the malicious and bored: i.e. those that would eat dogs instead of walking them

Heh, I had no idea the third reichists were believers in reincarnation. This bloke, for some unknowable reason, hopes for the second coming? Face it, the human race has no need to look to its past to find monsters within - we're perfectly capable of throwing up the best yet. Again.

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So, Tero, you're writing this from your laptop in Darfur where you are busy feeding orphaned waifs as you type? What a guy!

Charity starts at home. Hence I am busy keeping my own litter fed and generally trying to keep them out of the more negative statistics. The devastation here is too real to worry about places like Darfur.

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Because no one is willing to take collective responsibility any more ("its a socialist concept") it is an each-man-for-himself world that we have created. And the species advantage granted by altruism is trumped by the propaganda that no one is to be trusted and no one is to be helped, because, after all, they won't help you.

Consequently we have the new darwinian rule: In a dog eat dog world, the dog with the biggest litters, wins.

The movie Idiolution is quite perceptive. ;)

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Charity starts at home. Hence I am busy keeping my own litter fed and generally trying to keep them out of the more negative statistics. The devastation here is too real to worry about places like Darfur.

OK, sounds like you've your hands full for now. We'll expect you to be the first to volunteer for the next post-genocide wrapup and country-building exercise, however. :)

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Too much stupid people on this planet, seriouslly, why oh god why can every moron have childrens?

That is statistically inevitable, sadly. So is this kind of wacko. I wonder what kind of amusement we'd see if the kid started wearing a Charlie Chaplin moustache.....

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Hmm, strange. I'm not sure how you could completely misinterpret my post to conclude that, rather than hating children, I actually somehow want them.

A man's biggest and worst mistake is to EVER think he can read a woman's mind. At best, he is lucky to see her finger tighten on the trigger before she takes him out of his misery.

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Hmm, strange. I'm not sure how you could completely misinterpret my post to conclude that, rather than hating children, I actually somehow want them.

None of us can escape the biological facts pertaining the preservation and continuation of our respective DNA strings. :)

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A man's biggest and worst mistake is to EVER think he can read a woman's mind. At best, he is lucky to see her finger tighten on the trigger before she takes him out of his misery.

Very true. For each sentence there is an infinite number of subcontexts. No man can follow a womans train of thought. And that is the beauty of it. Misunderstanding what a woman says is a craft of its own to be used selectively and with care. :)

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By dieseltaylor

There are quite a large number of nuns still who would tend to give the lie to your observation

Have you thought why the catholics have been so vehemently anti-contraception ?

Becoming a nun or a monk means you devote your life to the service. That means having a family and offspring is detrimental to the service as it diverts attention (and resources) from the service to the family. Giving up the possibility of having a family is a prerequisite for joining.

Whilst not all may be childless I expect the big majority are.

And lets not forget the catholic church monks and nuns were not always THAT chaste and abstinent as they would have us believe.

This also leaves out Buddhist monks and other religions

And all told they add up to what, 1% of the entire human population ?

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Becoming a nun or a monk means you devote your life to the service. That means having a family and offspring is detrimental to the service as it diverts attention (and resources) from the service to the family. Giving up the possibility of having a family is a prerequisite for joining.

You can join a religous order after having a family.

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I think its your use of the word "None". However if by none you mean 99% or some other percentage of your choosing ........

: )

OK, OK. I thought the "preservation" was a dual reference primal instinct self preservation part but apparently was not obviously excluding deliberately suicidal and/or Darwin Award materiel.

I was not thinking about religion induced (artificial) denial of the sex drive and the need to pass on your genes since that is not irreversible (or even absolute within the service). And lets not forget that dropping out of the nun/monk order is not unheard of.


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Actually your message suddenly reminded me off an experiment reported a decade or so ago that when rat population density increased more homosexual behaviour was observed. Is there a self-limiting mechanism at work ?


Obviously not all will be childless but it is an interesting conjecture how many of these will pass on their genes.

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I didn't click that link but somehow the idea of rat homosexuality is disturbing.

Penguines do it too, you know. :)

And when you think about it logically: sex is a basic need and to relieve tension creatures resort to all kinds of methods. In animals alpha males hog all the action with the females ad unless the beta males figure out a way to get a piece of the action there is not much they can do but to enjoy themselves among themselves.

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