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CMSF Mac version?


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  • 1 month later...
Our expectation is that Normandy will have a Mac version for sure, but chances are that sooner rather than later so will CM:SF.


=) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) . . . .

Thank you for the effort on this Steve . . . BTW does sooner = 2009 while later = 2010?

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  • 2 weeks later...


Here are my test results with a 3yo macbook pro 2.0 core duo, 2GB RAM

(1) Dual-boot "boot-camp" XP runs CMSF "ok" / "fine" / "enjoyable play" - my problem is that for reasons I won't go into here I can no longer have bootcamp on my mac =( =(

(2) Have tested with Parallels 2.2 (old) and no luck at all getting CMSF to run

(3) Have tested with the "new" Parallels 4.0 w/ XP and can ALMOST get CMSF to work . . . but not quite - Video issues. I believe - BUT DON'T KNOW FOR SURE - if I had more RAM, and could increase the settings under the emulator, then P4.0 could run CMSF? My problem is my Macbook pro is rev 1 and can't take more RAM =( =(

So, if you have an intel OS X box with 4GB RAM or so I'd download the FREE P4.0 trial version and test out CMSF after you have setup the virtual-machine with maximum RAM and Video RAM.

Me . . . I'm stuck in this foxhole without CMSF . . . dreaming of future victories that smell like Native OS X CMX2 in the morning.

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Here are my test results with a 1 yo macbook pro 2.5 core duo, 4GB RAM, 512MB video ram.

Tried the VM Fusion 2.0+ free trial. Got the need to update Open GL drivers message. CMSF did not start.

Is there any way to update Open GL drivers to meet the VM Fusion 2.0 requirements :confused:

I will try Parallels 4.0 free trial and report.

Yes dual boot "Booty Camp" is a double kick in the booty.

The smell of Native OS X CMX2 in the morning will be a more pleasurable double espresso.

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Go Cog!

Thanks for the feedback.

I'm really curious if with that extra RAM you can tweak the P4.0 settings high enough to get a better result . . .Hmmmm?

God . . . if that worked my credit card would likely leap out of my wallet and run all the way to the Apple store and buy a new MB pro.

All you moaning about how crappy the AAV's are consider those who CAN'T EVEN RUN CMSF . . . I'd happily play an AAV vs T-90 scenario for the next month if I could just get CMSF to run on my puter.

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HWG, Welcome. P4.0 will get tested. As you and other Apple folks know (and BFC after Apple's corkscrewing them in CMx1) native OS function, while not a deal breaker is a deal maker for the curious. How many $$$ that makes for BFC is questionable at best. Won't stop Apple folks from asking for our native share of the CMX2-3 pie.

IMO Apple's Booty Camp as a sure way to sell more Apple CPUs. I know of several folks who switched because they found OS X easier to live with. They do not play games though.

If the emulators could evolve enough to do the CM deal then fine.

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  • 1 month later...

Not really.

For what its worth my current MacBook Pro (and my earlier one too) runs CM:SF quite well under Win XP Pro and Boot Camp.

Still working on getting a "pure" OS X version from the inside though, but not much update on Steve's comments of what 25 days ago (and 25 days is a heartbeat is developing a module let alone a complete porting for a different OS - no matter how closely coded it might be).

You can draw some comfort from the fact that there are about 10 people on the Beta team who are either currently testing CMX2 on Macs (but running Windows via Boot Camp, CrossOver, Parallels, Fusion, etc.) and they all want to run it / do their testing without having to boot into Windows.

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Well IF:

1. You have a suitable machine

2. You have a copy of Windows (I can only say XP Pro works - can't comment about Vista).

3. You have a copy of CM:SF (you need this baseline to run the USMC module)

Then I'd say "yes" as while it has been said there will be a Mac version, I'm not sure when it will come out (I'm also unsure if it will cover CM:SF + USMC + UK + NATO or just pick up with Normandy. I'd prefer the former and happily the Mac CM:SF and Mac modules again as well as Normandy, rather than not get it as an option).

I think $25 is a small price to pay for some enjoyment now rather than waiting 6, 12, 18 mths ... and spending $25 to get a Mac version.

Its your $25 though. :)

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Yes; please do keep working on an OSX native version; sad to say that I'm not playing CMSF much anymore, because my time is limited, and when you only have 1/2 hr. or so to play, booting over into Windows and back cuts into that significantly.

Used to be, I was booting over into Windows a fair amount for other programs as well. Now, pretty much everything else I use is OSX native, so I see the Windows side of my HD only rarely.



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